
Saturday 5 September 2020

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

What do you all have planned for this weekend?? The weather is meant to be 'Fair ' as in temperature in late teens/low twenties. Paul wanted to mow lawns but I have persuaded him that it's a bit soon for that,  maybe we could leave that a week or two, it is only just 4 weeks post-op, I am going to be strict with his rehabilitation,  there is no hurry right now for things to change, I think that its more important to be fit for eye sight tests etc. That won't be until October though, so I think just re-introducing one little job from the restricted list every few days is enough.  (Soapbox is back in cupboard) 

Now first up today I am sharing one of Our  Danielle's Albums,  she is actually selling this one, It will be sold before you it, Danielle's attention to detail is incredible and she designs some incredible ideas for page details,  fancy folds, flaps and tuck spots,  so incredibly inspirational, anyway enough waffle just look..... (I will share a few pages but to see it properly follow the link below, it will take you to a video where Danielle does a walk through of the whole album, highlighting some of her fantastic page layouts.....

Danielle Alice Album Walk through

I have only shared  few page layouts, the Walk through shows the album perfectly,  Danielle has also got Album Tutorials on her YouTube channel. 
She has been helping me create my first Album, if any of you are looking to start an Album or wsnt some brilliant page ideas go check out her channel. 

Thank you so much Danielle for sharing your Album with us XXX

Creative Stamping Magazine Review 

I thought I’d share this month's Creative Stamper magazine with you, it's Autumn themed free gifts are quite fun and good quality. 

Some great Nature/Woodland themed stamps, Sue and I were saying how you don't often see Badger, Fox and Hedgehog stamps that aren't cartoon, some great leaves and foliage stamps too.

There was a bonus set of Sentiment stamps included too,  some are quite funny! 

The first feature in the magazine uses the free 'Free Downloadable Papers' they are Autumn shades and style too.

This page features different Heat Embossing techniques, the designer uses the techniques to make some great Masculine cards.

This page shares tips and Techniques for colouring Texture Paste to give a different look to backgrounds, we don't always think about using paint to colour texture paste, you can also add glitter and Mica for sparkle too.  I have added the method for creating the coloured paste above.  

This feature uses the free stamps to create some beautiful Autumnal cards for Ladies,  there is a 'How To.....' Create  ink blended Autumn Leaves' 
(If you need me to zoom in more on that technique  let me know). 

This feature is all about making Home Decor, there are some lovely projects, I might have a go at the Box Frame. 

Some lovely Autumnal Backgrounds in this feature,  using 'Faux Bleaching '  Emboss Resist'  'distressed Emboss Resist' , 'Shaker card' and Clear Heat Embossing,  are all used to make do lovely backgrounds. 

These cards all feature an 'interactive ' element that hides the sentiment, a lovely idea.

Now this feature shares projects from the Indigo Blu Magazine kit that I made my challenge card with the other day, its an amazing kit and I love these projects, this feature us actually taken from the Indigo Blu magazine.  

The last feature that I am sharing with you today shows a project that features all of the animal stamps in the set, it even had a perfect sentiment!!

As always with Creative Stamper Magazine  this issue was packed with inspirational projects, great techniques and ideas too.  There are a lot more features than I have shared (just so that you get some surprises if you buy it. I really like this magazine, if you enjoy stamping you will too.


I hope that you all have a lovely weekend Ladies  

Love and Hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                              xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Danielle-your album is absolutely stunning, so much detail.

    Sandra-great Review of Creative Stamping magazine. I love the last picture as it has a red squirrel & a hedgehog which I love and am lucky enough to have visiting my garden.

    My friend was waiting in the Discharge ward yesterday when the Surgical team came to find her to say they wanted her to stay in as her blood tests had shown raised white cells and a high CRP (signs of infection ) . At this point she broke down and said she wasn’t staying in as she’d had no sleep and would check herself for any increased signs of infection. They agreed and she’s home. Hopefully she’ll take it easy & will start feeling better soon.

    We have a very breezy day with some dark clouds. I’m off food shopping now then I have a hairdressers appointment. If the weather stays like this then I might actually make it into my craft room this afternoon.


    1. Everything crossed for your friend to get well. Enjoy having your hair cut, I might have mine done just before x-mas Lol x

  2. Morning Everyone
    What a fab Alice Journal Danielle.

    We're off to do M&S shopping as usual and then back homefor an afternoon of cycling in the

    MICHELE-I'll be thinking of your Friend and hope she manages to stay infection free.

