
Friday 1 January 2021

Happy New Year


Good Morning Ladies,

On this first day of 2021 I would like to take the time to wish each and every one of you the very Happiest New Year possible!

Who knows what this New Year has in store for us, it's not off to the greatest start to be honest, I have seen adverts on TV for Holidays this year with the 'tagline'  just 'Jab & Go', how very odd, I guess that is what you will have to do to be able to travel, we have our holiday already 'pencilled in' as it was cancelled last year, we have both said that unless there are some huge improvements both here and abroad we won't be going anywhere.  Who knows if we will all get vaccinated in time anyway, we will be insisting that they return our money though as they have had it since last spring.  

I have spent the last couple of afternoons having a good sort through my dies, I have a box of random dies and a drawer that is full of odd dies, parts of sets etc. So my goal was to reunite all the odd bits with their sets, luckily all the sizzix ones have a number on the back so they can be easily pieced together, I seemed to have a lot of Sue Wilson dies that have been separated from their sets, I think thats because I may use the oval of circle in the centre for something else and don't put it straight back, my other annoying habit is when I am trying to find that 'exact something' to fit a particular space, I have no idea what it is that I need so I try 15 different things before changing my mind and using a stamp instead, I will then just pop all of the dies that I tried to one side and 'Voila' another die pile has been started.  So a New Year's Resolution for me is to 'Put everything back in its original packaging/storage after I have finished with it' !! Now lets take bets on how long that lasts, I am definitely worse if I am making something in a hurry, in that situation I literally use my arm to sweep everything to one side to clear a space to work!! 

I think I might sort through my dies and arrange them into Christmas/shapes/borders/floral/backgrounds etc and then start and do the same with my stamps.  I was putting everything new that I bought in a basket on my desk to make sure that I got around to using it sometime soon, I found that I looked at it and it stressed me out a little, particularly if I had a specific card to make and those new items weren't suitable.  I can to the decision that we put ourselves under enough pressure as it is, so I just sorted the items from the 'New Box' in with the other dies/stamps/embossing folders etc.  

Now one thing I want to know from all of you is do you want me to really push you all to make Christmas cards throughout the year?  I will always try and make sure that challenges etc will work for most occasions but if you want me to be more specific let me know.  I for one ended up once again having a last minute rush, I know some of you did too. 

I hope that you all have a relaxing day today, we are having Roast Beef and Yorkshire pudding for our dinner today, I am quite looking forward to it too, I did fancy roast Lamb but the price in Asda was ridiculous and the joints that they had were really fatty, beef is always a winner in our house so I don't think anyone will object.

Sending love and huge hugs to all of you,




  1. Morning Everyone
    Having just read about how you don't put your dies back into their sets has made me smile a little.
    I am no way the tidiest crafter but I have to say that putting dies back into their sets is one of my 'must do'. I hope that doesn't sound too smug but it really is one of the things that sets my teeth on edge to see spaces in sets. When I started using dies nearly fifteen years ago my first ones were Sue Wilson and they were so expensive (I had just retired and so was getting used to not having as much spare money) so all dies were put into their packets. I then found Tonic and decided to buy their A4 orange storage folders so I could save sets on magnetic sheets and zipped up. I did mark the folders as I bought them into Christmas/shaped/boxes etc and have found that it works really well. I'm not saying that everything is always in the correct folder as one or two escape

    Sorry about rambling.

    As to Christmas cards for me I wouldn't mind not having to start making any until say September but of course I will go with whatever you decide.

    I'm hoping to try my hand at making a patchwork cushion today. One of the girls bought me some material as I bought myself an inexpensive sewing machine a couple of months ago.Being confined indoors for most of last year I started stitching again so this is the next step and in the hope that my fingers etc are used less if that makes sense.

    The CAFE is of course open for all.HUGS are winging their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends who are not one hundred percent.TAKE GREAT CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Morning everyone,
    And Happy New Year from a very cold and frosty Somerset.

    Yesterday started off the very same, later on towards lunchtime we had the most brilliant sunshine which lasted all afternoon until lights on at 4.30pm. Fiona popped in with some much needed veg & salads to replenish my fridge. I have had instructions to stay at home again throughout this tier 4 but according to one of 'Can dos' if we have an outside pool we can go swimming! Who and which Government department has lost their marbles to think this is good exercise in the middle of winter? Couldn't make it up if you tried hahaha

    I'm up for the whole year Christmas card challenges. I have opened a box full of the most gorgeous Hunkydory and Kanban cardstock and papers. I must have thought to store them for special cards and then didn't use them. I don't make resolutions but have a plan to try to catalogue all my craft items in numbered boxes for future reference although that plan might go awry west as I only buy the RUB boxes as they are see through.

