
Tuesday 2 March 2021

A Z Fold Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, special hugs on route for anyone feeling under the weather x

I seemed to have sat in th craft room all day yesterday but not really achieved anything, I was distracted by a few things that needed my full attention, Paul was also sat at his desk too so that was another distraction, one good thing when Paul is working at home my fluid intake is probably 10 times what it is normally as the kettle is always on, that's not a bad thing though.  

I bought myself a 'Fit Watch' thingy (not the expensive one) this one was about £25 on Amazon. it tracks your steps, your heart rate, your sleep, your calories burnt etc, I thought it might encourage me to move a bit more when I can.  Watch this space, I have certainly felt more energised this last few days, I have wanted to get up and do more, the frustrating thing with that is that I tend to overdo it a little and then spend 2 days unable to move, so I need to find a balance.  Like Saturday I had a Spring Cleaning session in the morning, helped Paul in the garden in the afternoon and in the evening Lucy asked me to have another trial at putting the perm rods in her hair to see if she liked how it fell before committing to adding the perm chemicals, the standing up part is painful for me, standing in one place is much more painful than moving around, the other place I felt it was in the tops of my arms, holding them out for so long faffing about rolling the hair onto the rods, please cross your fingers that it turns out ok on the day, I did suggest that if it was a success she might like to have a go at doing mine, it was me looking at a perm to give my hair some 'body' that started this whole thing off, she said she would be too nervous to do mine, my reply was, 'why I don't go anywhere, so nobody will see it anyway', she is a bit of an anxiety sufferer like her mother so I do understand, although she couldn't see how messing her hair up was affecting me!  Her hair is long enough to put up in a ponytail or messy bun if she doesn't like it, which is helpful to know.  I will keep you all updated. 

Today's card is a little 'Z' fold card that I created using the Pink Frog 15 x 30 cm card (which is A4 card cut from top to bottom)  I simply scored at 7.5 cm and 15 cm and burnished the folds, voila Z fold complete.  To decorate I used a little 'Die Cut' book that I got a couple of years ago from TheWorks

It has some lovely Vintage designs, each page is basically all of the elements for a card front, I took the elements for the page I used above and chopped it up to fit a Z fold card, I just added a similar shade of plain pink card and inked around it with 'Pumice Stone' Distress ink to make it a bit more vintage and tie it into the colours in the topper, because I was going to be short for the inside piece of the card I matted a piece of the pink card on the base, added my remaining piece from the topper and then added a little piece of lace to cover the join, I added my sentiment to the plain pink area, so it looked like the blank space was 'meant to be'!  For the front of the card I a made a frame from the same pink card to make a bit more of a feature of the photograph topper and make if a bit more of a 'focal point', I added adhesive to a little area in the top left corner and popped it in place, I added the little tickets, the hearts and butterflies to embellish, absolutely everything apart from the lace and the frame came on the sheet in the book.  They are such a fantastic idea, especially when you need a mojo boost, although I am not sure if they are still available. 

I kind of like how it turned out, I hope you do too, or it gives you a little inspiration at the very least.

I hope that you all have the very best day possible,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great card. One all lovers of vintage style design would appreciate. .

    I was aback to not feeling like crafting yesterday evening-I watched a couple of YouTube videos then phoned a friend while Hubby joined in a online lecture form the golf club. This week was a Golf Professional talking about his career . They’ve been organising something every Monday evening for the members to join in as they’re still not allowed out to play yet. Looks like they might be able to reopen on the 29th.


    1. Hi Michele,

      I don't understand the joined up thinking of not having the Golf Courses open for exercise. There is more than ample room for golfers to stay the allotted 6ft apart from each other and even more space between the 18 holes. It only needs the 19th hole to be closed until further notice. x

    2. I don’t understand that either Michele.

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA I love love love your card for today. It's definitely ticked my boxes.

