
Friday 5 February 2021

Your Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, gentle huge winging their way to our Lynda, Margaret and anyone feeling fragile.  
Now we all have to wrap up warm this weekend as we are going to have quite a drop in temperature, we are forecast to have snow early next week, I think the North and East of the Country will get it first.  The last thing we need is sub zero temperatures right now, I have never seen as much standing water around here as there was when I popped out with Lucy in the afternoon, what was once a puddle on the side of the road now covers the road from one side to another, the thing that worries me is the pot holes that are now covered by the flood water, some of the ones around here would cause major damage to your cars, they are probably caused by some of the huge farm machinery that frequent our little village roads.

The Girls asked me to thank all of you for your lovely Birthday wishes yesterday, we made the best of the day, not that we had much choice, Sophie had a couple of hours University tutorial in the afternoon and Paul had to go back into work for the afternoon and early evening. The girls spent the day assembling some of their birthday gifts and having fun with some of the other things that they were bought, we had a takeaway as a bit of a treat for tea.  Sophie got some bits and pieces for her Cocktail making collection so she had some fun making some different cocktails for everyone, Lucy and I stuck to  'Mocktails' (without alcohol).  They said that they had really enjoyed their day, which was all I wanted to hear.  

Your Next Challenge

I would like you to create a flat card, I have shared some samples above, you can still achieve the effect of dimension by Masking, you could also mask off areas of your card and stamp and blend ink to the unmasked areas, when you peel off your masking / low tack tape you have a lovely white space to stamp your sentiment.  I'm sure that you don't need me to tell you all of the possibilities.  Oh I will add that you could use Embossing folders that have different detail top and bottom and a un-embossed area in the centre that would be perfect that would be perfect for adding your sentiment.  I will add a sample below.......

I hope that you all enjoy this Challenge, I am looking forward to some stamping fun!!


I hope that you all have as good a day as possible,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great challenge and two lovely cards as examples. Glad you all enjoyed yesterday.

    Yesterday was busy but at least the day went quickly, fingers crossed its the same today.


  2. I’m glad the girls had a good day
    I love your samples of “flat” cards and a great challenge With postage getting more and more expensive I would think most of the cards I post are flat Gone (for now) are the days that we can hand deliver cards/gifts
    We have beautiful sunshine at the moment but heavy snow forecast over the weekend
    Take care all xx

  3. Morning everyone

    Love all the samples cards for next week challenge.
    Like Karen tho I am trying to make mine as flat as possible these days because of the postage has gone up a lot.
    Need to practice masking a bit more so will see what it be 😊
    Brenda- hope Annie is doing alright being back home. Sending you all extra hugs x
    Sun shining but think it's rain again this afternoon so we off out for our hour of exercise and then I will finish this week challenge cards 🙏
    Sending many hugs for you all and extras for our Lynda and Margaret x
    Have a nice day xxx

  4. Hello, well, it’s raining, I put the washer on and down came the rain.

    Great challenge for next week, my cards are usually flat, so will enjoy this one. Not done this weeks yet.

    Have a lovely Saturday, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, think we both lost it as I got Wednesday today 😄 xx

  5. Hi everyone
    Great cards for next weeks challenge.
    Glad you had a good day yesterday and the girls enjoyed their Birthday.
    Working this weekend, so not looking forward to the forecast of snow ❄️ I love it if I don’t have to go out in it 😉
    Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Take care. Sending hugs to you all xxx
