
Tuesday 22 December 2020

Another of Pat's stunning Groovi Christmas cards


Good Morning Ladies,

I wish the rain would ease a little, it makes shopping such a nightmare, my wheelchair is still really muddy from going to the farm on Sunday.  

As most of you probably remember we usually go to Mum's the weekend before Christmas, we had a yearly tradition taking Mum to Carols on the Quay in Rowhedge, the had a Brass band and choir and all of our family would make the effort to come as it meant so much to mum, you could see her beam with pride as her whole family stood around her all singing along to the carols.  I felt really sad that we weren't going to be doing it this year, we then discovered that the local church and villagers had organised a Crib Service and Carol Concert in one of the Barns on the Farm, there were Goats, sheep, Chickens and even a huge Bull, everything was strictly socially distanced of course, they had even managed to get a Piano into the barn, the children all performed their roles well and the Choir led the whole village in a lovely selection of Christmas carols, I had a lump in my throat and had to fight the tears back but it was so lovely and I just imagined Mum looking down and smiling.  I was thankful that they didn't sing 'Hark the Herald Angels Sing as that was her favourite and always had us in fits of laughter when in came to the 'Glor-or-or-ria' part, as the Men tried to reach those high notes!  I felt 'Christmassy' for the first time this year I think.

Today's card is another of Our Pat's Stunning Groovi Christmas cards, it has been designed using three different plates, one for that beautiful ribbon border, the adorable Robin is on another plate and those lovely tags are another plate, I am not sure if this is one of Pat's Workshop projects, the amount of work that Pat has put into this card is incredible, from the embossing to the colouring and then the Picot Cutting, giving all that lacy detail.  Another absolute work of art Pat, thank you so much for sharing your Groovi projects with us, they are so inspiring XXX

Paul is working from home for the rest of this week which pleases me greatly, the less time the family spends out of the house the better right now, the cases are rising steeply in our area once again.  Mind you like a lot of places the Cotswolds are having even more strain put on them as people decided to leave their tier for homes and head for the holiday properties that are in tier 2, I'm sure some of you are seeing the same thing, lets hope that they aren't all bringing the new strain of the virus with them!.  It makes me even more cross that so many of you are making huge sacrifices to keep yourselves and others safe.  Rant over, Soap Box returned to the cupboard.!!!

I hope that you all manage to have a decent day under the circumstances,

Love and hugs winging their way to all of you,




  1. Morning Ladies

    Pat-what an absolutely stunning card. That’s a card to treasure.

    Sandra-glad Paul is working from home, I’m sure you’ll be more relaxed just knowing he’s there.

    I’m already panicking about when I can do the food shopping. We were planning on going Wednesday evening after I finish work but have since had a rethink and we’re planning on going very early tomorrow morning. That way if there’s anything we can’t buy them hopefully Hubby will look in the village for the missing items. He’s collecting the order from the butchers on Thursday morning as I have absolutely no idea what time I’ll finish work on Christmas Eve.


    1. I hope you manage to sort your shopping out Michele. I know a lady who worked on the meat counter. She said they’d let so many people into our Sainsbury’s that you weren’t able to social distance at all. Glad you liked my card.

  2. Beautiful card PAT It must take you hours but must beam with pride when you finish one as they are real works of art
    I hope you can get your shopping sorted MICHELE If it helps are you aware that a lot of Sainsbury’s are opening at 6am
    Work was chaotic yesterday A bit more than the usual Monday
    I hope today is calmer
    Take care all x

    1. I’m glad you liked my card Jaren. I hope work isn’t as bad as yesterday.

  3. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Thanks for showing my card Sandra. Yes, it was one of Maria’s projects. I usually make one project card then adapt it with other plates, as I did with the octagon one I’d sent you.
    It’s another dull & miserable day here today. At some point it’s supposed to rain, so I need to go out for a walk before it does. I didn’t get to walk yesterday. I must get on with a 50th birthday card for Karen as well. It’ll be nice for you that Paul’s able to work from home this week.
    Take care everyone & stay safe.

  4. Hello, looks as though it’s drying up, although tomorrow it’s supposed to be torrential.

    Pat, what a beautiful card, you must have so much patience. Love the colouring.

    Michele hope the shopping goes well, had mine delivered this morning, everything supplied which surprised me as on the new thy were talking about shortages.

    Lovely for you Sandra that Paul can work from home for a shot time. Lilian

  5. Hi everyone
    A gorgeous card Pat, love the traditional Christmas colours.
    The crib service and concert sounds lovely Sandra. I think we all need a little bit of Christmas cheer at the moment.
    Went to M&S and Tesco first thing this morning. Had to queue for M&S but straight into Tesco and were in and out within two hours. No brandy butter though, so I still got to go out tomorrow for that. Personal preference, but I can’t have Christmas pud without it 😂
    Hope you get your shopping Michele, and everyone else too. If you can go early I’d advise it, was starting to get busier when we left at 9am.
    Have a good afternoon/evening. Sending hugs to you all xx

    1. Lilian, thank you for the lovely Christmas card 😊 xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone
    Love your groovi card as always, it is just stunning Pat.
    Karen- hope your day is better.
    Michele- hope you can get your shopping you need. We had our delivery from Sansbury's today and we got everything so that was a bonus not having to go in to any store.
    It's a bit nippy outside but we got dressed and did a 4 mile walk, well needed after all the stuff one eating and saying that I will now go and have a coffee and a slice of Panettone so I wish you all have a nice day and stay safe !
    Many hugs Maria xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies very wet & still Raining cold too.
    I had too ring the Nationwide today what a nightmare got cut off 3 time's so had to go through all press 1 exetra
    I had six transactions for £300.00.all together from Amazon which we didn't make as we don't shop with Amazon finally got through to a nice lady & she had stop our card said it would be about ten days for the new one.
    Then had to sort out transport for my hospital appointment & they had computer trouble and had to ring them back that also took three time's to get through we have to be ready for 7 am my appointment is at
    9 o'clock. Terry said it takes a long time for me to get ready she said I can go in a nighty and dressing gown.
    PAT your card is stunning your so talented it's beautiful.
    MICHELE hope you get your shopping OK and you haven't got to stay very late at work.
    Love&Hug's Lynda xx
