
Thursday 5 November 2020

Challenge Inspiration from Our Michele


Good Morning Ladies, 

I seriously thought it was Friday today  it wasn't until I was about to message Danielle and say 'its Friday tomorrow you get 2 days off of treatment after today'' when suddenly it dawned on me that it was only Thursday today!  Oh it's been a long week, not that I've done anything.
Lucy and I ventured into a very busy Swindon yesterday to go to the bank (a long with the rest of the population of Swindon i think)! They were queuing down the street, in fact the queues from different shops/ banks were joining up. 
Anyway we got the cheque paid in, after a bit of a performance,  it's actually been a while since somebody has treated me like I am mentally challenged as well as physically,  I have had people give Paul my change, saying 'I'll give the change to your carer for safe keeping' , the lady in the bank was very condescending, she all but patted me on the head!! I set her straight though!  

Today's cards have been designed by our Michele using a magazine Freebie Embossing Folder,  I will be honest and say that I thought Michele had used a die, but no, Michele embossed the card with the Folder and then sanded it back and then decorated each on according to the occasion. 
This is the folder that Michele used...

Free gift with Simply Cards & Papercraft magazine issue 173 from February 2018.

Two gorgeous cards Michele thank you so much for inspiring us XXX 

Ladies I hope that you enjoy the first day of Lockdown', for most of us ot won't be any different to any other day! 

Love and hugs to all of you  



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-glad you got the jobs done yesterday. Shame about the patronising member of staff in the Bank-I’d be emailing the bank to ask them to speak to their staff on how to deal with their customers!

    Thanks for showing my cards-I’d forgotten I’d made those . On my way home from the hairdressers yesterday evening there was only one wine bar open & 2 restaurants in the village but they were all quite busy.
    We’re quite busy too-yet again we’ve had to open our back up ward as we’re constantly full. I’m glad we’re having this lockdown, just hoping I don’t have to start queuing again to get into the supermarket. I’m going to Morrison’s tonight so fingers crossed I’ll be able to get in as I’m already feeling weary.


  2. Morning everyone
    MICHELE just love that efolder. I too thought it was a die first glance.

    Well I'm off to have my flu jab in about 3/4hr (08.00)and to say I'm not looking forward is an under statement. I have a letter giving me instructions on what to do and I have to wait outside until called. I'll let you know tomorrow how things go.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting also following all he rules.It's lovely having our 'bubble' and somewhere to relax with a welcome cuppa.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Hello All, it’s a glorious sunny morning here. Makes such a difference than waking up in the dark. I hate dark days.

    Michele love your two cards, e/ f seem to have had a resurgence, I dug out some of my old ones that haven’t seen the light of day for ages.

    Waiting for an order from Amazon, which should have been here yesterday, but now it might be here tomorrow., what’s the point of paying for prime when the very time you want something( mask making bits) next day as promised for it to take three days. Sorry rant over.

    Hoping to plant the rest of my bulbs today, I love it when the spring flowers come into bloom.

    Janet hope your flu jab is OK, we went to a drive through for ours, which was very efficient.

    Have a good day all, Lilian

  4. Two lovely cards MICHELE I thought it was a die too!
    Hope the flu jab goes ok JANET I don’t get mine until 17th
    I am glad you managed to get things sorted at the bank SANDRA and MICHELE is right Perhaps you should email and say
    Like you have already said lockdown won’t feel much different to a lot of us I just worry that by not closing schools etc that those bugs are being brought home and passed on
    I hope to craft this afternoon unless we have to do some child care
    I have some training later which I am not looking forward to Ho hum!
    Take care everyone xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely folder Michele and the cards you’ve made with it look great.
    Like Swindon Witney was manic yesterday. Not that I was going that way. But the queues of traffic going into Witney was awful. Anyone would think the food shops were closing as well as everything else.
    Bryan had his cataract op yesterday. They couldn’t get a cannula in his arm to sedate him so just had the drops in his eye. The surgeon put his phone number into Gills phone and said ring me day or night if you have any concerns. So the home now have to put drops in his eye for 1 month 4 times a day. Didn’t see any news yesterday as I was over Craig’s. Well lockdown for a lot of us will just be the same as usual won’t it.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

  6. Hi ladies.
    Two fabulous cards Michele, like the other I too thought it was a die. Hope work be ok.
    Good luck Janet with the flu jab.
    Wondering if our date with the dentist still go ahead next week. Hope tho that Paul have his op.
    Just got back from a lovely walk. Very foggy and the sun tried to burn through but not manage it fully, still it was nice. Less cars and people around again but as you say, we won't notice much different from what we already do except our weekly trip to Frost is on hold for a while. Thinking of looking on Amazon for some presents for Louis and Molly so they can be sent to their home. We are not going over to any of them this x-mas.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you are up to. Many hugs to all, Maria xxx

  7. Hi everyone
    Beautiful cards Michele. Love the embossing folder, it does look like a die cut.
    Glad you got to the bank yesterday, but sorry to hear about the rude member of staff
    Off work now until next Thursday. We should’ve been in Great Yarmouth this weekend as Marks band were due to play at a weekend festival, but was cancelled a couple of months ago. I’d booked a long weekend off, and combined with my 2 days off next week due to working the following weekend, I’ve got a nice long break.
    Hope everyone is having a good day. Stay safe. Hugs to all xxx
