
Tuesday 13 April 2021

Another Watercolour Challenge card


Good Morning Ladies,

Like most of you we woke up to heavy snow yesterday morning, poor Lucy's shoulders dropped when she looked outside as she had her first day back at work today, the Wildlife park was finally able to open, she wasn't keen on driving in the snow but it hadn't really settled on the road thankfully. It didn't really effect how many people turned up at the park either, such a shame that they missed the whole of the Easter Holidays, but hopefully that will be the last time that they have to close.  Although I did see a piece on a news page yesterday talking about a few Covid Hotspots that may have to lockdown again, maybe if they stop all of these stupid demonstrations the country might be able to recover, why can't people see that?!! 
Rant over!

Today's card is another simple watercolour background card, I am loving playing with my watercolour paints, I had almost been too nervous to use them but then gave myself a talking to, it is after all just paper and paint!!  This piece was made by using the same colour blue paint, it maybe hard to see but it does have an 'ombre' effect, I started with white paint and then added a little touch of blue, then added more and more , I found that the secret for me was to spritz with water, just a light spritz but it does help the colours to blend more.  I set my watercoloured piece to dry on the Aga while I prepared dinner, it was dry in no time so I popped it in my platform and stamped the birds on a branch stamp from an old SU set called Serene Silhouettes, because I was stamping onto textured watercolour card I did have to go in with a black fine liner to fill in a couple of spots that wouldn't stamp. I cut down my piece and added it to a black mat, I then placed it onto a white card base that I had matted and layered with a narrow black border and added some black twine to, I stamped the 'Thank you' under my focal piece and I felt that I needed something on top of the twine so I used the tiniest tag from Tim Holtz Tag Collection and just popped three hearts on from a Julie Hickey stamp, I popped a bit of black twine through and added a foam pad to the back and placed it over the crossover part of the twine on the card. that was it, very basic but I like how it turned out and you can never have enough 'Thank you' cards in your stash, particularly ones that work for both Men and ladies.

Tomorrow I must try to move away from my Watercolour paints!!   

Lilian I hope that your back is a little easier my lovely, back pain is so miserable as it affects your whole body, I have suffered for so many years and sadly it just gets worse for me, I hope that yours is easing, try and take it easy for a couple of days XXX

Lynda I hope that you are ok after your day at the hospital, I guess you are getting ready to go back again for round 2, keep your chin up my friend, fingers crossed this is the road to getting you back to doing all the things you love XXX

Margaret, I hope you are doing OK my lovely, we really miss having you around, I want to know that you are in my thoughts every day, sending love and hugs your way XXX

Sending love and hugs to the rest of my dear friends too,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I absolutely love today’s card, it’s fantastic. I love the colours & the CAS style to it.

    Yesterday was busy at work & started off badly-half the hospital had no computers. The day hit slight better but I got out late then needed to go to the Post Office then collect an outstanding item on our ScrewFix order. Didn’t feel like doing much once we’d eaten so i just read my book.

    Tonight I’m going straight to the hairdressers after work-can’t wait.


  2. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful card SANDRA. So clean looking and beautiful colour.

    Well it's a big day for me today. My Hairdresser is coming!!!
    This will be the first time since before Dec.
    I cannot wait like most people to get back to having my hair in it's simple style and easy to do.


  3. Hi everyone
    Another lovely card today. I love using watercolours, you can get so many different effects.
    The snow didn’t last too long yesterday and had all cleared by lunchtime. We have sunshine and blue skies here this morning so it’s hard to believe what it was like yesterday.
    Enjoy having your hair cuts Michele and Janet 😊 I’m booked in with a new hairdresser on 17th May, so a bit longer to wait, but I’m not in a hurry. Having long hair anyway, I can just wear it up if having a bad hair day ☺️
    Have a good day everyone, sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card Sandra, love the blue tones.Love the style on the font, where is it from please ?
    Have some watercolour pads in the cupboard so will see if I can get them out sometime.
    Hope the girls were fine getting back to work.
    Michele and Janet, enjoy having your haircuts :)
    The cues here in MK for the shops and hairdressers were silly to see so I'm not in a hurry to get to town.My last haircut thou was in Jan-20 so it's rather long but losing so much every day.
    Had our nice long walk in the sunshine,still a nip in the air but good to get out for an hour or so.
    Have a good day everyone, many hugs to you all xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Another wonderful card. I’m loving these water colour CAS cards my lovely. That stamp is simply gorgeous too and the little tag and hearts are a lovely finishing touch. And thanks for the reminder about using a black fine liner to fill in any little gaps after stamping.
    I hope Lucy is enjoying being back at work. Are you going to have your hair cut quite short again or are you going to keep it longer for a while. Mine needs a good trim now but it’s going to be a couple of weeks I think before I can get an appointment. Chris had his done yesterday as he booked an appointment with the barbers four weeks ago so he looks nice and tidy now xx
    Lilian, I’m sorry that I keep forgetting to say that I am sorry to hear your back is still causing you so much pain. I hope it improves very soon xx
    Mum always sends her love to you all as I read the blog to her to keep her in touch with what you are all doing. I have some ironing that I must do so that’s me sorted. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  6. A beautiful CAS card Very effective
    I hope Lucy gets on OK at work
    I have a hair appointment on Friday Yay! She comes to the house and does both mine and OH I am looking forward to having it a lot shorter and get rid of the grey!
    I hope you’re OK after your vaccination LILIAN
    Do I craft or slob in front of the tele? Tele and crochet are definitely the most likely!
    Take care everyone x

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Love your CAS card today Sandra, I am itching to have a play with my water colours having seen the fantastic card you have created.

    JANET and MICHELE enjoy having a new hairstyle, we are having ours cut and mine coloured on Thursday, I have been colouring it myself also a snip here and there !!! SO definitely need some shape putting back in. Just longing to get back to some sort of normality, but watching the news yesterday I can’t see it happening if people are going to the shops like a herd of cattle, why have we all spent the best part of a year only going out when we absolutely have to and then followed the social distancing advice. It really beggars belief. Sorry soap box away.

    Hope Lucy had a good day at work. I should think everyone is feeling like a New member of staff, it must feel so strange after all this time.

    Take care everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx
