
Friday 4 September 2020

Your Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are well and looking forward to the weekend, we don't have anything planned (as usual), I'm not sure what the weather is supposed to be, they did forecast that we were getting the ends of storm but we seem to have missed that so far (thankfully), so we will potter about in the garden, the beans are coming to the end of their time now and peas had already finished, so they will get dug into the soil as they are a good source of Nitrogen, there is a lot of weeding to be done too, all of the rain that we have had lately has increased the amount of weeds two fold, why doesn't it do that to the plants too.  Paul is creating a plan for growing next year, there is a farm with a stables that has loads of free bags of manure for collection, we will get Mat to collect some for us in his truck, that can be dug in and left over the winter, we still have Sprouting Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts and Cauliflowers growing for over winter, the Sprouts are coming on nicely, I am quite excited to eat our own sprouts on Christmas day.  We have Leeks growing too so lots of lovely Leek and potato soup for those cold winter days.  

Your Next Challenge

For our next Challenge I thought that we would continue our theme of Flowers through the Seasons. So Winter Flowers/ Winter theme is the theme for this week.   I think that we all need to make a start on those Christmas cards anyway, (well I certainly do!!)

So time to dig out those Poinsettia Dies and stamps, but we can use Berries too, so Holly, Miseltoe, Ivy, Christmas Roses, pansies are winter flowers too, there is so much inspiration on Pinterest, I will be using this weeks theme to get a start on my Christmas cards, I don't make as many now as the cost of postage has become ridiculous.  Having said that I have plenty of card bases, so maybe we could all make super simple cards that are flat to post, you can give the impression of lots of layers with some clever stamping these days.  

As always I cant wait to see what you all create, I hope that you all enjoy the challenge XXX

Have a lovely weekend my lovelies,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-three great examples of winter flowers for the next challenge.
    Your garden sounds amazing with all those vegetables growing in it.

    Update on my friend-she did have the surgery keyhole but there was problems and has been kept in hospital for the past 2 nights. She my age and they’ve put her on a dementia ward so she not had any sleep. She’s going to insist on being discharged today so she can get some rest/sleep at home.


    1. Hi Michele
      Blimey Fancy putting your friend on a dementia ward. No wonder she wants to go home to get a bit of peace & quiet.

    2. Hopefully your friend can get discharged today and get better at home in peace. Hope work is alright and you have a nice weekend x

  2. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous cards Sandra for the next challenge. I certainly need to crack on with making Christmas cards.
    Day off and I’m still up early - get into such a routine of early starts, it takes me a couple of days to get out of it! At least it gives me more time to craft 😊
    Hope everyone is well. Have a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  3. Good morning all, sun is trying to shine and not quite so cold.

    Good idea for Christmas cards, your cards Sandra are all very inspiring, I not good at Christmas, not sure why.

    Need to do this weeks cc , still no ideas , I’ll look through my stamps hopefully to find my sunflower stamp.
    Have a good day, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. Shame you didn't spend just another £ 2/3 you would have got the p/p free ordering the magazine. It looks really good tho so hope you have a lot of fun making cards with the stamps x

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely cards Sandra.
    Good to hear that your vegetables are holding up well. As Paul’s planning next years planting it doesn’t sound like your going to downsize any time soon. I’ve already made a start on my Christmas cards. Well there’s not much else to do really. I don’t really want to go into town just to have a mooch around. I’m off to visit Doreen again this afternoon, and that’s that really for today. Amy came in last night while Matty was at Rugby training. Well not proper training of course as no contact allowed at the moment. But they can do circuit training. Matty took his own weights in to do some of that as well. Matty picked her up just before 9.00pm.
    So yesterday my tea things didn’t get washed up. I wasn’t going to start doing it at 9.00pm after she’d gone.
    A bit dull here today it was certainly warmer yesterday.

    1. Have a nice time seeing Doreen, hope she is ok. Take care x

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Still got this weeks cc to do so that hopefully will be done next. Love your x-mas cards. Must make some flat ones too as the postage have gone up so much and I'm sending quite a few abroad still.
    Had our walk, a bit grey but not cold and no wind. Felt like someone stabbed me with a hot poker with every step but I did it.
    Sandra, your sound very good and so much work has been done over the year. Must have been so nice tho to have really fresh veg from your own plot.
    Have a nice day everyone xx

  6. Love the cards SANDRA I have Christmas Rise dies a la Sue W that I don’t think I have really used very much So hopefully I’ll have a go My Christmas card list gets shorter every year and will do flat ones for posting
    Your plan for next year sounds amazing and no doubt Paul will be fighting fit next year to really make it work
    I hope your friend was able to be discharged She will feel mu ch better resting at home
    We went to the zoo this afternoon So I’m exhausted!

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Three gorgeous winter/Christmas cards, love them all. I have about half a dozen Christmas cards done so far. So much for making at least one a week starting in January!!!!
    I bet both you and Paul are really enjoying making land for your veg /fruit garden for next year. You all do love living in your present home don’t you. And I don’t blame you as I would be too. You don’t fancy a lodger do you 😘 🤣xx
    Is Hong you all a good weekend with some sunshine hopefully. Sending love and hugs to you all. Take care xx

  8. Is Hong ????? Please read “I hope” xx
