
Tuesday 17 November 2020

Christmas Vintage style


Good Morning Ladies,

Off to get Covid check for Paul this morning, think he was feeling the effects of going into work yesterday, he did nothing but yawn when he got home and looked as though he was struggling, but he won't listen, so I am saying nothing! I would say that I'd leave him to it, but I can't bare to see him in pain so I went into nurse mode, not that he would take any pain relief, Why are men so flippin stubborn!

I have had a card in photos on my phone for a couple of years, I loved the vintage look of it but never got around to making my version of it, so this challenge gave me the perfect opportunity to create it. I have had those Spellbinder dies for years.  

I started by die cutting the Spellbinders 'Adorning Label 25' in white card, I cut a mat in Soft Suede card using the plain Label 25.  I took an old embossing folder (I found a box of treasure lol)  It's a Cuttlebug Folder, I ran it through with white paper and then used some Distress inks to add the vintage browns, I mounted everything onto a 4 1/4 X 5 1/2 inch card base that I had also tinted with distress inks.
Now onto the fun part...... the embellishments...
I tool another piece of white card and used the same distress inks to add some colour, I then took a Gold Posca Pen and flicked it all over the piece to add little hints of gold to catch the eye.  I then die cut it using John Next Door Poinsettia die,  I then cut a load of foliage sprigs in browns and golds and arranged them in the bottom corner of the label, placing the Poinsettia on top.  I finished the flower with a gold gemstone and then Die cut the sentiment (although I wished I had stamped the sentiment before I had stuck it into place.  The die I used was a freebie with last months Creative Stamping magazine.  I cut it in brown and added a drop shadow in gold.  

I treated myself to the matching stamps to John Next Doors Poinsettia's, although they weren't easy to find, I got them from Crafts 4 Less, I don't think I have used them before, fingers crossed I won't have to wait forever for them to arrive.  

I hope that you are all well, sending huge to those of you that are struggling,

Lilian I hope you feel a bit brighter today, 

Lynda and Margaret big squidgy hugs on their way to you both. 

Love and hugs to all of you, my very dear friends,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous Christmas card, perfect gif the “use something old” challenge. Let’s hope Paul takes it easy after yesterday.

    My laptop is now fully working thsnks U.K. the hours of attention hubby spent on it. He thinks the problem was something I’d had put on it to allow me to work from home-annoying as I only did that once! Well it’s all gone and I managed to log back into every.

    Computer problems at work y-the main server went down so cut over 5 hours we were on an emergency back up system. Things still weren’t fixed by the time I was leaving. Goodness knows what time the team on the late shift in the Pharmacy finished. Let’s hope today is problem free.


  2. Me again-excuses the typos! New phone & my fingers clearly aren’t working too well!!!


    1. Hello Michele hope your computer
      Is going well now
      Hope your day is going OK
      LYNDA X

  3. Morning Everyone
    from a very dark/wet start here.

    Love today's Card SANDRA.
    I really must get back to using my dies. I haven't touched them for months and months.

    Well the car is in for it's MOT this morning so everything crossed that it doesn't need any work doing.
    I'll just be so happy when Jim is back in the house.

    The CAFE is OPEN-usual hours - so pop in for a chat and a cuppa.
    HUGE HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  4. Beautiful card SANDRA I can’t do vintage I don’t know why It must doesn’t look right when I’m finished I have the poinsettia die and stamps They’re great I have his swirly poinsettia but not used that very much at all
    I hope PAUL’s test goes OK
    I hope you don’t have to wait too long for your scan LYNDA
    My first day went well and thank you for your good wishes
    Take care all Flu jab later this morning and then some crafting

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Great card today Sandra. I can’t do this type of card either Karen. Mine always turns out a mess as well.
    You’ve just reminded me Janet that my car is due it’s MOT at the end of the month so I’d better ring the garage.
    Quite windy f dull here today.
    I’m surprised Paul had to go out for a test. If he’s supposed to be self isolating. You’d have thought he’d have had a test to do at home. Good job the girls are at home to take him. I do wish he’d do what the Drs tell him as he could do untold damage. Like resting his eyes etc. My friends brother always thought he knew better than the Drs so never took his medication or pain killers. Took 1 tablet said they’re doing no good so stopped taking them. When he was so ill he then said the Drs were useless. He always went quiet when it was pointed out that if he’d have taken his meds he probably wouldn’t be so ill now.
    I had a Sunday roast yesterday which Livvy had cooked. I’d already eaten on Sunday so Karen brought it down for me to have on Monday.
    Hugs to all those that need one today.
    Take care & stay safe.

