
Thursday 28 January 2021

Michele's Gorgeous Cards with a Hidden Gift


Good Morning Ladies,

The snow has totally gone now, we had a much milder day yesterday with lots of rain, so every trace of the white stuff has gone, not that I mind, I think that a snow covered garden looks so beautiful when is freshly laid snow, after a couple of days it just looks messy and the road out the front looked like slushy mud that sprayed everywhere every time a car whizzed through.  We are due some more but we will have to wait and see if the happen next week.  

Today's cards are Michele's latest makes, the cards themselves are the latest Charity Kits from Christine Emberson, I have to say that I absolutely love them, the flowers are so pretty and in lovely spring colours so will bring a smile to anyone's face.  I like the unusual design with the 'Hi' letters raised on the front similar to an 'Eclipse' style card.  It looks as though you place the letters and then arrange the flowers around them. I love both colourways but I think the Spring colours is my favourite. The extra bonus with these cards is when you open them you find a lovely surprise inside.....

Two Teabags with the sentiment...'For when we meet again', what a great idea to send to a friend that you are missing meeting up with, I would get through a box no trouble, I miss meeting up with all of you, I can wait until we can organise a get together once again. 
Thank you so much Michele for sharing these amazing cards with us, I love both the idea and the Design.  Christine has some incredible design ideas. XXX

I hope that you all stay safe and well my dear friends,

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-thank you for sharing my recent makes. The purple one is for my crazy friend. She has her appointment with the oncologist next week (by video). The second one is for my friend I used to meet up with each month to have a meal, she also had surgery last year and is back at work full time.

    Yesterday was busy at work-it’s just not getting any better.


    1. Love the cards Michele. Fingers crossed work gets a bit better sooner rather than later.

  2. Morning Everyone
    MICHELE-lovelovelove your cards.

    Well it's another wet start to the day here. Yesterday was the same very wet/gray aned thoroughly miserable.

    I'm hoping to sort my CC today - well that's the plan.
    Other than that who knows.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual and waiting for you all to pop in for a cuppa etc etc.

  3. I saw these kits and was very tempted but I donated to Ko-fi instead to enable Christine to buy supplies A lot of my friends would want a bottle of Prosecco or gin inside🤣 A lovely sentiment and idea
    Very wet here but possibly a little brighter
    My appointment didn’t happen yesterday but we’re meeting this afternoon instead and later this evening I’ve got a WhatsApp call with the 3 girls I visit craft shows with - when will we be able to do a Watford meet-up let alone craft shows?
    I hope to make another cc later - a very simple one with a PP’d background I made at the weekend similar to a Jamie Rodgers one I saw - it’ll probably look “pants” compared to his!
    Take care all xx

  4. Hello, very wet here again today.

    Michele, loved you card, the purple one is my favourite, although they are both lovely.

    We are off this morning to get our vaccinations done, at least we will be halfway to being a bit safer.

    Hope to start this weeks card if my new pens come.

    Have a good day all. Lilian

    1. Hope your vaccination ps go ok Lilian. Everyone says they are very well organised.

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Two lovely cards Michele. I to was tempted by this charity kit. But by the time I remembered again it was to late.
    We had some rain yesterday and through the night. So the snow we had is all gone as well. It looks very grey outside as well. Once again it’s going to be a very boring day. I had a chat with my cousin last night for about an hour.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  6. Hi everyone
    Love your beautiful cards Michele, and the surprise inside is wonderful 😊
    Been quite dry and bright here today after a lot of rain last night, but it’s just started raining here again now!
    Busy at work, but I’m off now for a few days, so hoping to get some crafting done.
    Take care everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

    1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
      Michele I love today’s cards, they are really pretty. I love the sentiment and yea bags too. How long will it be before they get used I wonder. Hope your friends are ok x
      Sandra, I agree that fresh snow is one of the most beautiful things to see but hate the grey slush that comes afterwards x
      Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda’Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hi ladies
    Fabulous gift in cards Michele. Nice words as well inside.

    Hope vaccinations goes well for all who are having them now. OH just told me tho how many gone down with covid today and it can't still be from the x-mas weekend,it is way too many.

    Hope you had a nice day everyone and take care,hugs xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a lovely way to let friends know that you are looking forward to seeing them again (when ever it is possible) Love both of your cards Michele, they wii certainly put a smile on your friends faces.

    I actually went out today, nothing exciting though, Had to go for a blood pressure check at the GPs I don’t go our unless I have to and my walk usually is one that takes me past the postbox. These days I am always happy to come back indoors.

    Hope your day has been good. Love Brenda xxx
