
Saturday 6 February 2021

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

This week has flown by, mostly because we were building up to the Girls 21st Birthday and then spent Thursday, Friday and probably the rest of the weekend celebrating it.  We agreed that once we are clear of this dreadful pandemic we will give them the Celebration that they deserve, although they were totally happy with what we did, Matt made a quiz that included rounds specifically about Sophie & Lucy, which was really fun, the only thing that really proved was how much the girls know each other, even down to guessing which 'Fonts' they prefer!! The quiz took most of the evening and we all had fun, which is hard to imagine with everyone sat in separate rooms, thank heavens for technology! 

Now ladies I was wondering if you would like to bring back the 'Share your Shopping' feature that we used to do on a Saturday, I think it is a great way of inspiring each other, we all shop at different places and it's amazing how some places have really different craft products to places like Craft Stash etc, only this week I discovered ''My Creative Spirit'' which is a shop that Lilian shops at, they have an amazing range of Stamperia papers and many more besides. 
We could also share places that have great deals and offers, we all love a bargain when it comes to Craft supplies, for instance I discovered ''Kwan Crafts'' on Amazon, they have a fantastic range of Embossing Folders, they also have stamps 
This is one example, a lovely stamp set for £6, thats on Amazon Prime too so you could get it next day.

This 8x8 inch Embossing Folder was £8.99, its so detailed.  The two I bought were:

They both give a great, deep emboss, so I totally recommend them.  Just type 'Kwan Crafts' into Amazon.  


Janet has a new Sewing Machine and has wasted no time in getting it all set up so that she can get to creating beautiful things.  Janet hasn't done any machine sewing for years but you would never gusess that from her first craft projects.

The two bags above are both made using Juberry patterns, both bags are also reversible, which must make sewing even more tricky.  
Janet I absolutely love both of your bags the material is gorgeous both on the outside and inside going on the little bit can see.  I love how you have embellished them too, you could really personalise a bag for somebody, such a lovely gift, especially these days where we always have to have a bag inside your handbag for the times that you forget to take your big bag of bags that you keep in the car (well we do, in fact it makes me laugh that both Sophie and Lucy have a 'Bag for Life' collection in their boot for when they take me shopping)! 
Thank you so much Janet for sharing your first sewing projects, I can't wait to see what you make next, I'm pretty sure you have your next project lined up.  Can you tell us a little bit about your new Machine??  XXX


Cheryl has made some more of her stunning Ribbon Flowers, I would love to know how you make them Cheryl as they look so complicated.  I do remember us sharing a Tutorial with each other years ago.
Cheryl has made these one for a lady called Lesley that sells these gorgeous coloured ribbons. Such an inspirational project Cheryl, thank you so much for sharing them with us. XXX

My Shopping

Here are a couple of the things that I treated myself to this past week or so, the first photo is some of Phill Martins sentiment stamps, 'Ticket Tapetastic Essentials''  & 'TrioFrame Essential Sentiments''        I have been wanting these stamps for a while, they were only in stock in his own shop. I think that they will be quite useful as they are quite plain.  
The second photo is of a little collection of Julie Hickey stamps, I watched a show the other day that featured Hazel from Pink Frog using Julie's stamps, she made some amazing cards and other projects, they were all really reasonably priced stamps too, Craft Stash have her stamps too, a lot of them sold out though.  I am really looking forward to playing with playing with my new things.  Another parcel arrived today but I will share that with you next week.

I hope that you all have a good weekend, keep wrapped up warm as the temperatures are set to drop quite sharply over the next few days, I wonder if any of us will see snow? 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra- the quiz sounds great. I love the Share year Shopping idea as the craft magazines aren’t getting sent out regularly plus there’s a lot less available.

    Janet & Cheryl-what amazing craft projects you have both made. Both are lovely.

    I’m hoping my craft order will arrive today so I can have a play as the weather forecast is for more rain.


  2. Morning ladies,

    A wonderful display of items for this week's mixed up Saturday.
    Nice haul of crafting goodies Sandra.
    Janet, your bags are divine, I love them and the added bag charms make them that little bit more special for the recipient.

    It takes me about 2+1/2 hours to fold the ribbon into triangles (you need to use a really good quality ribbon, the thin ones no good), to create the 25 points for the beads to sit in and that's on a good day. I used to struggle to hold the points together as in the video instructions (the arthritis in my fingers is getting to be a bit of a bother), until I had a brainwave and used my quilting clips to hold 5 at a time. The beading takes even longer but worth it when finished. Then you squash the centre inwards and catch with thread to the bottom. I cut a small circle of matching card and glue that to cover the small hole, Then choose either a pretty button, large bead or crystal teardrop in the centre top. Tip: Charity shops have wonderful cheap chunky jewellery (like my great aunts used to wear) that I wash in soapy water with a drop of bleach to sterilize then take apart for use.

