
Wednesday 23 September 2020

My Amazing card from Michele


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope you are all well, what did you think of the 'Big Announcement ' I will admit I was expecting more! I thought there would be tighter restrictions,  particularly to the younger generation that seem to be a large factor in the recent rise in cases, I really don't see how closing pubs at 10pm is going to make any difference, its pointless,  in fact they will probably go from a 'controlled environment ' to someone's house where there will be No awareness of restrictions!!  Soapbox returned!! 

Today's card is the amazing card that Michele made me for my birthday. It is so perfect for this year, with the gardening theme,  I have certainly done my share of that this summer. 
I believe the card design is one of Ella’s Designs  and Michele has layered the pretty papers to create a beautifully composed design.  
The verse couldn't be more perfect, there has been an awful lot of 'Wishful Thinking' !! 🤣😂
Michele you couldn't have picked a better design,  thank you so much for such a lovely birthday card XXX 

I have a call scheduled with the Vicar this morning  to discuss Mum's funeral, I have a lot of notes written down,  I hope i remembered everything! I have asked all of my siblings for their input too. So fingers crossed all goes smoothly. 

Janet we miss you, I hope the new heating system installation is going smoothly. Take care, sending hugs XXX 
Lilian I hope things start going a little smoother, what a frustration having Boiler trouble too. XXX

Lynda I hope you have stayed upright this week and haven't been flashing your bare bottom to the ambulance men!  Sending hugs XXX 

Love & Hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Announcement from Boris was a bit disappointing but I think he’ll change things and get even tougher in s few weeks. Especially as the number of cards are increasing at an alarming rate.

    Sandra-glad you liked your card, I thought the gardening theme was just right as you had spent so much time with Paul in the garden this year.
    Good luck with the phone call.

    We have rain-quite pleased as everything was looking very dry.


  2. Firstly I don’t know why I didn’t get in yesterday So just wanted to say how much I loved your card SONIA But you know. I love your style
    Your card MICHELE is perfect for SANDRA too (I must take onboard more what people are doing for card ideas)
    Will the new restrictions help? I doubt it it we can only wait and see
    Starting work in a mo I will also be phoning the manufacturer of a piece of kit I am now using It’s disconnected during the night twice this week sending my blood sugars sky high
    I’m sure your phone call to the vicar will be fine as he/she will probably be so helpful As long as you’ve included everyone’s thoughts (including that aunt!) then there’s nothing else you can do
    I hope you’re OK LYNDA
    Take care all xx

    1. Thank you Karen 😊
      I hope you get your piece of kit sorted with the manufacturer xx

    2. I hope you manage to get your piece of equipment sorted out Karen. Must be a real pain for you. Love your new house for the garden.

  3. Hello All, very wet here, we seem to have gone into autumn over night.

    Michele, your card for Sandra is genius, why can’t I think of these ideas, love the sentiment, must put that up in my shed.

    Fingers crossed the work tops will be going in today, so it will be very noisy here today. Still they are saying about another “ few” days. I am going to have one of the new boiling water taps, have anyone else got one?

    Sandra hope your call to the vicar goes well, they are used to this and will probably guide you .

    Hope you all have a good day, hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Fantastic Lilian about the boiling water tap, a resident at work has one with a cold water tap too and it’s great 😊 xx

    2. Hi Lilian, yes we have got one. I didn't wan't one first but I now love it. You will have your cuppa in no time. We need to change the filter tho twice a year for we have very hard water up here. Hopefully they were not too noisy putting in the worktops x

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    MICHELE your birthday card for Sandra was spot on, I’m sure she did a little chuckle when she opened it. How clever of you to come up with a gardening theme, it really is lovely.

    LILIAN you lucky girl having a boiling water tap. Our eldest daughter has one it’s brilliant, the kettle has long since disappeared. In my sisters convent the have a boiling/freezing one it’s great. Our younger daughter says she is the only one amongst her friends who hasn’t got one. So they are definitely the way forward. Enjoy your lovely new kitchen when it’s completed. xx

    My next job is to pack a catering size box of chicken breasts into usable portions for the freezer, OH has been to cash and carry, he also picked up some toilet rolls, Because we need them -not because we are not stockpiling !!! Ha Ha.

    Sandra hope the phone call with the vicar goes well.

    Have a good day everyone, JANET hope you are not in to much of a mess. It’s amazing how any work done indoors can disrupt the whole house. Take care. xx

    Love Brenda xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    I love your birthday card from Michele 😊 the topper and papers are perfect.
    Wasn’t surprised at all by Boris’ announcement last night - nothing we didn’t already know! Closing pubs etc at 10pm isn’t going to make any difference 🙄 Think over the next few weeks we may see more restrictions coming in, but we’ll see.
    Hope your call with the vicar went well.
    Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sandra and ladies
      SANDRA i hope you have been having a rest my lovely sounds like you are doing.evr thing with little help from your brother & sisters. I can see that you on one of your days with your five calls from your brother.
      SANDRA I'm so sorry haven't been in touch for a couple of days I had a bad belly.
      Today i have been trying to get a diabetic appointment but they don't do house calls I said i can't get to the surgery as I can't walk properly and get in and out of the car. So she said OK i will get a nurse to come round i said when is she coming
      Her answer was it might be this week or next week or the week after that. Sandra Terry said thank you so much for your lovely birthday wishes from you and Paul xx
      SANDRA please take care and hope you have almost finished sorting
      Mum's house out now.
      Love Michele card for your birthday.
      Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I know I looked in yesterday but didn’t comment so must say how much I loved your beautiful card from Sonia.
    Today’s card from Michele is another beauty and so apt. Michele I am always envy your perfect layering.
    Sandra I hope the talk with the vicar goes well my lovely. You are always in my thoughts x
    Lilian, I don’t envy you with all of the noise today but at least it means the end is in sight!x
    Lynda, I hope your bruises are a little less sore today. Hugs for you and Terryxx
    Karen you’re not having much luck with your diabetic pump(?) are you. I hope you get it sorted x
    Maria, what books have you ordered?
    Brenda I hope you are managing to rest more now. We can’t help worrying about loved ones can we x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely card from Michele. I love the design Michele which is so apt for friends who do gardening, I have a couple of those.
    Hope you’ve stayed upright this week Lynda and that your bruises are healing.
    Hope the boiler hasn’t played up today Janet.
    I also hope your kitchen is coming along Lilian. Will be great when it’s finished. I hope we see a photo.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  8. Hi everyone.
    Great card from Michele and very apt when you been so busy out in the garden this year Sandra .
    It's raining today so it gave me the chance to tidy up at my craft section. Started to make a card this afternoon but that is as long it went, I have no mojo for nothing much and pain meds do nothing for me at the mo. Well tomorrow is another day as we say.
    I hope your day have been good. hugs to you all and extras for Margaret and Lynda xxx
