
Friday 13 November 2020

It's Tour New Challenge Time again....


Good Morning Ladies,

Well it's the end of another week,  this one has flown, I can hardly believe that we are almost half way through November!  Another three weeks and it will be time to get decorations out! Even closer is the beginning of December when we start sending out our Christmas cards!  I really must sit down and get cracking, I have really lacked motivation and inspiration this past few weeks, I think it's with everything else going on, Paul's continued sight problems have massively impacted our daily lives and dealing with all the legal/financial stuff for Mum's Estate is just exhausting. We were supposed to be going over to Colchester this weekend to finish sorting and clearing the house but Covid has put pay to that, so we will now have to do it in December which  I really didn't want to do but realistically the new people could be at the point of wanting to move in come mid January, so we have to get on with it.

As it's Friday that means time to think about our next Challenge so here goes....

Your Next Challenge

For our next Challenge I would like you to create cards or any other project that you have been ......

'Inspired to make from either a Magazine, Blog, YouTube or Pinterest' 

It doesn't have to be a card, you can make Christmas Decor, Gifts etc 

I think that this Challenge will produce some amazing projects from all of you and I can't wait to see them. 

My card today was inspired from a card in the Stampin Up  Catalogue way back when I joined up first time.  I absolutely loved that paper collection (obviously because it is Green). I also really liked that Snowflake border die, although I don't think that I have used it since, which is probably because I store the Stampin Up dies in the wallets that they came in so you can't actually see them.

You know I have just had an idea, maybe every two weeks we should sort through all of our dies and stamps and pull out a new selection to work with over the coming weeks, then in 2 weeks time do the same thing again.  I have so many dies that I 'forget' to use because they aren't out on display!         What do you think, good idea????

I hope that you all have an enjoyable weekend,  we are once again having a quiet one, although I think I may have to tie Paul to the bed, NO RAISED EYEBROWS needed, I just can't stop him from keep going and opening up his laptop to do work!!  His notes for post op said he was to rest today but I would say that he has worked 6 hours, I kept nagging but he just said that he had his eye closed !! I guess this is the downside of having your work at home! 

Sending love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                        xxxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-love the next challenge & your card is gorgeous.

    I think the idea of going back to look st older dies etc on a regular basis is a brilliant idea-not sure if could manage every 2 weeks though. Maybe once a month and that could possibly be added into a challenge or a regular feature each month-use something old??
    I hope Paul follows the medical advice he was given and doesn’t continue to strain his eye(s).

    I’m very glad it’s Friday- been a difficult week.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Love today's card SANDRA.

    I too need to look at Seasonal cards I have to make.As I had quite a large order from an elderly lady during Sept/Oct I haven't really had any inspiration to make a dint in mine. Ah well needs must I suppose.

    Well yes it's that 'swear' word day so I'd better get a move on.
    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.

  3. Great idea for the challenge and maybe like MICHELE has said make it once a month
    I agree and funnily enough we spoke about it at a meeting at work yesterday that that is one of the drawbacks of working from home that you work for longer which isn’t a good thing But if PAUL is supposed to be resting especially using a laptop then perhaps you should hide it! Any of us using computers etc should have a break from staring at the screen every 50 minutes
    I hope to finish Oscar’s “card” later I keep being distracted and it’s sitting on my desk cut out I just need to construct it
    Take care all xxx

    1. I mean great idea about having a sort out and use older dies stamps etc and use them
      This week’s challenge is a great idea I think many of us are usually inspired by something we’ve seen on Pinterest or in a magazine or television

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely card today. I actually love that colour green. I don’t particularly like green as a colour which is odd really as I’ve used & made green backgrounds.
    I was gobsmasked to read that Paul had been working so soon after his surgery. As both Michele & Karen have both said, he should be following the drs orders as he could do some permanent damage to his eyes by not resting them.
    As per usual not much on today. As I’d been to the chiropodist yesterday tea time I thought I’d take a look in our new Lidl’s. As I was driving up to the Ducklington roundabout a house was ablaze with Christmas lights. The Lidl’s was massive and had a new travel lodge being built. Opposite it is a hotel on the other side of the roundabout, and on the same rd next door to where the old Lidl’s was is already a Premier Inn. Someone obviously things Witney is a tourist hot spot.
    Take dare f stay safe everyone.

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Gorgeous card Sandra. Can you believe it that I just saw a thing on pinterest that made me think ,Oh I should be able to make that so hoping it can be for next weeks cc and I can make it earlier.
    It was meant to be rain here today so had already decided to be indoors and do some swearwords but the Sun is out and it is a lovely day so spent a few hours raking up leaves and cut some bushes down. Know it will be more to do but now it looks fine for a day. Sitting down for a bit and then hope to put the cc for this week together.
    I hope that Paul is listening to you Sandra for it's no good for him to be on the computer and tire his other eye too much. How long will need to have the patch for ?
    I wish you all have a good day and the weekend soon here for our working friends. Take care everyone and stay safe !
    Many hugs Maria xxx

  6. Hi everyone
    Love your card, and a great challenge for next week. I will find it difficult to choose, as I’m often browsing Pinterest, pinning lots of ideas with the thoughts of recreating, but then never actually get around to doing any, lol 😂 So it’s the perfect challenge for me 😉
    Love the idea with the dies as well, could also use some older stamps with it too.
    Sorry to hear Paul’s not been resting and carrying on working. Think you definitely need to tie him down. Such a stressful time for you with everything that’s happened these last couple of months, I hope you can find some time to relax xx
    Enjoy the rest of the day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. This is a gorgeous card, that green is a lovely shade and the snowflakes are really pretty. I have quite a lot of C. cards to do/ finish yet and must buy some for the ones that don’t appreciate hand made ones. I am full of ideas that I have seen on Pinterest, still think it should be renamed “Lose an hour or three!” I was looking at some paper tree decorations and also want to try the tissue paper honey comb technique which looks easier than I expected. We will see. Sandra and I had planned to make some beaded baubles last year but ran out of time and sadly don’t think it’s going to happen this year is it 😞
    I hope you all have a good weekend. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  8. Forgot to say that I think having to use an older die every few weeks is a great idea.

  9. Sorry-new ohinen& am just testing it!


  10. Hi, hope everyone is ok.

    A bit on the chilly side to day, spent the morning outside, planting my last trough for spring, miniature daffy and polyanthus.

    Painter has finished the kitchen and the utility, lovely to watch a craftsman at work. Just waiting to get new flooring then the kitchen will be finished( at last)

    Have started this weeks challenge, just waiting for it to dry, before putting on the card. I’ll say goodnight, have a good evening at least what’s left of it. lilian

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