    Jamie is home tomorrow for a week maybe to type up all his bridge inspection reports and for some R&R. I've hardly seen him he's been so busy working away. It will be lovely to have some company again.

    Enjoy your weekend however you plan to spend it. I may be taking a holiday in my craftroom haha

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Wow your centre piece ribbons are gorgeous Cheryl. Enjoy your week with Jamie.

  3. Morning Everyone
    Thank you so much for showing my first complete projects with my new 'toy'. I'll give you a run down and a pic when I next go upstairs to collect the booklet.
    I have to say that I really enjoyed making the bags. They are a little padded too.

    CHERYL-I am truly in 'awe' of your centre pieces.I was the first time I saw some of yours and they continue to delight.The amount of work and hours that you put into them is incredible.

    SANDRA-your shopping looks very interesting and I'm waiting to see some results of you using them.

    We have a very wet start here this morning and I have everything crossed that it just stays with rain.

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours. Everyone welcome to come and have a look and a quiet sit.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY STAY SAFE.xxxx

  4. I’ll e the idea of sharing shopping Halfof these sites and companies I have never heard of
    I l e your projects JANET and CHERYL I have a relatively new sewing machine but it’s been packed away at the moment because my ‘office’ is occupying its space If I’m doing a sewing project I like to keep it out and at mo can’t do that in other rooms - don’t have a table to put it on!
    I do like your shopping SANDRA and look forward to seeing your creations It sounds like you all had fun on the girls birthday and why not continue it through the weekend
    I need to make a couple of cards and hope to work them into this week’s cc and I want to try playing with my SW prize
    Take care all xx

  5. Hi Sandra and Ladies
    Great cards yesterday Sandra. I wasn’t able to comment yesterday for some reason. It sounds like all all had a lovely day celebrating the girls birthdays. I did message you but didn’t get a reply so I assume that did reach you either.
    I just love both your projects Janet and Cheryl. Your bags are gorgeous Janet. Look forward to hearing about your new machine.
    Wow Cheryl your ribbon centre pieces are absolutely stunning. No wonder they take so long to make.
    Clarity are having a half price sale at the moment. So I could certainly share those buys when they come, and previous buys that I’ve just bought.
    Very foggy here at the moment but I’m hoping the sun will come out later. Well I can hope.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  6. Morning ladies
    Lovely bags Janet, really nice ones.
    Cheryl, beautiful ribbon and bead work.
    Sandra, some fabulous stamps and embossing folders, love to see what you make of it all. Enjoy still celebrating the girls 21th. The quiz sound fun.
    Take care if going out this weekend, sound like bad weather on it's way. Spoke to my parents the other day and they have a lot of snow and -20c ! Funny enough tho you don't feel it too bad if you are dressed right, really 😊
    Many warm hugs for you all and extra for mamma Margaret and Lynda. Take care xxx

  7. Hello, hope everyone is ok.

    Janet love your shoppers, great idea to make them double sided.

    Cheryl your rosettes are truly beautiful,

    Well yesterday I thought it was Saturday all day, so this morning I expected to see all of your challenge card. Shut down affecting my brain.

    Looking forward to watching the first of the grand slam tennis championships from Australia, starting tomorrow. Shame it’s mostly early hours of the morning here, still something to watch when I can’t sleep.

    Have a lovely day, looks as though snow is on the way, hugs Lilian

  8. Hi everyone
    Love your beautiful bags Janet 😊
    Cheryl, your ribbon flowers are stunning 😊
    Fabulous craft buys Sandra, look forward to seeing what you create with them 😊
    Definitely like to see what everyone is buying and always on the look out for new craft companies to buy from.
    Sounds like you all had a wonderful time celebrating Sophie and Lucy’s birthday and the quiz sounds fun.
    Very foggy here most of the morning, but cleared to be bright and sunny. Wonder if we’ll get the snow?
    Enjoy the rest of the day. Hugs to all xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. Love the saying, wish it were true 😀 You have some really lovely goodies. Looking forward to seeing how you use them xx
    Cheryl, not sure my fat arthritic fingers would let me make them but would love to see how so I can have a go x
    Janet, love your reversible bags especially with the added adornment x
    Keep forgetting to publish this so am going to do it now at long last! Mum says thank you. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