    Loved your story about the dies/stamps not in their right packets. I bought the Spellbinders 2010 Heirloom ornaments and during a cutting out marathon for my craft friends when I hosted that week's session, the smallest one went missing. We hunted high and low for this piece in all our scrap pieces and the paper recycle box, knelt on the floor running our hands across the carpet it had disappeared with out a trace. Sister friend Doreen came back a couple of months later to cut some more baubles from this set then picked up and turned over the magnetic sheet...yes, you've guessed it....stuck firmly on the back was the missing piece!

    I wish you all the very best for this New Year, we have some exciting times ahead now we are finally free of the EU restrictions to make our way again in the big wide world of Trade and Commerce, and some more bothersome times regarding this Covid situation. Up to now I have not heard of any egg free vaccines being produced so fingers crossed they will soon get some ready. On the Government website at the moment they say if you have had an allergic reaction to another medicine in the past few months the vaccine is not for you at the moment. This happened to me with one of the newer heart tablets I was prescribed following my heart attack in October so I am very wary of them offering me the vaccine right now.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Happy New Year everyone Hopefully 2021 will get easier
    Your story about having roast lamb made me smile as OH bought a joint “for a change” and having not shopped for ages I was astounded at the price!
    I’m pretty good at storing my dies and they’re split into flowers shapes alphabets etc What I struggle with is stamps and how to store them because many sets have a mixture of images and sentiments I have lost a couple of small favourites that I have used a lot
    I would love to see Christmas challenges (later) throughout the year I did end up sending some shop bought ones this year
    Take care all xx

  4. Hello All, we had a very cold night here, colder than Scotland, we don’t normally have anything below about 2/3c , so quite a shock for our plants.

    HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all, hope it’s better for everyone, surely can’t be worse.

    My appointment is going ahead Tuesday, so at least will have a new report on my heart.

    I do not mind what the challenges are, the main is they make me go and craft, and I find when I’m doing it I really enjoy the time spent, even if it takes hours to make one card.
    I sort my dies and stamps out, mind you I did that last year and haven’t seen my Christmas dies since.

    Nothing special on today, still eating leftovers, shall really look forward to having some fish.

    I hope you all have a lovely day, new year hugs to all. Lilian

  5. Hi ladies and a happy new 2021 to you all.
    I too need to find a new home and a better system for my dies and stamps. I mostly put them back but last year I kept them on small magnetic sheets as I was making both Birthday and Christmas cards through the year I got a bit much in the kitchen and I got sloppy so need to correct that asap. Don't mind at all to make Christmas ones early but maybe keep it for a few months. Really ,I go with the flow whatever you choose.
    Good to hear your appointment still goes ahead Lilian, will be thinking of you.
    To our ladies who are working ,stay safe as much as you can.
    Going to put on the boiled beef now so I will leave you with lots of hugs for you all and hope to see you tomorrow. xxx

  6. Hi everyone
    Happy New Year to you all, fingers crossed we will soon be able to return to some sort of normality.
    Hope you manage to sort your dies. I try to keep mine together but doesn’t always work, lol. My whole craft cupboard needs a good sort out, but it’s one of those jobs that keeps getting put off!
    I’ve made a promise to myself to try and make Christmas cards throughout the year, so I don’t need to buy any , but we’ll see 😉
    Well, fingers crossed I’m off work for a week now, but there’s always a possibility I may get called in. This new strain seems to be hitting hard. Some staff in other departments are having the 30 minute rapid tests daily, and already quite a few have tested positive so been sent home 😔 We’re still only doing the weekly tests we have to post off - still waiting for my results from Tuesday.
    Wishing you all a good rest of the day.
    Hugs to all xxxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    It's been a really cold today the heating has been on all day
    MICHELE so sorry for your loss it's nots easy at any time
    But Christmas time allways seems harder.Take Carr
    LOVE & "HUG'S for evermore Lynda xx


  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    I HOPE IT'S a better ONE LYNDA
