
Monday 5 October 2020

Man Card Monday (Christmas)


Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend, I would like to add a little apology here as my mind was not in the right place last week and forgot to mention Our Dear Margaret's Birthday in Fridays post!

I hope you had a lovely day on Friday Margaret, I am pleased that they haven't made lock down as strict as some places so that you were able to see family, albeit from a safe distance, sending love and hugs XXX

Today's card looks as though it has a hint of pink but I can assure you that it is white, I chose a clean and simple design to create a card that works both for this weeks challenge and so the card would work for a man!
I chose Triangles as my shape for this card, I bought a set of Triangle dies from SU a while back but hadn't used them, so I thought that they would work perfectly for this weeks challenge.
I used a snowfall embossing folder to create the background and then I found a Spellbinder edger die to create the snow banks. The Christmas Trees where die cut from some SU 6x6 Papers, I thought that the Diamond pattern would work well with the design. The layers were all adhered with foam pads to give a little dimension.  
I chose a simple sentiment to follow with my Clean and Simple (masculine) card theme.
I hope you like he card and that it inspires you a little for this weeks challenge.

It's going to be a very long and lonely day today, Paul is attempting to return to work, we sat and talked with the girls on Thursday and Friday of last week about driving Paul to and from work until he can get his surgery done, bless them they both said 'of course' straight away, they are going to work it between them, Paul will of course cover their expenses.  It's like a total role reversal, we used to spend our weekends ferrying them to and from work and now it's their turn. 
I will miss having him home so much. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful and less is more card SANDRA.
    Good Luck Paul on your first day back.

    Busy day here the Window man is coming this morning so dust dust and more dust again.

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours so pop in when you can.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with many extras for the 'birthday girls' last week.xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra -great card today. How lovely that Paul is able to return to work. I’m sure he’s concerned about leaving you, knowing you’ll be worrying about h.

    Margaret-in so sorry, I completely forgot your birthday. Hope you had a lovely day.

    I’m forgetting lots of things-I should have booked an eye test at the opticians months ago. Given the problems I’ve had in the past, I can’t believe I hadn’t remembered.
    One day in work (a couple of years ago) I had a strange “visual disturbance “ and I explained it to my colleagues who suggested I go to A&E as they thought it could be a detached retina. I was eventually seen and referred to the eye specialist the following day. It turned out to be an Opthalmic Migraine which I’d never heard of. They explained about detached retina & that o was much more likely to be at risk because of my very high prescription (my glasses are like jam jars) which the opticians had never mentioned! Job for today is booking an eye test, probably book it online.


    1. Hope you get an eye test pretty quickly Michele, and that work isn’t to bad today.

  3. Yes Happy Birthday MARGARET Hopefully you got my card OK
    Best wishes for PAUL today that it works for him and a big thank you to the girls for being his taxi but then that’s what family is for isn’t it
    Lovely card SANDRA I do like CAS cards It works perfectly for today and this week’s challenge It’s reminded me that I have a CE mdf kit from Ally Pally that are triangular trees
    Gardeners have just arrived and then off to work Have a good day everyone xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Happy Birthday for Friday Margaret xx (hope you received the card)
    I love your card today, clean and simple. It’s a perfect male card and fits this weeks challenge.
    Good luck to Paul today returning to work. So lovely of your girls to drive him. Hope you have a relaxing day, and the house isn’t too quiet.
    Have booked Barney in for his injections this afternoon. He is setting well, and making progress. He loves exploring the garden, and seems to have got used to the rain, thankfully. (Didn’t stop raining here yesterday!) Sun is out here at moment, but looks like more rain on the way.
    Hope you’re all well and had a good weekend. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Good to hear that Barney is getting used to the rain Sonia.

