
Wednesday 14 October 2020

Part 2 of Challenge cards


Good Morning Ladies, 

Here we are at the mid point of the week, it was another really chilly day yesterday, but it was dry though and quite bright, so not too bad. 

I had a really lazy day yesterday, I really felt the effects of a few weeks of very little sleep, I think it does us all good to have a 'do nothing' day, I watched craft TV and just chilled out. I was very good and didn't buy anything though.

Today's card is the 'Non Christmas' version of yesterday's card, both cards were made from the Free John Lockwood stamp set in the Creative Stamper magazine.

I started out with a very pale lilac piece of card (you can just see the colour in the background ), the first thing I did was to dust over the whole piece with an Anti Static bag, to make sure there were no fingerprints that would attract the embossing powder!  I then picked our 5 foliage stamps from the Magazine stamp set and randomly stamped them all over my background, making sure to stamp off the edge to give a better effect.  I added Extra Fine white Embossing Powder to my stamped images and then shook off the excess, I heat set the powder and added a couple more stamped leaves to fill the spaces.                                                                                                                                                      The next job was to start building up the Distress ink, I started in the centre with Milled Lavender Distress ink, I just blended the ink in an oval kind of shape right in the centre of the card, I then moved onto the Dusty Concord Distress ink, blending out from the centre to the edges, the final colour I added to the very edges was Chipped Sapphire, it really gave definition to the edge of the card.                      After I had finished inking I took a piece of Kitchen towel and wiped over all of the white embossing, then I took a white Posca pen and went all over the card adding tiny white dots in groups of three. I was surprised at the difference it made to the look of the card.                                                                  My final touch for the background of this card was to add some Sparkle I used some of the Heidi Swapp Clear Sparkle mist, you can see the dots of it all over although it doesn't really show up as sparkle in the photo.                                                                                                                                For the sentiment, I wanted to show as much of the background off as possible so I decided to use a piece of Vellum with the sentiment stamped on in white to match the rest of the card, I attached the vellum with tape at the back of the card.

I am really pleased with how it turned out, it looks as though there is a light shining on the centre of the card making it appear lighter, but there isn't!                                                                                        I really hope you like the technique too.

Have a lovely Wednesday Ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                      xxxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a gorgeous card, love what you have done. Glad you had a nice, restful day yesterday. You definitely needed it!!

    I had so much fun yesterday-spent virtually all day in my craft room. I actually made some cards too rather than moving stuff around or watching YouTube.

    I have a meeting first thing this morning then who knows what will happen. Off to Morrison’s after work to do the shopping then I’ll probably sit & read.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Love today's card SANDRA.

    A dry start to the day here and fingers crossed that it stays so. We had rain yesterday on and off all day.

    Hoping to carry on with CC today and then a quiet afternoon.

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours so pop in for a cuppa and a chat.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. A lovely card SANDRA and looks totally different to yesterday’s I am beginning to enjoy stamping more So I will have a go at this technique
    Yesterday was a little chaotic in the morning and had to move my “office” equipment (2 screens a docking station laptop keyboard etc) to downstairs and then when I switched everything back on I had 3 blank screens Talk about panic and frustration
    Hopefully the booster OH bought will mean I can move it all back to upstairs
    I will definitely be crafting this afternoon as OH is out I feel less guilty disappearing when he’s out!
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card, love the colour 😊
    Glad you had a relaxing day yesterday, hope you can today too.
    Dry and bright, but a chilly wind here this morning. Barney sat inside the door first thing this morning and looked at me as if to say “I’m not going out there, it’s too cold” 😂🐶 He did come out eventually, after I was standing there shivering, but soon came back in the warm once he’d done his business ☺️
    Hope you all have a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  5. Hello, it’s a lovely sunny day here 3 loads to do so hope to get them dry.

    Sandra another lovely card, when I tried this I seem to get embossing powder where I don’t want it, must have another go.

    I am going out in the garden this morning, need some fresh air, might plant some pots for spring, have some pansies and polyanthus to plant.

    I am doing a weekend long course, starting on Friday week, it’s with Chocolate Baroque and Tando Creative. 13 different classes, all mixed media, had all the substrates delivered yesterday plus stamps, have to provide paints , inks and equipment. Present for my birthday, as you know mixed media is not my favourite way of crafting, but hoping it will give my mojo a jolt. I’ll let you know how I get on.
    There is some prep to do, so that will keep me busy this week.

    Have a good day all Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Another lovely card Sandra. I must say I do like that stamp.
    I’ve had a very un productive day today. I spent the morning over at Danny & Joan’s house sitting. Danny is waiting for some new doors to arrive either Tues or Wed. They didn’t arrive yesterday & as they both had blood tests this morning asked if I’d pop over and wait to see if they’d arrive in the morning, which they didn’t. Then I picked my friend up from Kidlington as her car wasn’t back from it’s MOT, and we had lunch at Yarnton Garden Ctr. I’m now waiting for all the Mums to pick up children from school then I’ll go for a quick walk.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  7. Hi everyone.
    Love the card Sandra. Like the technique you have used, something new to learn.
    Not sure what I will do for this weeks cc, I have no energy for anything and just sitting. Spoke to mum and dad on Facetime for over an hour and feel like going to bed now but will try to stay up so I can sleep tonight instead. Can you believe it, my dad not have to have a facemask on going to the shops over there ?! and here we going towards another lockdown.....
    Hope you have had a good day everyone. Hugs Maria xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I love the effect you have created with your Distress inks, it is so effective, the small leaf stamps are perfect for your design, using vellum for the sentiment works so well. Great inspiration Sandra xxx

    The weather forecast said it would be a little warmer today, if anything I feel colder, we have had so much rain lately I think it starts to get into my bones. Got a long sleeve jumper on and a long cardigan also have the central heating on so shouldn’t be feeling cold.

    Sending hugs to MARGARET, LYNDA, and anyone else who is housebound, hope you are both keeping well. Take care xx

    Enjoy the rest of your day ladies, Love Brenda xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies
    SANDRA i love your card today it's gorgeous and so different from yesterday. Its really lovely
    It was sunny this morning but really cold. OH went Tesco today to pick up my medication
    He said most of the shelves were emty so everyone was moaning like last lock down some people are so selfish. No toilet rolls again oh well what will be.
    Hug's and love Lynda xxxx
