
Thursday 12 November 2020

Throwback to some of Our Lynda's amazing Backgrounds

Good Morning Ladies,

We had a very wet and blustery day yesterday, it was also what seemed like the longest day of my life, I'm pretty sure it did for Paul too, the frustrating part is that we have to do it all over again in 9 days!  I think as far as Paul's nerves were concerned having both done at same time was a much easier task.

I thought that I couldn't pass by a Background challenge without featuring our 'Queen of Backgrounds', I have to say that I am seriously missing the inspiration that I got from seeing Our Lynda's work every week, you have inspired me to buy so many different products and mediums over the years, I would have a go at something that I thought was new only to find Lynda had tried it ages ago!  I can honestly say Lynda that your amazing background designs have inspired all of us along the way.  Nothing would give me greater pleasure than seeing you create more!  You must be itching to get messy fingers my lovely!

The first of Lynda's cards above features a background made using the 'Shaving Foam' Technique

The second, stunning card features a background made using Coloured Texture paste through a Mask, your results are so clean and crisp Lynda, so effective, I love that colour too.

Lynda's third card shows a background made using 'Pixie Powders', I will say that Lynda always achieved way better results than either Sue or I did.  Just look at the depth of colours, so bright and vibrant.

Lynda I would like to thank you for giving us so much inspiration, you have the best attitude when it comes to crafting, just have a go and have fun, your results were always stunning.  I look forward to the day that your cards get top spot on our Blog my lovely XXX

Sending love and hugs to each and every one of you, Paul has asked me to thank you all for your kind words. 




  1. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-lovely reminder of the stunning cards you have made. I’m hoping very soon you can start crafting again.

    Sandra-hope everything went ok yesterday & Paul wasn’t home too late.

    In work early as I need to try & catch up as I’m short staffed for the next 2 days.


    1. Thank you for the lovely
      Comment on my behalf
      Hope you have a good weekend

  2. WOW! Fantastic to see your cards LYNDA and the inspiration I must get out the shaving foam and Pixie Powders again
    My daughter asked for a very simple wedding card yesterday so I am hoping I can fit this week’s cc into it
    I am so relieved PAUL got on OK It is a huge shame that the surgeon couldn’t do both eyes BUT at least you’ll have a good idea as to what expect time wise but of course on the other side PAUL knows that it’s more painful etc “swings and roundabouts” eh!
    Had a telephone consultation with dermatology consultant which felt weird but it’s done and he’s sending a prescription to GP
    Very sunny here but cold I need to go out for a walk today as I was so busy (not doing very much really) that I didn’t go out
    Take care all xx

  3. Morning Ladies,

    After such wild gale force winds that hit us yesterday, today is calm and sunny. Looking out my patio doors whilst phone chatting to Mum, I though I saw flocks of small birds wheeling and whirling around in the sky, a second look and I realized it was the oak tree leaves flying and swirling about. The wind had been getting stronger and now my neighbours will have the pleasure of hundreds of leaves dropped into their gardens that I have every year. Marvellous mulch for the borders next year.

    Printing out some verses/sentiments today for a parcel of cards I'm packing up for Pete's cousin Penny who has been very unwell and unable to get out and about for some time. Quite a challenge making cards for somebody you know but not their tastes. Hopefully I will have ticked the right boxes for her.

    Hope Paul's ops went as planned and he is now getting lots of R&R. He deserves it after all he was been through.

    Comfort blanket hugs to all in need of them today.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Stunning card on display from our Lynda today. Hopefully you’ll soon be able to start some card making again.
    Hopefully Paul’s cataract surgery went ok and now it’s recovery time. Both Doreen & Bryan said theirs was quite painless. As it’s to dangerous to do both eyesvat the same time Doreen had to wait for her second op, as will Bryan.
    I have the chiropodist later today and the weather looks quite nice. So I’m going to pop out foe a walk.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

    1. Thanks Pat for the your nice
      Hug's Lynda xx

  5. Hi all , lovely and sunny here, but very cold, wind dropped now.

    Glad all went well with Paul’s op, hopefully he’s on the mend now.

    How lovely to see Lynda’s fab cards, as a clean and simple card maker, have to think out of the box to do these.

    Hoping the painter will finish today, 4 days with the smell of paint is giving me a headache.

    Towels ready for the line so I’d better finish. Hugs to all Lilian

  6. Thank you for your nice comments
    On my card's
    Thank you. LILIAN XXX

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    SANDRA thank you for sharing my card.s it was really really a surprise
    I hope i can get in my room soon
    I wil see what the doctor has to say when the doctor rings me at 4oclock.
    Thank you love and Hug's Lynda xxxx

  8. Hi everyone
    Fabulous cards Lynda, love your backgrounds. I’ve never tried the shaving foam technique but looking at your card, it makes for a lovely background, so may have to give it a go one day. Love the pixie powders too - I’m with Sandra and Sue, never really got good results using them.
    Pleased to hear Paul’s op went well, hope he’s not feeling too uncomfortable today and you’re both having a quiet, relaxing day.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  9. Hi everyone
    Lovely to see dome cards by our Lynda, thank you for showing them for us. Hopefully we will see some more one day when you can get in to the craft room and have a play again.
    Great to hear Paul is alright and he soon will have them both done. Terrible tho you had to wait around so long, bring something to do next time.
    To our working ladies I wish your day have gone ok and your evening will be nice and stress free.
    Lilian, hope your painter is finished today. The fumes from the paint can sometimes be awfully strong. Our neighbour have done his fence about a week ago and boy is that smelly.
    Sonia, some wonderful photos on Barney on his walk outside!
    My sisters puppies are going on Saturday, not sure how she does it for they are soooo cute and cuddly every single one.
    Had a bad night but when we saw the sunshine we had to get out for a walk and it was really nice. Have not done much else today then washing and that is been hanged indoors so now it smells like a launderette Lol
    Sending many hugs to you all, stay safe Maria xx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I hope you both had a good sleep last night, I’m sure you were exhausted both physically and mentally. It’s amazing how hanging around can be totally exhausting. Hope you both have been taking thing easy today. xx

    LYNDA it is so lovely to see some of your cards. They are all gorgeous and so inspiring. It’s because of you that I bought my first lot of Pixie Powders, although my results are not in the same league as yours they are fascinating to play with. I have even used some of my own background creations. Big thank you for your inspiration. xx

    Been busy today, cleaning both ovens - not my favourite job I have to say, but great to get it done.

    Have a good evening everyone, take care and stay safe.
    Love Brenda xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a wonderful surprise to see a couple of our Queen of backgrounds cards. Lynda, may you finally be able to get back to crafting even if it is in a different way. Both Mum and I miss your fabulous cards. Please let us know how you got on talking to the doctor today. Hope he/she can get you to a better place than you are at the moment x
    Sandra, good to hear Paul is ok today but hope he isn’t doing too much. I hope you both sleep well tonight xx
    Maria, enjoy singing along to the radio. Mellow Magic plays the tracks that were around when we were younger. With that, Queen, Meatloaf, Black Sabbath and the like I’m well away and singing at the top of my voice in the car as I wouldn’t inflict my very out of tune voice on the neighbours. Ask Mum and she will assure you that I can’t sing in tune 😂
    Brenda, thinking of you and your dear sister x
    Sonia, Sandra and I went to a Pixie Powder class. My attempts were so bad that even the teacher said that I should put them in the bin and try again!!! As you can imagine Sandra and I found it hilarious 😂
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

    1. 😂 I'm totally tone deaf so know what you mean 🙈 and to have a brother and his wife who singing beautifully in a choir 😄 I know I am worse then bad 🙊 😁 xx
