
Saturday 19 September 2020

Mixed Up Saturday featuring Michele's Magazine review


Good Morning Ladies,

Lots of lovely craft goodness to share with you today....

First up is the 'Family Portrait ' that Sophie drew for Paul's birthday,  our children along with Paul are Walking Dead (tv show) fanatics.  So Sophie came up with the idea of drawing all of us a Walking Dead Characters, as always she had done an incredible job, the portraits are so life like, from left to right it's: Becca, Sophie, Lucy, Paul, Me and Matt, all so easily recognisable even in character.   Paul still hasnt got clear enough Vision to fully appreciate it,  but is seeing more all the time.  We are so incredibly proud of Sophie's talent. 

Next up we have: 


Janet has kindly shared her latest Embroidery pieces,  Oh Janet I do love these scenes, i think the sea is the perfect place to rest, recuperate and reset your mind, I am desperate for a seadide holiday right now! 

Janet's designs are from Annie Morris Contemporary Designs, I think they are oerfect, so unusual too. They also look so much like a picture from a distance.                                                                Thanks so very much for sharing them with us XXX 


Karen I just love your latest finished Crochet piece,  the Yarn may be 30+ years old but is is gorgeous,  I love the sparkle! You are so incredibly talented 💖 

Karen's Description:

I finished crocheting this a couple of weeks ago but needed Alan to be out of the way so that I could “block” them on the carpet without risking him stepping on them 

Alan found this machine knitting yarn when having a clear out 

So a scarf that I’ll wear with point at front

the shawl is over 60” wide and probably the same deep

The shawl is called “Lost Souls” I followed a brilliant tutorial by Fiber Spider

Can you spot the skulls I saved a version on Pinterest years ago determined to try it out I thoroughly enjoyed making it Very relaxing and was easy to convert to English terminology

Thanks so much for sharing your scarf with us Karen, I absolutely love seeing your designs XXX

Michele's Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies, 

Simply Cards & Papercraft has a gorgeous set of Stamps plus a additional Die this month.

Here’s some ideas of what’s inside the magazine.

First feature using the free gifts.

More inspiration using the free gifts.

Another article using the free gifts.

Great card ideas-modern design that could be used for many occasions.

Interesting feature-Stamping on glossy card stock.

Watercolour stamping-this produces such a lovely, soft effect.

More watercolouring but this time it’s used with dry Embossing.

How to create your own custom made stamps.

If you’re interested to see what else you can use the stamps to create then check out these YouTube Crafter’s....
Crafting with Quilling Lady
Handmade by Karola
Shiny Silver Treasures

They all use the stamps to create very different projects.

Happy Crafting
Love Michele

Thank you so much Michele,  I bet these magazine companies have seen a dip in sales since your reviews have stopped.!!!!😉😜
I absolutely love trees and all things Autumnal so this magazine and its freebies are right up 'my street' (wonder where that saying originated from)?!
Some brilliant Techniques featured too, thanks so much for taking your precious time to write this awesome review my lovely, I genuinely am very grateful for your input and support XXX ❤

Michele's Shopping 

Shhhh (She is actually decluttering) 😉😜🤐
But who can resist a BARGAIN???!!! not me that's for sure!!  
Michele just went for a browse on Craftstash and these just happened to fall into the basket!! 
I love the Christmas scene die and those square frames too.
I have always wanted to try Calligraphy/lettering but I know it would be s disaster!.

Michele's Description:
Two sets of Dies were in the bargain section at £5:00 each. Magazine is for me to try something different.

Thanks Michele for sharing your bargains,  I need cheering up so I might go for a browse!  XXX 

That's all for today Ladies, I hope that you have all have a lovely weekend, 

Love and hugs to all, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-the picture Sophie has done is amazing. I’m sure Paul will love it when his vision returns.

    Janet-stunning embroidery , they’re great.

    Karen-your Crochet is fantastic, I love the colours on them both.

    I shouldn’t have bought ore craft stuff but I needed cheering up!
    Well Ladies-as from Tuesday we’re in a local lockdown which covers the whole of Merseyside (massive area). I was hoping to meet up with a friend next week. The wife of the couple we used to go out for meals with. She’s struggling since Alec died and messaged me about meeting up for a coffee. Guess that won’t be happening now.

    I’m off to a local garden centre for some winter pansies & to pick up my free daffodil bulbs-got a voucher through the letterbox. No other plans for today, we’re hoping to go on a walk down to the beach tomorrow as the forecast looks good.


    1. Sorry to hear your going into a local lockdown Michele. I hope it doesn’t last to long. Just hope everyone follows the rules.

