
Thursday 31 December 2020

Sonia's stunning Christmas card


Good Morning Ladies,

How can it be New Year's Eve already?! It barely seems a couple of days since Christmas Eve, does it? 
What are you all up to this evening?  We are now in Tier 4, (not that it makes a difference to us or our plans). As a family we are all in Tier 4 so we are all in the same boat, I think that we are going to have our Family Quiz over Zoom tonight so that will be fun.  To be honest we have never really made a big thing of New Year. We generally have a take-away, more for the girls than anything else, none of us really drink, in fact our Lucy doesn't drink at all, Sophie barely drinks but has really enjoyed making Cocktails and 'Mock' tails (none alcoholic cocktails) with the Cocktail 🍹 shaker we got her as a stocking filler!  
New Year's Day will be a quiet day for us too,  I think it's going to be a quiet day for most people, the girls usually work on New Year's Day so it will be nice to have them home, our other tradition is to start a Jigsaw Puzzle.  So it sounds boring but will be perfect for us.  

Today's card is the gorgeous Christmas card that I received from Our Sonia, it's a lovely clean and simple design, I have got that Spellbinders Border die, I love it and I love the way that you have used it on this card, the Sue Wilson Poinsettia die cut really makes the design,  your card is the perfect example of a flat card that's perfect for posting yet still looks stunning.  I love the little verse too. The soft shade of blue just makes the card, it works beautifully. 
Thank you so much for such a gorgeous card Sonia, I know that you were super busy working on the run up to Christmas so getting cards made for everyone was a huge achievement. XXX

Ladies I am changing the 'Your Next Challenge' announcement to Saturday, I'm not sure whether to do that permanently or just for this next week, so watch this space for that.  

I hope that you all enjoy your New Year's Eve however you spend it my lovelies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Quick comment as I'm using the laptop.

    Sandra-what a stunning card from Sonia, its gorgeous.

    My friend is "ok". She was in theatre for over 6 hours then went straight to ITU. She got ip yesterday & walked round her bed. The ward Pharmacist passed this message on to me-with my friends permission.

    No update on my Uncle.


    1. I’m glad to hear your friends op went well and she was able to walk round her bed. I hope you hear better news re your Uncle as well Michele.
      I hope that today isn’t to frantic Michele. Sending gentle hugs.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Love your card SONIA.So pretty and it's certainly eye catching.Beautiful.

    Our day today and tomorrow will be the same as any other we have had over the last months and months. We are just pleased to see the end of2020 like so many.

    MICHELE- so pleased your Friend managed to walk round her bed.That in itself is a great achievement.

    The CAFE will be open for all to pop in if you wish.There's still mince pies and Christmas cake and cheese to go with the cake of course.


  3. Lovely card SONIA I love CAS cards and this classic style
    Is it really New Year’s Eve? We’re already in tier 4 and the days are merging into one!
    Very quiet and different for us We would normally go to a huge Salsa event meeting and dancing with friends
    TV with some knitting or crochet for me
    I think Sewing Bee is on again I might even have an alcoholic drink - my 4th for the whole of 2020!
    So pleased to read that your friend was able to have a little walk and really hope your uncle is ok MICHELE
    Take care all and Happy New Year Here’s to 2021🎢πŸ₯‚πŸŽΆ

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A stunning Christmas card from Sonia. I loved the one she sent me as well.
    Craig rang yesterday to see if we still had floods. I said no and could I bring Karen’s & mine Christmas presents. So I got in the car and I had a flat battery. So Keith put it on charge for me last night before he went to work. i needed to do a longish journey to keep it topped up. That’s why I was going over to Craig’s I said. So fingers crossed I can do that today. I won’t be going in just giving the car a good run. We have frosty fog today and think frost on the ground so I hope that clears up. Nothing much on here either ladies.
    Take care f stay safe.
    Happy New year to everyone.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe on the last day of what had been a very strange year. I am going to be hoping that by this time next year we will all of had a much better year!
    Sandra, I hope that you all have a nice time snuggled up in front of your lovely log fire tonight and that you get on well with the jigsaw. I am going to get Chris to get one out of the loft for me to start this afternoon. Thank you again for all of your work on here and your videos etc. It makes such a difference knowing you are there. I do so hope that we are able to meet up safely as soon as possible in 2021. It’s going to be a few months yet though isn’t it. But let’s hope we finally get on top of this awful time. Here to another good year crafting my lovely. Please wish Paul, Sophie, Lucy, Matt
    and Becca a very Happy New Year from me xx
    Karen, your quick card is brilliant. It doesn’t look like it was made so fast. I wish I could come up with cards like yours x
    Pat, what a beautiful card. I’m sure Karen will love it. Such a pretty pattern x
    Sonia, another lovely card. I love the colours that you used and what a wonderful sentiment. I haven’t seen that one before I hope you continue to stay safe and get negative results x
    Well ladies what a year for us all. Thank you all for being there and sharing your wonderful cards. Mum and I are sending our love and hugs and wishing you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year and may you all stay safe xxxxx

  6. Hi, all, a dusting of snow this morning.

    Have had trouble with internet on and off today, so I’ll keep this short.

    Sonia lovely card you made for Sandra, as was mine.

    Take care if you are going out, very icy roads here. Hugs Lilian

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely card Sonia, sweet words.
    Hoping your day is good and you all will get a better, healthier new year ! Here to 2021 πŸ’ Many hugs to you all xxx

  8. Hi everyone
    Thank you for sharing my card, and for all of your lovely comments 😘
    I can’t believe it’s New Years Eve already, the whole festive period has gone by so quickly. I popped to Tesco after work to pick up some party food which I’ll cook up later to have with a glass (or two πŸ˜‰) of Prosecco.
    Wishing you all a lovely evening, and a happy and healthy 2021.
    Sending love and hugs to you all xxxx
