
Friday 18 September 2020

Your Next Challenge


Good Morning Ladies,

I can assure you that I am glad that this week is over, in fact I can honestly say that I will be relieved when we are into October!  

Our journey to Essex was a success, we got Mum's funeral arranged and went and looked at possible plots at the village Cemetery, it maybe odd but I find looking around them fascinating, we were there a good hour or more, looking at the graves of people from our past, from school dinner ladies to Sunday school teachers, sadly even childhood friends, there is such a vast array, Mum was always fascinated by the Pirate graves at the back of the Cemetery, it was from the 1700's and has a Skull and Crossbones carved into the head stone, that area is really uneven, some of the graves looked really damaged, I guess the ground is subsiding. We chose a few spots for Mum, fingers crossed she gets one of them.  

Your Next Challenge

I hope you don't mind that I decided to go with a TicTacToe challenge this week, after around 17 calls yesterday I didn't end up getting around to setting the challenge until 23.15pm!

I quite like this Challenge it has a good selection of categories and is one we definitely haven't done before!

I hope that you enjoy it my lovelies,

Fingers crossed that we can all have a nice peaceful weekend,

Sending lots of love and many hugs to all of my dear friends,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                    xxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great challenge and lots of choice on it. Your day yesterday sounded exhausting, let’s hope things improve now.

    Yesterday was busy but I did manage to leave early which was a nice treat. I’m very glad it’s Friday though.


  2. Morning Everyone
    LILIAN- your card yesterday was beautiful and a true work of art.

    It's a good Challenge SANDRA for this coming week SANDRA but I won't be able to join in this time.
    We're having to have a complete new central heating system put in and so you can imagine the house is going to be more than upside down and I'm not going to be able to get to anything. So I shall be absent all week and hoping that everything will be finished for the following week.

    Have a good week-end Dear Friends and TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxxHUGS are on their way to you all.

    1. Hope everything goes to plan Janet. Such an upheaval for you both have a new central heating system fitted.

  3. Great idea for a challenge Lots of things I wouldn’t normally use on my cards So will definitely be taking me out of my comfort zone
    Remember what we all told you last night and hopefully you’ll manage to have a better day with less interruptions
    We don’t have much planned for today I started a card yesterday for this week’s challenge I will try and finish that I also started some knitting for a change from crochet and all I seem to want to do is slob in front of tele with it I really need to give myself a good talking to!
    Take care all xx

  4. Morning ladies.
    Like the tic,tac,toe challenge for next week Sandra. So must finish what I started on yesterday for this weeks.
    Hopefully you be able to have a more relaxed day and phone stays quiet.
    Janet- hope everything goes without a hitch and you soon be back with us. We be here.
    Michele- hope your day is fine and you will have a nice weekend.
    Sending hugs Karen. Hope you had plenty of them with Charlie the other day. Ho does Oscar like the school ?
    Have been a bit upside down days lately but is have helped with the nice weather we having right now so we are off on our walk. I wish you all a nice day and take care. Maria xx

  5. Missed you yesterday Cheryl. I’m only going in once a day at the moment. I’m glad to hear Jamie is progressing. I also had to look up your Burthday present from Pete. What a wonderful idea. It sounds like your feeling a bit better if you were able to get out up to see Pete. Take care my friend.

  6. A good challenge for next week Sandra.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

  7. Hi everyone
    Great tic tac toe for next weeks challenge 😊
    Hope you’re having a quieter day today and able to relax.
    Hope everyone else is having a good day too. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Good tic tack toe for next week week.
    SANDRA God you have been through
    He'll this week with arrangements
    For mum funeral so much to organise
    SANDRA i hope you don't have any fall outs in your family
    Was mums house her own
    Well I wish you luck & all goes well for you. You are always in my thought's Sandra even if I'm not on
    Your new blog much my lovely x I feel a bit sorry for myself today yesterday I fell over again i was on my walking frame my leg gave way next thing I was on the floor again
    So just feel sorry for myself fell again my leg gave way fell backward
    Terry phoned for ambulance just to pick me up from the floor
    As its orqwad for him. To pick me up from the floor they also checked me over.

    Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sorry LILLIAN I didn’t comment on you fantastic card you made for Sandra’s birthday. What a lovely keepsake you have created. So much work went in to creating this masterpiece. Lovely to think this will be a permanent display in Sandra’s craft room.

    Sandra lots of choices for next weeks challenge. Thinking cap on.
    Have managed this week CC will send them tomorrow.

    Love and hugs. Stay safe everyone,. Love Brenda xxx