    The CAFE is OPEN with fresh cream scones etc this afternoon.
    Have agood week-end everyone.HUGS to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, wondered where you were cycling to until I got it Lol OH is watching the cricket later ( I find it sooo boring) Have a nice day x

  3. Danielle’s album is beautiful I will take a look at her channel
    The magazine review is great - I have treated myself to a few goodies in the last few days so I need to sit on my hands at the moment
    I am so pleased your friend has managed to get home Fingers crossed she doesn’t get an infection
    OH is at work so I think I will get the sewing machine out Not feeling very creative at all at the moment but that’s another story
    Take care all xx

    1. Another tough week Karen, hope your mojo will come back soon. I so wish we could meet up and get the creative juices flowing again but not sure when it will be next...Take care x

  4. Hi everyone
    Beautiful album by Danielle 😊
    Great magazine review Sandra, lots of inspiration there.
    Hope your friend is okay Michele and makes a full recovery at home.
    I’m going to have a play today with colouring - using watercolours and pencils. Want to practice as I’m never happy with the results. Thank you for the advice the other night Sandra 😊
    Hope you all have a good day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Have fun colouring in with different mediums. I need to practise too, never happy with my colouring in. That's a challenge x

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A beautiful album Danielle. A lot of love & time has gone into it.
    Hope your friend stays infection free Michele.
    Looks a good magazine Sandra. I’m assuming it’s your monthly one you have delivered.
    Don’t let Paul get to far ahead of himself jobs wise. I’m assuming his band list of jobs is still banned until her gets the all clear to do them from the hospital. Just a matter of patience isn’t it.

    1. Hi Pat, did you manage to see Doreen yesterday ?
      Have a good day whatever you are up to x

    2. Hi Maria. Yes I did see Doreen yesterday. As per usual she was on top form.

  6. Hi everyone.
    Wonderful album Danielle, so much to see and I will be going to your site this afternoon to see more.
    I'd love to have this magazine Sandra but will have to wait for as Karen I spent some money on other things already.
    Looks like a nice day so we are off for our walk in a minute, not sure what else yet.
    Have a nice day everyone and many hugs are sent for you all ,xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Hope your all well
    Yesterday I as shattered after having my strip wash then Terry said shall we see if you can get in the car I was at a bit nurvas
    Well I got in after a bit so we went down Broadstairs & I didn't get out sat watching the baby seagulls
    Then headed back home
    I had a trouble getting out of the
    Car luckily lady over road came over to give a hand & I was out
    She is my garden angel
    She has got me up a few times now
    Bless her she will used to be a nurse
    Danielle your journal is Amazing
    Love it
    Have a nice day every one
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Lovely to hear that you managed a trip out Lynda.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Danielle your Alice in Wonderland album is fantastic. I love the way you have mixed the different papers. How on earth do you price something like this? I bet you don’t get as much as you deserve for all the hard work that goes into making them. One day I will have a go 😊 x
    Sandra, I hope you and Paul are enjoying the weekend and I’m sure he is taking your sensible advice about taking it carefully. The rain keeps making the grass too wet to cut anyway so the lawns can wait can’t they xx
    Shock horror.......I have finished my challenge card and sent you a photo of it.......😁 my mojo is coming back now after starting my cc on Thursday so I am sat here deciding what winter flowers I am going to use for next weeks challenge. I must buy the stamping magazine as we were talking about it the other day. It’s typical though that after 20 + years of Scouting and using British woodland creatures for the leaders names-hence my Mrs Badger/Mrs B name- I find a set of stamps that are really lovely and are all of the creatures which I could have used so much over the years!!! Never mind I will still make good use of them so it’s on my shopping list.
    I hoe you all have had a nice day and enjoy the rest of your weekends.
    Janet, like Maria I had to think for a moment what you meant about cycling 😁 I hope you are enjoying the race x
    Lynda, glad to hear you got out even if a bit of a struggle. I’m sure the more you do it the easier it will get. I bet the dogs were so excited that you were in the car with them and Terry must have been so happy too xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hi, All, sun and showers here today, managed to get two loads of washing dry, after putting them out twice.

    Lovely album Danielle, had a look at the Utube, lovely and neat, hope it sells well.

    Great mag review, but as the others have spent my craft spend this month.

    Hope you have all had a good day, we have been in the garden doing tidying up some of the plants that have grown too big.

    I’ll see you all tomorrow, hugs to all, Lilian

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Fantastic Alice in Wonderland album Danielle, you have put so much work into it. Thank you so much for allowing Sandra to share it with us.

    Lynda, so pleased you managed to have a trip out to Broadstairs, even if you didn’get out of the car. The change of scenery would have been a tonic. You certainly have a lovely thoughtful neighbour who helped you get out of the car on your return home.

    Sandra thank you for your magazine review, lots of interesting articles to digest. xx

    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend, take care and stay safe and warm.
    Love Brenda xxx
