
Thursday 15 October 2020

Michele's Handmade Stamp Cards


Good Morning Ladies,

We have a different kind of post today, as Michele shared a Brilliant technique idea with me on Tuesday and I just couldn't wait to share it with all of you!

I hope that you are all well and enjoying the nice crisp Autumn weather, we had lovely sunshine yesterday, I have to say that I think Autumn is one of my favourite Season's, I simply adore the colours of the trees, Autumn is definitely their time to shine.  We have a Canadian Creeper on the side of our garage, (I have tried to get rid of it twice as our neighbour hates it but the bloody thing refuses to die)!
Anyway it's leaves range from a glorious gold to the deepest, richest red and I personally think that it looks way better than the plain garage wall, I will say that it is a huge pain when it totally sheds its leaves.  Oh I may try and use them on my Gel Press, anyone else want some???

Now onto Michele's cards, would you believe that those lovely backgrounds were made by Michele creating her own stamp using Funky Foam ???!!
That beautiful die cut (above) is the Free gift in the latest copy of Diecutting Essentials, it's a stunning die that makes the most beautiful wreaths, you can also chop into the die cut pieces and use the bits of foliage to create interest behind flower die cuts etc.
Michele took the Free die and ran it through her machine with a piece of Funky Foam, thats basically it as far as creating the stamp goes.  
Michele placed the 'stamp' onto a block and inked it up and stamped all over the background creating an amazing effect, what an absolutely genius idea Michele. It means that you get even more value out of your free gift, there are so many dies that we all have that you could use this technique on too.
Thank you so much for sharing your cards with us Michele.
I have to say nobody would guess that you were a beginner stamper, add to that the fact that you made your own stamp, absolutely amazing !!!! XXX

That's it for today ladies, I am off to hide away and think about tomorrow's Challenge!

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-thank you for showing my cards. I had so much fun on my day off. I’d seen a video on YouTube where someone did this technique so I thought it was time I challenged myself!! I cut the main due out of Funky foam & used Pritt Stick to attach it to my acrylic block. I finally opened my versacolour inks -I used silver, dusky link & red on my cards. I just kept stamping on the white card until I was happy with the amount I’d filled in. I might cut another one out & try it stamped then heat embossed. I also want to try a Black + White version. As you can tell I have used this free gift quite a bit do it was definitely Value for money.

    I’m off into work early so I can hopefully finish early as I’m going to give blood tonight-this will be my 79th donation today. I’ll be taking it easy once I’m home


    1. A lovely card Michele. A really good technique to make a stamp out of a die. Makes a free gift even more versatile.
      Take care today at work.

  2. Morning Everyone
    what a fantastic technique MICHELE.I just might have to give this one a try.

    It was quite a pleasant day yesterday with just the odd shower now and then. I did manage to get my CC finished so they just need photographing and sending off.

    I'm not sure what's on the cards for today but something will turn up it always does.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. What a fabulous technique and your cards are beautiful I must get some funky foam I am wondering if you could cut two and have a mirror image stamp too ...
    Congratulations on your 79th donation It’s something I really wish I could do
    I didn’t do the crafting I planned- I wanted to do another cc because we did Tea on the Lawn The weather started gloriously yesterday morning but then the heavens opened and so we had it in one of the neighbours garage! It was lovely to have a catch up
    Off on the long walk to my desk now about 6ft and don’t know what I’ll be doing this afternoon, some card making I hope if If doesn’t get too dark early
    Take care all xx

    1. Sounds like you enjoyed tea in the garage Karen. A lovely picture of Oscar & Charlie yesterday. Oscar looks really grown up now doesn’t he.

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    3 lovely cards Michele and a lovely technique. I saw this technique a good few years ago but I can’t remember where. Probably on C & C as that’s what I used to watch years ago. I hardly watch Hochanda at the moment just any Clarity Groovi if I remember to record the shows. I have so many projects to do at the moment though.
    Had a busy day yesterday house sitting in the morning ( no doors arrived ), then met my friend for a coffee. We did have a couple of showers as I’d decided to go for a quite walk and the heavens opened. I’m not a wet weather walker. I don’t mind the cold just not getting wet unless I have to.

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Three lovely inspiring cards from you Michele, Like Pat I saw this demonstrated a few years ago, I think it was a craft show at Biggin Hill in Kent, To be honest I’d forgotten all about it, it is really a very clever idea to get extra use from your dies.

    Sandra your Canadian creeper (is it a climbing maple?) Sounds beautiful, if it’s the one I am thinking about the colours are absolutely gorgeous. If it’s not too difficult for you to get outside take a photograph of it and share it with us - please ❤️ I would love to see it in all its glory. XX

    Karen shame about the rain spoiling your tea on the lawn, great that you were able to go into your neighbours garage and still have your catch up. It’s nice when you hear of lovely events like yours during this horrible time.

    I’ve just seen other half returning well he’s parking the car On the front so that’s the shopping arrived home. Better get a wiggle on and be helpful.
    Take care everyone and please stay safe, love and hugs Brenda xxx

  6. Hi everyone.
    Lovely cards Michele and a fun technique to play around with. 79th time for blood, brilliant job !
    Brenda- I hope you feeling more yourself today and if not ,do take care.
    Sandra- not sure if any cc from me this week. I'm struggling doing anything so will have to see. Like I said before I too love the Autumn but my body don't.
    Sue and anyone else with a cold, I wish you better. Still haven't heard from doctors or Superdrug about the flu jab.
    Pat- I'm with you, don't really like going in rain so we haven't been for a few days now. Had a outing tho this morning to Frost and that was nice.
    Karen- thought about you when I saw the dolls and mouse to crochet as presents. They wanted around £19 for the boxes. A bit steep or what?
    Take care and many hugs are sent for you all xxx

  7. Hi everyone
    Love this stamping technique with foam and dies. Tried it a long time ago, but had forgotten all about it. Thanks for the reminder Michele and for sharing your beautiful cards 😊
    Sorry ladies, going to have to go - a little pup wants my attention 😂🐶
    Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hello All, grey sort of day here.
    Michele love your cards, used to do this with much simpler die cuts. That intricate die is lovely.

    Sky engineer here today, needed new box and new dish. Gradually sorting all our repairs out. Hoping we could watch catch up now but our router is very out of date, so the sky engineer said, so have to tackle bt tomorrow.

    Hope you have all had a good day, Lilian

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. It’s good to hear you had a restful day yesterday. You certainly deserve and need it after the last few months my lovely. Having seen your creeper in the past I know how gorgeous it looks when it’s in full “bloom” but also understand what a pain it is especially when the leaves drop xx
    Michele, thank you for sharing your cards and the technique. Like several of the others I have seen it years ago but forgot about it until now but I will be having a go. Glad you had a nice day off. Congrats on your 79th donation. As always I feel sad that I’m not allowed to donate due to the drugs I am on as I think we all should unless there are medical reasons not to. At least Mum always donated, Gem, RJ, Gemma and Tim do now and Chris donated platelets for a long time so that makes me feel a bit better x
    Karen, glad you could sit in a neighbours garage to continue your chat and cuppa. I going to be trying your genius idea of using funky foam to make mirror image stamps. Obviously we won’t get any detail from the middle of the die but just being able to make a plain reverse stamp will be so handy sometimes won’t it 😊x
    My cold isn’t coming to much thankfully but was woken early morning with tummy pains...all I will say is that I’m not going to be going out for a couple of days!
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
