
Monday 16 November 2020

Man Card Monday


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

How was your weekend?, yesterday turned out to be a bright and cheerful day weather wise, the wind picked up in the afternoon but it was still a much nicer day than Saturday,  the Thames was had once again breached it's banks, I'm not sure why the farmer bothers to sow crops in the fields that are beside the river, it must be soul destroying as it's every year now, in fact it's multiple times a year that the river floods his crops. 

What have you got planned this week?  Paul has another Covid Test tomorrow in preparation for his surgery on Friday, he then has to Self Isolate for the rest of the week, so he is popping into work today and then working from home for the rest of the week, which will be nice.  It encourages me to sit at my desk more too.

Today's card is a Masculine Birthday card, very simple design that was inspired to use from a card on Pinterest. 

I took a piece of Chocolate Chip card 4 1/8 X 5 3/8, and embossed 4 lines down the right hand side of card, I left a gap of 1 inch between the two so that I can add a piece of decorative paper, I chose a piece of wood themed paper as it worked well with the brown card.  I stamped a simple 'Happy Birthday' sentiment and embossed in gold for a bit of luxury. I mounted it onto a Chocolate Chip card base 4 1/4 X 5 1/2 inch. I added another piece of tree themed paper and stamped a sentiment and embossed in gold. 

I hope you like my card x

I hope that you all have a lovely day, however you are spending it, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous card, it’s lovely.
    Yesterday was very wet & strong winds. Amazingly we managed to clear up lots of the leaves in a dry spell so that’s a job ticked off the list.

    My laptop was causing me a few problems on Saturday, give up and tried again on Sunday-worse. Asked Hubby to look at it...6 hours later he had to save what he could and completely clear it. It’s nit quite right but hopefully after today it’ll be working. The worse case is I’ve lost some saved downloads but as I can’t really remember what was on it , that shouldn’t be a problem!!!


  2. Your card is gorgeous SANDRA Ilove the gold embossing on the chocolate card I for forget to heat emboss I am so thrilled that I actually get a stamped image that I forget and don’t want to mess that up!
    I meant to say yesterday that it was lovely to see some of LYNDA’s work It must be so hard for you being in pain and not be able to do something you enjoy to take your mind off it
    Well new job I’m nervous but almost relieved too as it’s back with a team I really enjoy working with I feel awful that I’m leaving the other team as they are struggling especially as someone is on long term sick leave
    Need to get cracking I’ll pop back later xx

    1. Good luck for today Karen xx

    2. Goodluck, sure it will go well

    3. Karen good luck for today
      Thank you for your cmment on my cards. I had a phone conversation with the orthopedic consultant last week. He first thing he said was how are you
      I said not very good at all
      He said why. So I told him about my legs not working since the second operation last November. So he going have in for xray and scan. So I am hoping he can help me just got to wait for appointment 🤞fingers crossed

  3. Hi everyone
    Great card Sandra 😊
    Hope Paul’s test is ok tomorrow, and his operated eye is improving.
    Michele, hope you get the laptop working properly again. We don’t realise how much we rely on technology until it stops working, do we?
    Sue, glad you’re feeling better, and enjoy your visit with your mum and pop.
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xx

  4. Morning everyone
    Love the card Sandra.
    always making a mess of my heatembossing of words so have given up.
    Michele- not nice loosing things you saved and as you I never remember so can't get them back. Is it an age thing ?
    Rain has stopped here so off for our walk, must keep this up or we go stir crazy
    Have a nice day everyone and many hugs are sent for you all xxx

  5. Hello everyone, cloudy but not raining, so towels on the line.

    Sandra love your man card, I think gold embossing always looks classy.

    Hope Paul’s test goes well, and that things will be back to normal.

    Not feeling great to day, so will be a sofa day. We have another set of cleaners today as my usual ones are on furlough.
    Hope you all have a good day, hugs Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love your card today it's lovely
    Perfect for the men. Very cold today
    I put my comment on Karen post
    Thank you love Lynda xxxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Love today’s Man card, it looks very classy, everting coordinates beautifully.

    Hope Paul got on alright at work today and the Covid test tomorrow goes well, after that you will have to wrap him in cotton wool for the rest of the week. xx

    We have had a lovely dry day today, got two machine loads of washing out on the line and dried. ( it’s the simple thing’s that make me happy) We have had a shower this evening but the washing was all indoors by then.

    Hope everyone has had a good day.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening.
    Love Brenda xxx
