
Sunday 4 October 2020

Your Christmas Challenge cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Ladies please join me in wishing our dear Lilian a very Happy Birthday,  I hope you have a lovely day xx❤

Here we are on our favourite day of the week, I really look forward to opening your mail and messages each week that contain your challenge cards. It's always such a pleasant surprise. 

I think we must have had a months rain during the day yesterday, it just didn't seem to stop, the garden needed it though. I think Paul was hoping to do a bit of work on the Veg patch this weekend but it was just too wet and muddy!  Hopefully that means I get some crafting time in!!

What have you all been up to?  What ever it is I hope it was fun, I was thinking of you Karen, thinking how much easier it would have been to take the Boys on a nice walk or go to a park but the weather probably changed any activities to indoor fun!  Matt and the girls all finished work early because of the weather, the girls were home over an hour early, I think Matt said he finished a good two hours earlier than normal.


Three Fabulous Festive Cards designed by Michele for this weeks challenge.  I have said many times before that I love a Wreath card and these are no exception! The red frame on the first card really makes the focal point and sentiment pop!
The second and third card remind me of 'Barge painting' I love both designs.

Michele's Description:

''3 challenge cards from me. I used some free papers from a very old issue of Making Cards magazine. Added various bits -ribbon, holly die cuts, bling and they were finished.''

Thank you so much Michele for 3 fantastic Challenge cards XXX


Karen has designed a Snowflake Wreath card for this weeks Christmas card Challenge.
I really like the combination of Kraft card with White and and a touch of Gold, it works so well.

Karen's Description:

''Here’s a Christmas card for this week
The NOEL is Sue W and I cut a load of snowflakes in white and gold on ScanNCut (my Martha Stewart snowflake punch has died!)''

Thank you so much Karen for taking part in this weeks challenge XXX


Janet has designed 3 absolutely fabulous Christmas, perfect for this weeks challenge.  Janet had an order for a selection of Christmas cards and these are some of them.  The lady you have made them for will be absolutely delighted Janet. 

Janet's Description:

'' the papers and embellishments on my last card are LABLANCHE and the greetings are peel offs from HOBBY CRAFT.

The first two cards are made from papers I had left over from last year and I cannot remember the name of them. Again the greetings are peel offs are from HOBBY CRAFT.''

Thank you so much for making time to take part in this weeks challenge, I know that you must still be battling your way through boxes of craft goodies after your home upgrade. XXX


Oh what a lovely Christmas scene you have created Lilian, I love your watercoloured background, using the water spritzing method to create snow is brilliant! 
The tree scene in the background Lilian has made with the 'Lovely as a Tree' stamp by SU.
The in the foreground we have the most adorable Snowman I have seen, his gorgeous fluffy red spotty scarf and hat really add to his cuteness!

Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge my lovely XXX


A lovely 'Traditional' Christmas card from our Maria for this week's Christmas card Challenge.
There are so many things I love about your card Maria, from the lovely Spellbinder frame die to the lovely Carol Singer die cuts, the addition of that Festive Musical notes die cut brings the whole theme together. 

A beautiful Christmas card in lovely colours Maria, thank you so much for taking part in this week's challenge my lovely XXX


Two beautiful Christmas cards from Sonia for this weeks Challenge, the first card features an adorable little dog, I love how 'round' he is and his tiny little arms and legs really make me smile.

Sonia's second card is just stunning, I love the die that you have used with the dangling heart and snowflakes, that soft blue background works perfectly with your design too.

Sonia's Description:

''Here are my challenge cards for this week too.

The first one uses a LOTV image. I think these are perfect for quick Christmas cards

(I always end up rushing at the last minute to make Christmas cards, so these are my go to for quick and easy cards!) The papers are from the ‘Scandinavian’ collection from Studio Light. I die cut the snowflakes from glitter card and the is sentiment from my stash.

Now I’m not sure if I like the second card, but thought I’d share it anyway. It’s based on a card I saw on Pinterest, but didn’t come out as I planned. I inked part of the card with distress ink. The glittered ‘snowflake love pendant’ is from Memory Box. I added the strips of glitter card and patterned paper along the top, as well as the stamped snowflakes all from my stash. Sentiments also from stash.

Thank you so much Sonia for taking part in this weeks challenge, your cards are amazing XXX


Thank you so much ladies, I truly appreciate the time and effort that you put into taking part in these challenges each week.

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                      xxxxxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    Oh I love Sunday morning starting the day looking at all the beautiful CCs.
    I never fail to be amazed at how one theme can be crafted so many different ways and this week is no exception.

    I'm having a quiet day today as we have a very busy week ahead.We still have one or two house jobs to have done and I have everything crossed by mid week all will be finished and I can start crafting properly again.

    The CAFE is of course OPEN as usual and Sunday lunch is roast beef so place your orders.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

    1. Yes please to roast beef Janet. Hope your jobs get done. I love the cards you’ve done and the sentiments.

  2. Hi everyone
    Lovely selection of cards again today 😊
    Isn’t the weather awful? It did stop here for a while yesterday afternoon, but has been raining again all night!
    Had a good journey home with Barney, after a little fidget he settled and fell asleep on my lap. He seemed to enjoy exploring his new surroundings (including those off limits for the time being 😂) and settled quite well last night. He doesn’t like the rain though, and getting him outside to toilet isn’t easy, but it’s early days and we will persevere.
    I hope you all had a good day yesterday despite the weather, and also today too whatever you have planned. Perfect weather for crafting really ☺️
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Barney looks adorable Sonia. Hope he gets used to the rain. Lovely card especially love the dog. I thought your heart & snowflake was a memory box die.

  3. Hello All, we are waiting for the storm, but hopefully it will just miss us.

    Firstly thank you all for my lovely cards, you are all so creative.

    Super lot of Christmas cards to day, all so different, my background is inks with white posca pens, unfortunately the only one I could find was old, and it was leaky.

    Well today will be putting all of my stuff back in the kitchen, R is going to wash them for me, as I can’t bend down. A few small bits to be finished , but almost there, should all be done on Tuesday.

    Hope you all have a good day, hugs to you all, Lilian

    1. Great cards Lilian. I just love your snowman. It’ll take awhile to sort your cupboards out I think.

  4. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Lilian- hope you have a great day. I have a confession-I was last minute posting your card so it’s going to arrive late, very sorry.

    Wonderful selection of challenge cards today.

    The rain & wind we’re horrendous yesterday. I ended up driving to the pub where we’d booked our meal. It was so quiet in there. Lovely meal but didn’t stay long.
    Too wet to even consider gardening do we might go for a wall then I can spend some time in my craft room.


    1. I’m glad you enjoy your meal Michele even if the restaurant was very quiet. Great Christmas cards. I have a pad somewhere with Christmassy things on a black background.

    Beautiful cards ladies and I like your second one SONIA I’m glad BARNEY travelled home OK Lots of fun times ahead
    We had a brilliant (tiring) afternoon The weather did cheer up a little so OH took Oscar to the park He came back soaked because the slide was wet!
    CHARLIE is growing fast and is already commando crawling but he is so difficult to settle and has to be rocked to sleep! Once they’re in the new house maybe daughter can sort that out It must be difficult in a pokey 2 bedroom house for fear of disturbing Oscar all the time
    Work on the garden has come to a bit of a standstill obviously It does mean we’ve got Sunday to ourselves not that we’ve planned anything
    Take care all Special hugs to LYNDA and MARGARET xxx

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed your time with the boys Karen and that you were able to get out to the park. I have the Martha Stewart snowflake punch. I’ll bring it along with me when we next meet up in Watford. Whenever that will be next year. Won’t be anytime soon though will it.

  6. Morning ladies.
    Lovely Sunday morning is around again and it's time to see some wonderful x-mas cards.
    I am struggling a bit right now to do any cards but seeing these will hopefully getting me in the mood and set me up for a crafting day as the weather is absolutely awful again with non stop raining all day.
    Janet- hope your week goes well and you can have a rest today, take care.
    Brenda- please take it easy today so you feel better soon. Like Sue said the other day tho we sometimes live in the wrong climate, at the same time I like the different seasons
    except for the rainy days Lol
    Sonia - have fun introducing your little furball to his new surroundings and plenty of cuddles, give him one from me too.
    have a nice day everyone whatever you are up to today. Hugs xxx

    1. Happy Birthday Lilian, hope you have time to take a break for a coffee and cake in your busy day 💐 x

    2. Love your carol singers Maria. Fingers crossed you get your mojo back soon.

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILIAN. I hope you have a lovely day despite the weather. Some fantastic cards on show today ladies.
    I forgot to send a couple to you Sandra as I’ve done a few. I got ahead with Christmas cards last year. I think I will as well this year.
    Well this weather is awful. I haven’t been out at all. I might pop to Sainsbury’s just for a change of scenery. I can always find something to buy. It’ll probably be milk as I’ll need some by tomorrow.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILIAN I hope you are having a great day. Lovely you have your kitchen back, I honestly think putting items back takes much longer than emptying them out,

    What a lovely display of Christmas cards, I love each and everyone of them, great inspiration ladies.

    Sandra I hope both you and Paul have managed to have a peaceful weekend, you both need time to unwind from all the issues you have had to shoulder recently. xx

    Sonia has Barney ventured out into the garden on his own yet?

    Karen it sounds like the boys kept you both busy yesterday and Charlie Is getting very active, when they reach that stage you can’t take your eyes off them for a second.

    Take care everyone and stay safe and warm.
    Love Brenda xxx
