
Friday 29 January 2021

Your Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, it's nice to read that you are all getting your Vaccinations done, One thing our Government have got right compared to other Countries, we are ahead of them all I think as far as vaccinations go.  I am hoping that we won't be too far down the list, it would be nice to manage a meet up later in the year if we have all had vaccinations and the cases have come down.  This latest strain has certainly increased the number of people that are passing away from the virus, although they said it doesn't affect people any different to the regular strain, unless it's sheer number of people.  They have said that it is infecting younger people this time and my sister has confirmed that. S, o lets hope that they continue to keep the vaccination pace up!

Have any of you got any plans for the weekend?  Crafting, gardening, exercise??  We will be preparing for the girls 21st Birthday, I can hardly believe that it was 21 years ago, what a shock finding out that we were having twins at 20+ weeks.  I had 3 attempts at an Amniocentesis (where they inject through your abdomen to collect amniotic fluid, the Doctor tried 3 times and got nothing, so I told him to stop, so we were sent for a CVS where they take a sample of your placenta, both very invasive with a risk of miscarriage, but the blood test that I had at 18 weeks showed an abnormally high level of HCG which had I been carrying one baby as they thought would indicate a high risk of birth defects.  What a nightmare that was, after the CVS which we had to travel to Nottingham for they do a scan to confirm that all is still well with the baby, the lady consultant went white and asked us to go to a different scan machine that was more detailed, we obviously thought something had happened to the baby, she had tears in her eyes and said that she was so sorry that we had been put through all of the very invasive tests, she explained that the high HCG count was due to the fact that I was carrying twins, so twice the level of hormones, I wouldn't mind but I had asked my Midwife twice if she thought I could be having twins as my bump appeared at just 12 weeks, by 20 weeks I looked like i was 6 months pregnant. She explained that the babies were lying one in front of the other, making it harder to detect, I still think its bizarre that they were missed on scans at 12 weeks, several times during first procedure and the lady scanned me again to find position of the placenta and then used the scan to guide her needle but never once did they spot two heads! Paul needed to sit down for a minute or too, we were both in shock, it turned out to be a huge blessing, they are the best of friends and always have been, which makes things like being stuck at home during lockdown a lot more bearable for them for one thing!  

Sorry for the ramble but I think it's quite a fun story, although it was a little stressful at the time. 

Your Next Challenge

I thought that we would go for our first TicTacToe Challenge of 2021 this week, I picked one that had some different Options to some of the ones we have been doing.  There are enough categories to cover most occasions.  

Masking - now I am taking this as meaning either Masking off stamped images to build up a scene or multiples of any stamp, like adding leaves to flowers etc.                                                                         OR any kind of Masking off to create inky or patterned backgrounds, so pretty much anything that you would use masking tape etc on a card for.  ( I wanted to explain in case anyone thought it was just for the first option). 

This card for example I used masking tape to cover the void between the two stamped snowflake borders.  

This card used the other Masking where I masked off the daffodils to stamp the Crocus flowers behind.

WINDOW can either be a view through a Window stamp OR an aperture in the front of a card.

I think that all of the other categories are self explanatory, I hope that you all enjoy the challenge, I have some new goodies to play with so I hope I can work them in to my challenge cards!!

Whatever you are up to this weekend I hope that you have an enjoyable one, I think that we are forecast more snow on Sunday, so watch this space.

Stay safe and warm my lovelies,

Sending Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great challenge and an amusing tale I’ll bet you were both shocked at the news it was twins.

    I’m hoping to to make some birthday cards this weekend plus if the weather is decent, we’ll be going for a walk both days.


  2. Morning Everyone
    A good Challenge for this week SANDRA.

    Yet another wet start to the day here. Oh how I long for light mornings/evenings and some dryness to ease our bones.

    I had a call yesterday afternoon inviting me for my injection so Monday 8th Feb is DDay for me.

    Well as it's Friday it is of course 'swear' word day in this house so I'd better get a wriggle on. I also have to send off my CC for this week.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in for a cuppa and a chat or just a quiet sit down.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. A great challenge for this week with a few unusual options
    We are having our new shed delivered today and fortunately we have nice dry weather
    Enjoy playing with your new goodies SANDRA
    I must finish a cc for this week and have a think about next weeks
    Take care all xx

  4. Hello, as usual it’s very wet here, it seems to be one of the wettest winters I can remember.

    Great challenge for next week, still have to do this weeks yet.
    Sandra love both your examples.

    No I’ll effects after our jabs, so that’s good.

    Have a good day all, Lilian

  5. Morning everyone.
    Like the challenge for next week Sandra. Hoping to make some for this week later today.
    Lovely to hear again how you found out you were expecting your beautiful girls and it all went well in the end.
    It's spitting outside but as I have been indoors because of pain the last few days I need to get out and get some air.
    You all have a good day whatever you are up to, take care and many hugs are sent to one and all xx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Very inspirational cards today Sandra.
    We had a very wet morning and I actually have sitting water on my path up the garden. I didn’t think we had that much rain through the night. I’m off to see Doreen this afternoon. I have to go 1/2hr before my time to have a lateral flow test. I have no idea why the owner wanted us to have them now as we’re not allowed inside the home. My surgery has now finished vaccinating all the over 75’s now so will be starting the over 70’s tomorrow. I don’t think there working on Sunday so I’m hoping it won’t be to long before I have mine.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  7. Hi everyone
    Great tic tac toe challenge for next week.
    Lovely to hear your story about the girls, must’ve been a huge shock to you both to find out after 20 weeks ☺️
    Crafting is on the agenda for the weekend, along with catching up with some tv recordings.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Have a good weekend. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Very interesting challenge for next week. Definitely different choices, which is good for my grey matter, will have to think about this one.Two lovely cards to inspire us, thank you xx

    Love the story about when you found out you were expecting twins. Now those blurry images are about to celebrate their 21st birthday, where has the time gone? It lovely they have each other and enjoy one another’s company.

    Still haven’t made a cc. spent most of the afternoon on the telephone, hopefully will get it sorted tomorrow.

    Enjoy your evening ladies, hope you all have a lovely weekend.
    Love Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I can’t imagine what a shock you and Paul had finding out the twins were on the way! Another friend had a similar experience. She was the daughter of a triplet so multiple babies were more likely but the docs and midwives repeatedly said she was only carrying one. After finally finding the second twin at 22 weeks my friend turned to the lady scanning her and said “ Well now you’ve found another one you better have a *%*%* good look to make sure there are not three in there!!!!” Most unlike her to be rude but she and her hubby had had so many tests just as you did Sandra. Where have those last few years gone from when the twins were in their early teens and so shy? Now they are both beautiful caring quietly confident young ladies. I do miss seeing them both and having a chat and a laugh when I come to yours xx
    Both cards are beautiful but have to say that the daffodils and crocus one is a particular favourite, especially with those gorgeous bright and cheerful colours that are much needed at the moment.
    Maria, have you spoken to your Gp again about getting more pain meds? I’m sad that you are still in so much extra pain. Sending gentle hugs xx
    I hope you all have a weekend that is as nice as possible at the moment. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