  6. Morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Gorgeous vintage looking card Sandra. Wishes for everything goes ok for Paul.
    So many more people have contracted the covid, they talking about this vaccine,not sure what to think about it. Guess we have to wait and see.
    Michele- hope your day is not too bad,take care.
    Janet- good luck with the MOT, hope (is it Harriet ?) is not poorly.
    Karen- enjoy your day with the new work. Hope the flu jab won't give you any problems. Is your garden finished ?
    Lynda- it was nice seeing some of your cards the other day. Hope and wish you can manage to make some more soon. Big hug for you and CU x
    Lilian- hope you have a better day and Brenda, take care and listen to your bodies when to sit down and have a rest. Don't wont anything happening to either of you.
    Cheryl- hope you feeling better for each day, sending you hugs.
    Sue- will see if I can remember the colours I used. Put them away so quickly and forgot to write down the combo. Should really make some colour watches so remember to another time.
    If you see Mamma and Pop anything, send them my love.
    Waiting in for the pest controller. We have heard some gnawing's in the loft, just hope it's not squirrels again...

    Have a nice day everyone ,take care,stay safe and many hugs are being sent for you all xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A beautiful vintage type card today, I love it. I love the delicate colours and don’t blame you for ordering the stamps to go with JND’s poinsettia dies. Mum used to use Craftstash quite a bit when she started getting into making cards, you know the craft she said she wouldn’t get into 😘😘 and found them good so I hope the stamps won’t be long. I hope Paul’s test is negative so that by Saturday he will have both eyes with perfect vision. I remember Mums cataract surgeon telling us that she would have perfect close up vision that worked as soon as the lens was put in so I’m sure Paul is loving that vision in the one good eye he has now and and I hope he can keep telling himself that it will be just the same in the other eye by Saturday 🤞🤞🤞🤞 Modern medicine can be absolutely fantastic sometimes can’t it. I also loved the gorgeous mans card yesterday, a clean and simple card that any one would love to receive. Sending you big hugs my lovely. Xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
    I saw Mum and Pop yesterday and Mum sends her love to you all and a special thank you to Sandra and Maria for the Mamma hugs. She tries to look in each day to enjoy the cards and to catch up with you all xx
    It’s cold and dreary here again today and down stairs is still a bit of a mess as painting the kitchen meant the tops of the cupboards etc were emptied of mixers etc (we have a tiny kitchen with only a few cupboards!!!) and we want to sort out exactly what goes back where. Roll on December when the Christmas decorations can go up to brighten the days 🥰. I saw a few houses that have already decorated on my way home from Mum and Pops last night. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hi everyone
    Love your vintage card today, it’s beautiful. Love the Spellbinders dies, must dig some of mine out 😊
    Hope Paul’s test went ok.
    Hope everyone is well and having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lovely card Sandra, these Spellbinders dies are timeless, they will look great forever.

    Hope Paul is behaving himself and will be ready for the next operation at the end of the week. When my sister had her second eye done her sight was so good she didn’t need glasses for quite some time. Fingers etc. crossed for Paul. xx

    Hope you have all had a good day.
    SANDRA how is Benji doing?
    SUE lovely you got to see Margaret and Pop.
    JANET hope Evette passed her MOT.
    MICHELE hope the computer is behaving, and the work network has been sorted .
    MARIA Hope the pest controller sorted out the problem in the loft. Some years ago we had squirrels in our loft. For ages John was telling me I was imagining I heard noises, when he investigated we had a family up there!
    PAT your family are certainly looking after you , was that two Sunday dinners you had?

    Have a good sleep, take care and stay safe.
    Love Brenda xxx