    Again thank you to all for my cards.My day was extended into yesterday as the Postie delivered one or two more.
    Well back to normal today. The weather is veery grey but dry so fingers crossed it stays dry.I want to use my sewing machine today.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in.HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASED TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. I love your card I wish I could do vintage/shabby chic My efforts just look wrong - a total mess
    I need to make a birthday card for my dad today and really don’t know where to start Be used to play lots of sport - golf cricket football but cannot do any of that now I don’t know if he drinks etc
    I’ll have to have a think later
    Work is busy which is good I hate not having something to do high includes sitting watching tele I have to have crochet/knitting/sewing on the go too
    Take care all xx

  4. Morning ladies,

    How strange that on flicking through C&C yesterday (because I was in pain) I caught the Gemini programme featuring the Pop and Twist dies, and then through my Facebook feed a video came on featuring the Pop and Twist cards. So 3 of you in one day chose the same card instructions.

    Have lots of leaves to cut out today for the pinwheel flowers then they can be collected for the Pre-schoolers, so I will bid you farewell for now.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous card, love the colour combo and vintage feel to it.
    Hoping to make a start on some crafting today, got a couple of ideas in my head, but whether they materialise remains to be seen 😉
    Good luck with the hair perming. Look forward to seeing the final results 😊
    Luke and Hayley’s move went well yesterday, it’s a lovely flat. Couple of problems need fixing but the contractor in there today to sort it out.
    Have a lovely day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

    1. I’m glad the move went well for Luke & Hayley Sonia.

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    A great card today.
    It’s cold and sort of foggy today, but I’ve been for a walk.
    Brenda Littlelamb made me laugh today. A few days ok she fell over a stone bollard and broke her kneecap, so has had an operation. A Dr dame today and said I need to see someone to check the tablets you’ve been given as the name has been changed. I haven’t had those tablets she said. Yes you have said the Dr. You also need to go to the memory clinic and have a test. Why she asked. Well you fell on your head blacked out and had a CT scan. No I haven’t she said. Yes you did he said but you’ve forgotten. I’ve had an X-ray on my knee as I fell over a bollard but definitely didn’t go in a machine. Is you name Phylis he said, no it’s not. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so scary.
    I need to get a mans birthday card finished this week. I ought to make a few at a time really.
    Take care and stay safe from a very chilly Oxfordshire.

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I have just lost a long comment to cyber space, that hasn’t happened for a long time, anyway here goes - second attempt......

    Great vintage card you’ve created today Sandra, so pleased that you were able to put your pad from The Works to good use, the result is lovely.

    Good luck when you get around to perming Lucys hair, I’m sure it will be lovely, hope you are able to share the results with this.

    PAT, Thank you for sharing the conversation you had with Littlelamb it did bring a smile to my face. Brenda ( littlelamb) if you look in - I hope you are alright and not too uncomfortable, love the conversation you had with your doctor, it does make you wonder though- doesn’t it.

    SONIA Pleased Luke and Hayley’s move went well, sending them best wishes for a new adventure in their first home.

    Hope everyone is well and enjoying your day.
    Take care and stay safe, love Brenda XXX

  8. Hi ladies
    Pretty card Sandra, I like the oldie style.
    Good luck with perming, hope it goes ok and the hair doesn't goes a different colour :)
    Sorry to hear about Littlelambs fall Pat, hope she is doing alright.
    Brenda, how is your sister doing after coming home again ?
    Well it is another chilly day here in Bucks We had our walk, and this afternoon I'm going to catch up with my parents so another day goes. Not sure about any crafting today, might have to wait until tomorrow for more oomph and mojo :/
    Sending many hugs for you all and extras for Margaret, Lynda and Littlelamb if you are looking in.
    Take care all, Maria xx

  9. Hello all, very chilly here, no sitting in the garden today.

    Sandra a delight card today.

    I’ve spent the day sorting much as always, decided to clean all my acrylic blocks, so hopefully they will hold the stamps a bit better

    Hope you have a good day, Lilian
