
Wednesday 3 March 2021

A different fun fold


Good Morning Ladies, 

Yesterday seems a bit of  blur, the day just flew,  the morning always goes quickly when Paul is getting ready to go into work, we usually have a late breakfast/brunch together and I will then pack him some food, he used to take a hot meal because he worked until 9pm, now he does a couple hours in the morning at home and then finishes at 6.30,  si we still get a bit of an evening together.   Not sure if this will all change when things go back to 'normal'.

I have my Covid Injection this afternoon,  I will be glad to get it over and done with, we have to go to Cheltenham Hospital for it, not sure why but as I long as I get it that's fine. I hope Paul doesn't have to wait long for his. 

Today's card is something completely different for me, I was inspired by a couple of cards on Pinterest  for this one but made up my own measurements. 

I took a piece of 12 x 12 card from my Sara Davis Vintage Lace paper pad, i cut it down to 12 x 7 inch and scored along the long side at 4, 6 1/2, 10, 11 inches and folded a valley, mountain,  valley, mountain to give a kind of tri-fold shape.  I then used various decorative dies to decorate the panels and then die cut some butterflies from various designs within the pad. I layered some of the butterflies for a bit of dimension and added some pearls to their body.   Something a little bit different,  its nice to test our comfort zones sometimes,  I have quite enjoyed this challenge. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                            xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I love your card, it’s a great style & the colours are lovely.
    Good luck with your vaccine later. I took 2 paracetamol to minimise any potential side effects.

    Yesterday was another sunny but cold day here so we went for a walk after I’d finished work. I was exhausted later so I didn’t get into my craft room.


  2. It’s a beautiful card SANDRA I saved a similar technique on Pinterest to have a go at trying at some point
    Not much planned after work Maybe if weather stays fine I will wax/polish the ottomans
    Take care all xx

  3. Hi everyone
    A gorgeous card, love the fold 😊
    Hope the vaccine goes ok and you don’t suffer too much xx
    Didn’t get around to any crafting yesterday, so I’m hopeful for today.
    A very misty start here, fingers crossed the sun breaks through.
    Have a good day. Hugs to you all xxx

  4. Morning everyone
    Gorgeous card Sandra. Had a look at different folds and found one I like but struggling a bit because it is in inches. OH have tried to teach me on the ruler and some sticks but some don't.Having a day off walking so hoping to craft later.
    Hope the vaccine goes well and no probs after. Wonder which one you get ?
    Have a nice day everyone. Hugs to all, Maria xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love the card Sandra such as easy fold to do as well.
    Hope your vaccination is ok and that you have hardly or no side effects. I know a couple of friends who were rung about having the jab. They both asked if their husbands could go at the same time as well, seeing as they were in the same age group. The surgery said of course, so they went together.
    It’s dull and cold today and like Maria I’m not going out today, unless it warms up later. Karen and the girls stopped for a chat this morning which was lovely. Mind you they were so cold after being up the field and seeing to the horses and goats,
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  6. Hi everyone, heavy rain here today, managed to do my walk around the property.

    Sandra very unusual card, love the colours, lots of measuring, not so good at that.

    Hope you have all had a good day, Lilian

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lovely card Sandra thank you for the inspiration. I have been looking at different fields so the grey cells are ticking over albeit very slowly. Ha ha

    I have spent the best part of the afternoon chasing up Amazon, I ordered something for our grandson who is at Nottingham University last week. And was told it should be delivered on Tuesday, they tried to deliver it on Monday at the time when grandson was in the dining hall so without success of course, again yesterday and again today and they have his mobile number so why they didn’t call I him? I had a real rant, it ended up with someone calling me back. Think he ended up with a sore ear. But within an hour grandson called me to say you won’t believe it, it’s arrived. Talk about feeling of relief.

    Hope your day has been less stressful than mine. Think I will sleep well tonight.

    Love Brenda xxx
