
Thursday 24 September 2020

Throwback Thursday card for this week's TicTacToe Challenge


Good Morning Ladies,

What a change in the weather today, we had rain all night and most of the day, the garden needed to though, the brassicas look so much better for it (listen to me sounding like a gardener), I am proper impressed with out Brussel Sprout plants though, you can see the sprouts forming already!  

I wasn't sure if it was the weather or because I was feeling under the weather but in the morning I was so hot, my heart was just permanently in a superfast rhythm which is why I just had to lie down for most of the morning, I managed to get up at around lunch time and potter in my craft room for most of the afternoon, doing little things that don't really show but definitely needed doing, like sorting through all of my dies and putting them in sets or grouped in categories.                                                                             

My desk is much clearer and looking around I can see what a difference taking time to organise things is making. I just have to Keep it tidy now!

Today's card is an oldy but works perfectly for this weeks challenge, using categories:

 Sentiment/More than 2 layers/Embossing

Todays card is a handmade background using Honey Doo 'Swirl Background' stamp, stamped in Versamark and I then added Honey Sparkle Embossing powder and heat set, I made sure it was all dry and then I went in with Distress Oxide inks...Picked Raspberry, Shaded Lilac & Squeezed Lemonade.
I added the same ink blend to a seperate piece of card and die cut my sentiment, adding it onto a white background.  The 'My Friend' stamp comes with the die set.  It's a Spellbinders set called 'Hello Expressions'  that I bought from Christine over at Hope & Chances.

The good thing about a TicTacToe Challenge is that some many cards work with the categories, so even though this card is from Feb 19 it still works. 

Fr. Richard was so lovely and made everything so simple, such a comfort. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day today,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                        xxxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, perfect for this weeks challenge.

    Glad the phone call went ok and I’m sure having the notes prepared helped.

    We also had lots of rain, mostly overnight. It’s cloudy with done sun this morning but breezy. My

    A GP is going to phone me this morning (I’ve taken the day off work) to discuss the blood test results plus a couple of other issues. I’ll probably go out after lunch to do some shopping then I can relax in my craft room.


    1. Fingers crossed the Dr does ring you to discuss your blood tests etc. Hope the shopping isn’t to busy.

  2. Morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    I love this embossed card and it's beautiful stamp with some gorgeous colours together.
    I hope your day is better.Try to take it easy.
    It's a real nip in the air this morning after a night of rain, we are going out for a slower walk and then go to Frost for a coffee and some toast. Have some cards to send, My mum's coming up and as flat I made it it cost me £1.77 to send. Might not sound a lot but x-mas usually is around the £40 mark..
    Have a nice day everyone. Lots of hugs by the door so help yourself to as many as you need. Maria xx

  3. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card today Sandra. I’m glad the rain did your garden some good. Saves going out to water the plants though doesn’t it. Just come back from a walk along Westfield Rd & back. Didn’t want to go too far as it looks like rain again. My was it busy at lunchtime at Yarnton. Haven’t seen it that busy since the eat out deal finished. But at least everything is set out at a distance.
    Take care & stay safe everyone especially those in special measure areas. Although we all seem to be going that way now.

  4. Hello everyone, lots of rain here today.

    I now have a sink, and cupboard doors, hopefully the electrician will be here tomorrow, then I will have a cooker again.

    Sandra love this card, so bright and cheerful, just what we all need now, I’m always sad when summer finishes, light on this morning, really dark, heavy rain.

    Sandra glad the call with the priest went well yesterday. Hope you can relax a bit now.

    R went to get some shopping this morning and guess what? No toilet rolls, so I suppose people are panic buying again, luckily we have a few spares, I suppose beans will be next.

    Have a good day all, take care, Lilian

    1. I wonder what it is about toilet rolls Lilian. Nothings different at the moment re shopping in shops. So why the mad panic to buy toilet rolls.

  5. This is a beautiful card SANDRA I love the colours and it fits perfectly for the challenge
    I am so glad Fr Richard was able to put your mind at rest Just breathe and relax “Ohhmmmm” Pottering about is good for you - little and (maybe) often!
    Sounds like the kitchen is progressing well LILIAN
    I had a bad night sleeping with insulin pump alarming like crazy So as I finished some crochet last night I intend to start a new one this evening and watch tele
    Take care all xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    LOVE today’s card it’s so bright and cheerful, great inspiration for this weeks challenge.
    Lilian you made me smile, why do people always panic buy toilet paper when we go into any situation?

    Hope you have all had a good day, take care and stay safe.
    Love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies we have had rain today and thunder
    SANDRA sorry for Paul being refused a eye test. Predictions that's all you need my lovely.
    I love your card today it's really bright and pretty.

    KAREN my back is still hurting i had a phone call from the physio and he said he will send me some back & knee exercises on my phone
    Well they are mostly laying on the floor that's out of question so Lisa found me some Sittmg down leg and upper body exercises for the old 😵
    My phone is about run out of battery
    Sending HUG'S & love Lynda xxx
