
Friday 6 November 2020

Your Next Challenge


Good Morning Ladies,

I am so pleased that it is Friday, this week has seemed long, we are going into an eventful week next week with Paul's surgery.  He has to have a Covid Test on Sunday, this will be his second one, he will have to have another too as they have now decided to to his eyes individually as doing them together is too high a risk!  So Frustrating but the hospital know whats best , well they know which way brings in most money! πŸ˜–
Have any of you made plans for the next 4 weeks at home?  Lots of Crafting I hope, I look forward to seeing it and sharing it here on our blog xxx

Next Weeks Challenge

You may be confused if you are trying to guess the challenge based on the cards shared above!             This is a Challenge that you have conquered on more than one occasion.  

I would like you to to make cards that feature your own Backgrounds, you can use any technique that you like, any material too.....

Inky Backgrounds
Watercolour Backgrounds,
Dry embossing/Groovi
Heat Embossing/Resist Technique
Embossing Folder Backgrounds 
Masks with Texture Paste
Gelli Plate Design Backgrounds
Or Simple stamped backgrounds

I hope that list of suggestions gets your crafty juices flowing!!! 

As always I can't wait to see what you all decide upon.  I am quite excited to play with some new techniques, I will of course share them with all of you.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great challenge & some lovely cards as inspiration Sandra.
    I’m very glad it’s Friday as it’s been s difficult week. My trainee is proving difficult to say the least. The hospital is full & we’ve had to open up our emergency “winter pressure “ ward already. So I’m certainly not going to notice any difference during this lockdown except for being busier-let’s hope I don’t have to go back to queuing outside the supermarket just to do my food shopping. Miserable in the cold, dark evenings. On a positive note hubby is home tonight-it’s been a long week as he’s been away all week.


    1. Hi Michele. Work sounds pretty awful at the moment. Fingers crossed it improves. On a queueing note Sainsbury’s have said that all NHS workers, carers, elderly people can go straight in to their stores. So in theory not much queuing.

  2. Morning Everyone
    This week's Challenge will definitely have to get my 'little grey cell' working.

    Having my flu jab wasn't too bad.At least it stayed dry and I didn't have to wait outside too long.
    Well no one would have thought we were in lock down last night as it was just as noisy with fireworks as as though nothing was any different.
    We cannot see across the road this morning for the usual after 5th Nov fog.

    I cannot belive it's the end of another week ans so it's the 'swear' word day for me.I would love nothing better than to just curl up in my chair with my book for the day but the sooner I get busy the better.

    The CAFE is of course OPEN. Warm and cosy with a corner for anyone to hide in if needed.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Great cards today. Just had to start all over again as Keith has kept me on the phone for the last half hour. He’d rung to see what shopping I needed. Then started going on about cars. He’d just bought a second hand one. My word I was glazing over as he’d gone into the ins & outs of having a tow bar and the different sorts of electrics you’d need. I’ve spoken to Doreen this morning at the home as no visits are allowed. Bryans eye patch after his cataract operation hadn’t been taken off after 24hrs and he’d had no eye drops put in. So her 1/2hr visit was a waste of time as she was fuming over that and wanted to speak to someone to find out why. Drove 4 times a dat for a month nth is the norm apparently. Hopefully after that they’ll do his other eye.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely cards and fun, perhaps messy challenge depending what we make Lol
    Michele, wish you a alright day and hope you get to have a nice ,relaxing weekend.
    Janet, hope you now has finished your swearwords and can have a nice afternoon curled up reading your book. What do you read at the moment ?
    Pat, not good Bryan missed out on the eye drops. Hopefully the other one goes well.
    Hope Paul's eye op goes well too Sandra. They must think to do one at the time is better. Here the hospital struggling with catching up with ops, they are doing people from May at the moment so I would say, don't get ill to need hospital treatment right now, in MK anyway.
    No walk this morning, I slept in til 10am and the decided to clean the oven, I can leave the tray in but need to do the racks by hand so it is a s--ty job but needed to be done. Can't be in the kitchen though while it being done for the smell goes right on your chest so no crafting until later tonight.
    Have a nice day everyone xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love you're card's today they are all lovely. Ilove messy crafting.
    Sorry I havent been in i lost all my comments which was so frustrating especially as my hands started hurting.
    I had a letter from the hospital yesterday saying that my appointment will be changed from seeing the doctor on 12th to a telephone conversation & then he will decide if he needs to see me.
    As you can imagine I'm not happy
    I'm hoping this will publish
    Thank you all for the extra Hug's
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx

  6. Hello all,another lovely day.

    Sandra great cards for inspiration, for this weeks challenge, can’t wait to see what we all come up with.

    Not sure I’ll get this weeks done, hands still very sore from my fall, feeling worse today than yesterday.

    Hope you have all had a good day, hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Hello LILIAN so sorry to read you had a fall. I hope you are ok and not too sore.

  7. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    Apologies for not posting yesterday. I did write a comment, forgot to press post. It was looking at me when I looked on the iPad this morning. I blame my age!!!

    Michele love the cards you had on the blog yesterday, thank you for your inspiration. xx
    Sandra thank you for helping us with so many suggestions for the next challenge . You help is invaluable, what a ⭐️ you are. XX

    Wishing Paul all the best for next week, 🀞and sending caring hugs xx

    Sending BIG HUGS to Lynda, Margaret, Lilian and all who are needing them just now. Take care and stay safe.
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Thanks Brenda for the big Hug's
      Much appreciated ❤️πŸ€—πŸ€— xx
