
Wednesday 23 December 2020

Michele's latest commissioned Card


Good Morning Ladies, 

Are you all feeling 'Festive' ?!!  

We managed to get all of our shopping finished yesterday, all food shopping done too, which was a huge relief, I tried for weeks to get a Delivery 🚚 slot or even Click & Collect but it was impossible it must be booked up for months, I am just so conscious every time we go out, the numbers in Swindon and our whole area are soaring at the moment, the Cotswolds have gone up to 2 1/2 times the cases in 7 days. but there were still people out in Supermarkets today that weren't wearing masks, I so wish the stores could refuse them entry.

Do any of you start your Christmas food preparation on Christmas eve?  we have always cooked our Turkey and Ham joint on Christmas Eve, last year we decided to cook the Turkey on Christmas day, which turned out to be a nightmare as the large turkey seemed to overwhelm the Aga Oven and it took a lot longer to cook than it should. So dinner was delayed about an hour and a half, not that anyone cared on the day.  This year we have only bought a Turkey crown, the girls and I only eat the breast meat anyway, Matt and Paul usually have a leg but Matt isn't coming and there won't be nearly as many to eat the leftovers either!  I am hoping that it isn't dry.  I made the Jamie Oliver 'Get ahead Gravy' last year and it was absolutely incredible, you could have eaten it as a soup, it was super simple too, just roasted off some Chicken wings, smoked bacon, carrots, onion, celery, thyme, bay leaves and roast it in oven for around 45 mins to an hour, you add water and season and smoosh everything through a sieve, you are left with the most delicious gravy starter, once you have roasted your turkey you add the gravy base to the roasting juices in the tin and combine for the most delicious gravy.  I remember having it poured over mashed potatoes on the day after boxing day last year with cold turkey! it was so good.   Are some of you cooking Christmas dinner for the 1st time in a while? Do you all have any 'family tradition' accompaniments?? 

Today's card is one of Michele's last 'Commissioned' cards, Michele's good friend said that she needed a birthday card for her great niece-she’s going to be 6. The details I was given = likes pink, sparkly, dresses & unicorns.  That's a heck of a brief!! But I have to say that you 100% got the card spot on!

Michele used some 'Whizz Kids' toppers that she won in a competition years ago, which shows that hoarding does have it uses!😉 I am amazed that you remembered you had them and I am in awe that you knew exactly where they would be!!  

Michele you created a gorgeous card that fits the bill perfectly. I bet Emily absolutely loved it, thank you so much for sharing it with is XXX

Wrapping is on the agenda today, while the girls are at work, otherwise it will be a couple of late nights.

I hope that you all have a good day,

Love and hugs to all of you,




  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-thank you for sharing my card. My fried was very pleased with it so I hope Emily liked it too.

    I got a message yesterday from my cousins wife saying my Uncle is waiting fir a pacemaker to be fitted ASAP! I got a text from him echo him was utter gibbo. Hope everything is ok.

    Right-I’m off to Tesco now. Think I’m going to be tied by the time I finish work tonight.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Love the card Michele, and I hope your uncles ok.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Oh MICHELE I love love love your card and I'm sure it will be a big HIT with Emily.
    That image would be adored by my two younger Great Grandchildren.Both the girls just love everything on that card. It's my youngest G.G.daughter's birthday on Jan 1st and she is going to be 5.

    I still haven't got around to putting things away so really must get a wriggle on today.

    The Cafe is OPEN so pop in when you can.Mince pies etc are fresh too.
    HUGS are on their way toyou all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Hi everyone
    A gorgeous card Michele, perfect for a little girl.
    We always get a turkey crown, Sandra, which we usually cook Christmas Eve. However, I think Mark is going to cook it Christmas Day this year as I’m working until 2pm so he’s got plenty of time 😉 When the boys were younger we always watched The Polar Express on Christmas Eve, a family tradition I miss now that they’re older. I haven’t watched it myself for a few years, so if time allows I may sit down with a mince pie and some mulled punch and watch it myself tomorrow night.
    I still have some wrapping to finish, and need to pop out to get a couple more bits, so that’s what I shall be doing today.
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

    1. Thank you Sue and Margaret for the lovely Christmas card xxx

  4. Beautiful card MICHELE and I bet Emily loved it
    I cook my turkey and gammon late afternoon Christmas Eve It frees up oven space and is easier to carve when cold I just make sure the plates are piping hot and with the addition of gravy it works
    Going to the zoo later to lay a wreath It is shut to public So we won’t see anyone apart from the owner to let us in
    Take care all x

  5. Hi Sandra & Ladies.
    A lovely card Michele. I’m also amazed that you knew where these toppers were. I’d have no idea as I have so much stuff that I no longer used. It’s absolutely chucking it down at the moment although it does seems a bit brighter. I can actually turn the light off. I have a river running down my road at the morning meet, so I’d hate yo think what your fields are like Sandra. Thank you for all your lovely cards ladies. I hope you got yours Sue as Sandra has had problems with post that went into the box by Asda. Mine to you went in there as well as a friend posted it for me. That box sounds like the one in my road. Which if I can help it I don’t use.
    I need to finish off Karen’s 50th birthday card over Christmas as it’s on the 28th.
    Just thought I’d better get one done for Craig as his is on the 1st Jan.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  6. Hello everyone.
    Love the card Michele, the little girl will love it for sure. Hope your uncle be alright.
    Not sure where this day went but it's been pretty busy with prep for tomorrow and facetime with family I haven't seen for years or never met before Lol. Jansson's is being cooked tonight when the oven on anyway for dinner and I'm also going to try to make some vegan fudge as a little surprise for Son. He got a parcel from his girlfriend this morning who is in Portugal, it was so sweet but do you think he sent her anything ?! He's working tomorrow so we have dinner together when he's back,luckily he is home earlier then norm for could never have dinner 11pm. We have our herring,prawns and salmon as lunch and the we do meatballs and mash with red cabbage. A turkey crown we cook on Christmas day.
    Sonia, I love Polar Express so I will be watching it with you 😃
    Thank you everyone for your lovely cards !!💕

    Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies
    What a day I had to be ready by 7am transport to hospital for my xray and blood test. They phoned at 7.15am to say they would be half hour. They wouldn't let Terry come with me as covid but he booked escort
    Went for xray he put my wheel chaire away from the table I said no so he put me by the table & had to get on myself the nurse said we don't help you. Turn over he took xray & i had to get back in wheelchair. Then off to have blood test.
    I got home at 2 o'clock i was shattered.
    Thanks for all your lovely Christmas card's I received x
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx 🎄❤️

  8. Hello All, another grey damp day.

    Michele love your card, a little girl dream card.

    We don’t like turkey breast, only the legs and thighs, we usually have goose, but as we are on our own this year it will be duck. And gammon for Christmas Eve.

    I am going to start my calendar that Michele kindly sent us, not sure how I am going to do it, probably stamp and stencil.

    Hope you had a good day, hugs Lilian
