
Monday 25 January 2021

My First 'Man' card for this weeks Challenge


Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all had a good weekend,  I was absolutely delighted to wake up to a Winter Wonderland. 

It looked so beautiful,  it always seems so quiet and peaceful after or during a snow storm adding to it's tranquility. It had started to melt by midafternoon sadly, it will be a nightmare tomorrow as it's going to freeze overnight so the melting snow will be solid ice, luckily we don't have to go anywhere. 
We had a lovely relaxed weekend,  I did some Crafting, Paul was working on the planting layout for the vegetable plot. The girls went for a walk i  the snow, they were so excited to get out in the snow which really warmed my heart ❤ 

Today's card is my first Card for our 'Man' card Challenge.  The Silhouette Sports figures were part of the magazine freebies in Creative Stamping Magazine.  

There are some good stamps in these two sets, there are also some good techniques inside. 

I stamped three of the sportsmen in Black onto Basic Grey card and die cut then with my StampinUp Triangle dies,  I arranged the triangles to form a square which I matted onto Black card, then grey and then onto a Black card base. 
I created the scarf sentiment from the stamp set, using small scissors to create the loose tassels on the end of the scarf.  I found a small Happy Birthday and stamped that and punched it out and matted it onto a piece of black card. I raised both sentiments on foam pads to let them stand out from the background.  
I hope you like it xxx

I hope you all manage to stay dry, warm and safe today, 

Love and hugs to all of the, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great card Sandra. We have had frost again overnight so I’ll have to go out & scrape my car.


  2. It’s a lovely card SANDRA and that does look like a very interesting set of stamps
    We had snow yesterday and still have it this morning although it is melting I am so pleased that we don’t have to go anywhere unless it’s within walking distance Rain is forecast today which will probably get rid of it but will leave black ice
    Not sure what I’ll be doing this afternoon
    Take care xx

    1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a great card. I love the layout. The stamp set has some good ones. I do like silhouettes stamps particular.
      I hope you stay safe if you do have to go out, thinking of you in particular Michele and Sonia if you have the same frozen leftover snow in the village as we do here. It took Chris an hour to get to the eye hospital for his 8.30am check up as the main roads were really busy. I wonder why as they have been really quite since the start of the latest lock down especially with a lack of lorries? Anyway stay safe if you do have to go out. I want to start a challenge card, fingers crossed I manage to. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  3. It doesn’t matter which way my comment publishes but wonder why sometimes it only works if I use someone’s Reply as I have used yours today Karen? X

  4. But this comment worked the usual way 😂😂😂

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love today’s card for a man. Great silhouettes. I think we had a bit of a snowfall overnight. Then it froze. So every where is icy. Although the sun is out now. So hopefully it will thaw a bit. I could hear the cars crunching the ice when I was in bed. I don’t have any insulation as the walls are 6” thick. Under the double glazed window in the bedroom it’s hollow as well. All bar a wooden frame. An odd set up I must say.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra I love today’s card it’s really inspiring a great one for the boys. I’m so impressed I’ve ordered a copy of this magazine from CraftStash, I am so looking forward to its arrival, I’m sure the stamps will be put to good use. All three grand sons in Essex are mad about sports, favourites are rugby and golf. They are also fitness fanatics. Think these stamps will be another life saver for me. xx

    We have beautiful blue skies here today, although we still have snow in the back garden, the back of the house faces north I’m sure as the Sun moves around the snow will soon disappear.

    What are you planning to do today ladies I hope you enjoy it,
    Take care and stay safe, love Brenda XXX

  7. Hello All, lovely blue sky day here.

    Sandra love your card, stamp set look really good.

    Just had home soup today for lunch, it was very yummy. Feeling very full and rather warm.
    Not doing much to day, hope you all have a good day, Lilian

  8. Hi everyone
    Great card, and very inspiring for those difficult to make ‘man’ cards 😊
    Very cold and sunny here today, with snow lingering in places. Very slippery underfoot, so I’m being very careful.
    Hope everyone has had a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Love the card for men Sandra, such a great stamp set to have in your stash.
    It was a gorgeous day here so had a lovely walk but think I overdid it a bit for was very cold and achy this afternoon so stayed under fleecy blanket watching some feel good films. Nothing else to do then wait for it to go over.
    Hope you all had a nice day and took care if going out. many warm hugs to all xx