  2. SOPHIE is brilliant No other words for it I love the family portyI hope you are going to hang it somewhere
    I love your embroidery JANET I have a few cross stitch kits that I must get out You have inspired me Now that the nights are drawing in It is something to do in the evenings
    Thank you for showing my crochet They were fun to do - there is no sparkle just different blends of colour
    I love your buys MICHELE Calligraphy is something I would like to try As a child my dad used to use Letraset (rub ons) for his job - no computers! I used to copy the lettering from the catalogues
    Thank you for the magazine review It is so helpful to see what’s inside Sad to hear you’re in a local lockdown I can honestly see that I think we’ll all be in lockdown soon
    Not a lot on the cards today But the weather is good So will probably sit in the garden for a bit
    Take care all xx

  3. Morning all.
    Fabulous card , Sophie is an amazing artist.
    Janet- lovely little embroidery work, very nice.
    Beautiful scarf Karen, you are so good at making these things. Love your crochet work.
    Thank you Michele for the magazine review. I have got this magazine and I do like all the stamps, had been perfect for our autumn cc's but got it afterwards.
    Nice day so our plans for today is gardening. Well my brain saying that but body screaming Noooo.Only had a few hours sleep so we have to see what be done.
    Sandra-please try to have a quiet day and let the answer machine take the calls so you get a break, at least for one day. hugs for you and family.
    Lynda- so sorry to see you fallen over again. Hope you not in too much pain and got too many bruises from it. Take care and hugs for you both.
    Have a nice day whatever you are doing today and hugs and extra hugs for anyone who need some xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies.
    Janet your embroidery designs are gorgeous. I wouldn’t have the patients to do it myself.
    Karen once again you’ve excelled yourself with your crocheting. A lovely scarf and a great pattern.
    Thanks for the mag reviews Michele. I always look at them even if I don’t buy them.
    I’m sorry to hear you had another fall Lynda. I hope your not bruised too much. Take care my friend and don’t let it dent your confidence. A breezy day today here in Oxfordshire. I’m going up to see Amber in a minute as she’s home from college for the weekend. I think the plan was to move her goats up to the horse field. So her Mum doesn’t have to go to two different places to feed the horses and the goats.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  5. Sorry Sandra meant to say Sophie’s picture is brilliant. Apart from the girls I could tell who was who. I’ve never been able to tell the girls apart anyway as you know. I don’t see them together enough to tell them apart.

  6. Hello All, rainy here today, but still quite warm, which means the kitchen fitted is doing all his cutting indoors, very noisy.

    Sophie your picture is amazing, I have never watched the programme, but can appreciate the skill in the drawing.

    Janet, love your pictures, still miss hand sewing, it’s holding the needle that gives me a problem.

    Karen your makes are lovely, love the sparkle yarn.

    Michele great mag review, looks a good one, haven’t done anything with my indigo blue mag yet. A bit of shopping is good for your mental wellbeing, that’s my excuse anyway.

    Sandra hope you are having an easier day, and the phone call are not so constant.

    not doing much going to watch the tennis on prime video, hugs to all, extra for Lynda hope the bruises are not too sore, Lilian

  7. Hi everyone
    Wow, Sophie’s portrait is amazing 😊
    Janet, I love your embroidery pictures 😊
    Lovely crotchet pieces Karen, love the colours 😊
    Another great magazine review Michele, and some lovely craft buys - enjoy 😊
    Sorry to hear you’re going back into lockdown Michele, I fear too, that we will all be back in one before the year is out!
    Hope you’re ok Lynda and not in too much pain after your fall xx
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sophie I your portrait of “The Walking Dead Riley’s Family“ is brilliant, I’m sure when Dad has fully regained his sight he will laugh his sock off. He will certainly treasure his very special and unique birthday present. It’s brilliant.

    Janet, your embroidery scenes are lovely, they will make a beautiful display wherever you decide to display them.

    Karen your crochet work is beautiful, you have an amazing gift. My grandma was the same. I never saw her use a pattern but her knitted and crochet work was always perfect.

    Michele thank you for the magazine review, some great articles in this issue. Love your shopping!!

    Hope your weekend is going well - whatever you are doing. We are having a quiet one, one grandson went to his halls today - in Sheffield, other one is off to Nottingham tomorrow. They will be in a limbo, with social distancing they will not have the traditional freshers week. I’m sure they will find ways to mingle!!!

    Take care everyone, Love and hugs Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Sophie your artwork is amazing your so talented.
    Thank you MICHELE for the mag review.
    KAREN I love your scarf it's beautiful your so talented
    Thank you for your kind message I'm still bruised and quiet tender.
    JANET YOUR little embroidery piece's are beautiful.
    Thanks for all the kind messages.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx