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely mam card Sandra.
    Great that the girls will drive Paul to and from work as it’s quite a way isn’t it. Of course he used to be their taxi didn’t he taking them to and from work. So it’s good they can do the same for him now. We had rain rain & more rain over the weekend. It’s sunny here at the moment so I have washing on. I’m notto sure if it’ll be dry though before the rain starts again.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARGARET I think I have said it before One of my teachers said to me on her 90th birthday it’s going to be my birthday for the whole year. Although it’s not on the actual date I am wishing you a very very happy birthday for the whole year XXX

    Sandra I love your man card and those triangles work just perfectly for this CAS card. Hope you haven’t felt too lonely and Paul had a good day at work, he must have felt like the new boy ha ha, great the girls have stepped in to drive him to and from work, as Karen said that’s what family’s do.

    Managed to get the washing out on the line, OH is now just bringing it back in just now, it’s all nice and dry. After the wet few days we have had its so lovely to put the washing out on the line. Such small things make me happy.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, take care and stay safe.
    Love Brenda XXX

  7. Hello All, still raining here. Washing I the dryer.

    Margaret hope you had a lovely birthday and that you had my card.

    Great card for a manly Christmas card, Sandra, hoping to get into my room tomorrow. Kitchen should be finished tomorrow, what a relief.

    Am exhausted after putting every thing back in the kitchen, just have to get new floor covering, not sure what is bet to have.

    Hope you all had a good day, hugs Lilian

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I missed yesterday’s post so enjoyed a double dose today. Lots of lovely Christmas cards, all inspiring xx
    Sadly I didn’t get to see Mum on her birthday but we will make up for it this week instead. She sends her love and thanks for all of your beautiful that she received xx
    Lilian, I am afraid that your card will be going in the post later on. I have the date wrong in the calendar so please accept my apologies for it being late. I hoe you had a lovely day though. We are looking forward to seeing some photos of your new kitchen. You must be so pleased it is just about finished. I prefer Lino type floor coverings in the kitchen personally. Easy to keep clean with so many lovely finishes including stone and wood that look like the real thing until you stand on it, and much more forgiving if, or when in my case, you drop crockery on it! And it’s easy and not too pricy to replace when needed. Good luck finding whatever you decide on x
    Sandra, I hope you are feeling a little more relaxed now but you will miss Paul being at home during the week. I hope work goes well for him. I can just hear both of the girls immediately saying of course to being able to taxi him to and from work xx
    It was another grey day here, apart from an hour when we had lovely blue sky this afternoon. Sending love and hugs to you and all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Sorry Sandra I forgot to say that I love today’s card, a lovely one but easy to batch make if you wanted to xx
    Sonia, glad to hear Barney is settling quickly x

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Great CAS card and perfect to use the triangles as trees.
    Hope you were ok home alone today and everything went well for Paul being back to work.
    Michele- did you remember to book your eye test ? Think I need one too and the Dentist is over due but that one can wait indefinitely as I hate going there.
    Sonia- perhaps some wellies for Barney is needed so he can go out in the rain .He will soon run around in all weathers and jump in the puddles. A friend of mine ,her dog was mad and jumped in the worse ones she could see and had to have a bath back home Lol
    Yes, I hope our Margaret had a nice birthday and Sue you get to see her soon. Hugs for the both.
    After four days of rain the river Ouzel have burst so it was a problem going around the lake this morning so instead for 3 it became 4 miles but so nice to be out for a bit again.
    OH is going in for a procedure on Wednesday so after breakfast 9am tomorrow he can't have any food. It will be a tough one so might have to pick something when he's not around and I have to hear his tummy rumbling hihi
    I hope you had a good day everyone. Hugs Maria xx

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies
    SANDRA sorry I didn't get in yesterday but we had a power cut no warning. It went off 5 o'clock my
    Phone died on charge Terry rang the electric help line gave him a time
    They hoped it would be about 11_12
    Th thing we hadn't hadn't had any dinner
    Margaret hope you had a nice birthday Friday so sorry I'm still not making cards. My hands and arms ache so much Sandra nice card
    Hope Paul got on OK at work
    Good the girls are able to run him into work.
    Love Lynda xxx
