
Tuesday 26 January 2021

Cheryl's 'One Sheet Wonder' Challenge cards


Good Morning Ladies, 

We had a much brighter day yesterday, blue skies and sunshine but it didn't melt the snow, it was bitterly cold all day though, despite the sunshine.  I think I may have to pick up another one of those Oil filled Radiators that I bought last year for my craft room, its a cold room as its on the corner of the house and has windows on both walls, the Radiator worked really well and soon had the room warm, I could have it right under my desk too as it's only small, however, since Sophie has been doing her University work at home she has been complaining about how cold her room is during the day, so I let her use the radiator and of course I haven't seen in since, not that I mind, I know how hard it is to sit and concentrate while you are freezing cold !! I will get another one, I am pretty sure it was around £20 from Home Bargains, I may have to order one on line this time though as we are trying are best to only leave the house once a week/ s weeks for food shopping. 

Today's cards are Cheryl's 'One Sheet Wonder' Challenge cards. I really love the papers you have used Cheryl and those sentiment toppers are so useful to have in your stash.  I also really like the colour theme of these papers, a little bit different for Christmas!

Cheryl's Description:

My challenge cards. Did them in mirror form but used different toppers. Paper from craft sensations Merry Christmas pad, toppers rediscovered old Kanban stock, lace and silver ribbon, silver and purple mosaic tile strips bought in Portugal to do in 2011, SW lattice ribbon die trim xxx
Thank you so much Cheryl for taking part in last week's Challenge, your cards are lovely and I don't doubt that they will fly off of your Sales Table later this year, such a great idea to make some for Charity and package them up nicely. XXX

Did any of you get around to crafting yesterday, I sat at my craft desk ALL day and created NOTHING, I started browsing Pinterest, which I got lost in for at least an hour or two, then onto YouTube to watch some craft demo's, I stopped for lunch with Paul and then did a bit of shopping for Sophie and Lucy's 21st Birthday, I had no idea what to buy them as they are 'Girly' girls that are in to Handbags, make-up, shoes etc, the don't really wear jewellery either, but I managed to get both of them to choose a ring, as I wanted them to have something to 'keep' for their 21st, they asked me what my Mum gave to me for my 21st, I scratched my head and then remembered that she gave me a 'Fruit Set' that she had won on the Bingo !!!😂😂😂 Hilarious I know and no before you ask I am pretty sure I don't still have it!  I did tell the girls that you traditionally get 'The Key to the Door' for your 21st, their faces were a picture!  

I hope that you all stay safe and warm, I believe we have more snow forecast for the end of January and into February, so don't pack your sledges away yet! 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-4 lovely cards, I really like the paper you have used. It’s great iyou joined in the challenge.

    Yesterday was so busy at work. Did my regular job in the morning then I was at the vaccine clinic preparing the vial for the nurses to use. I went in eat and finished late so all I did in the evening was read then and early night. This morning is 2 meetings (online) then covering the Vaccine clinic again this afternoon.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Lovely cards CHERYL- I particularly like your main pattern sheet.

    We had frost all day again yesterday but at least it was dry.

    I had a call last evening to let me know that my Granddaughter has tested positive for the virus. She has had her injection too. Her symptons are mild so fingers crossed it stays that way.

    The CAFE is of course OPEN as usual so pop in when you can.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.XXXX

  3. Lovely cards CHERYL The papers and toppers go so well together
    I hope your granddaughter is OK JANET
    I printed a sheet to leave to “dry” to try some colouring and that’s all the crafting I did apart from crocheting in the evening
    We still have snow Hopefully it will be gone by Friday for when the new shed arrives! But as my mum would say”worse things happen at sea”
    Take care all x

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    4 lovely cards on display Cheryl.
    It’s bitterly cold here again. Like you Sandra I haven’t been out at all. It’s been much to slippery to go out. I must get milk tomorrow unless Keith or Livvy is going shopping. Must ring my cousin as well tonight. I was going to yesterday but got caught up in a book. By the time I remembered it was to late to ring. We’re supposed to have rain at some point. But if it freezes as well the roads will be in a bad way ice wise. I hope you manage to get another heater Sandra.
    Take care and stay safe everyone,

  5. Hello, rain rain and more rain.

    Cheryl love your cards, great papers.

    Trying out my new gellie plate, it’s a bit different using a circular one. Using oxides instead of acrylic paint.

    Have good day, hugs Lilian

  6. Hi Ladies
    Nice cards Cheryl, like the paper used.
    Janet- hope your granddaughter be fine and not getting any worse.
    Michele- hope your day at work was alright and not too stressful.
    If venturing out today I hope you all took care.
    Many hugs for you all xx

  7. Hi everyone
    Lovely cards Cheryl, I love your patterned paper 😊
    Sorry to hear about your Grandaughter Janet. Hope she is ok xx
    Have a good evening. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lovely cards Cheryl, Love your choice of paper, the colours are beautiful.

    JANET sorry to hear about your granddaughter, hope her symptoms improve soon. Our granddaughter tested positive after Christmas, she just had a sore throat but when tested was positive. Fortunately she was able to isolate at home.

    Take care everyone and stay safe, love Brenda xxx
