
Tuesday 8 September 2020

My Beautiful Birthday from Karen


Good Morning Ladies, 

Another eventful day in the 'Life of Riley' yesterday,  my brother called at around 11am (so I knew something was up) to tell me he was at Mum's waiting for an Ambulance as she had gone outside to empty her food waste bin (which my sister does for her,  so she didn't need to) she hadn't bothered to use her walker and didn't have her Fall alarm on her either,  so bless her she had to pull herself inside house to press her alarm.  She was taken to hospital and Xray comfirmed that she has broken her other hip! She hasn't regained use of the other one yet!  She isn't allowed visitors for 48 hours then visitors are very limited and you have to prebook your appointment,  I do hope that she'll be ok, there's no point me calling her bedside phone as last time I did that she got nurse to answer and tell me that "if I cared I could visit her' 🤣🤣🤣 (she has a way with words) hehe 😂 My sisters will keep me up to date each day, I hope & pray she doesn't get Covid while she is in there as I doubt her body could fight it as she had chronic COPD bless her. Fingers and toes crossed for a speedy recovery 🙏 

Today's card is my Beautiful Birthday card that was made by Our Karen, I absolutely love it Karen,  from the Ring Pull embellishments to that gorgeous Mixed Media flower, which Karen has created using Calico and book pages with cotton twisted behind, the beautifully ornated leaves are stamped onto book pages too. I love the sentiment, which has been stamped onto Calico too and frayed at the edges. Now the background has so many layers, it's  hard to take in all the incredible detail, there are leaves and flowers stamped into the background along with hearts, some yellow paint splats that really add a pop of colour. Of course the overall colour is green which most of you know is my favourite colour.                                                               Thank you so much Karen for designing such a perfect Birthday gift, I absolutely love it  😍 ❤🥰

I hope that you all have a very uneventful day!! 

Sending love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Birthday Card from Karen is gorgeous, stunning.
    I hope your Mum is ok In Hospital-I’m very surprised they’re allowing any visitors. We’re still thinking it’s too high risk, especially after the warning just this morning from the medical advisors.

    I managed to get an emergency dentist appointment for today at 12:30 so hopefully I’ll be free from toothache after that!


    1. Hope the dentist works their magic Michele and that you’ll be pain free.

    2. Good luck at the dentist Michele,hope you not too sore after. Will be thinking of you. x

  2. Morning Everyone
    KAREN-a beautiful card you made for SANDRA.The ring pulls are genious.

    SANDRA-I have everything crossed that MUM is OK and I too am surprised that visitors are allowed. Anyway love and hugs are on their way to you all.

    Well we have decided that as it was Jim's birthday on Sunday and we didn't do anything that we are off out this morning for a car ride and perhaps a cup of coffee out if we can find somewhere not too busy.

    The CAFE is still OPEN so pop in.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

    1. Belated birthday greetings for Jim. Hope you have a nice drive out and find somewhere for a coffee and maybe a cake. It's + 20 c down here and not much wind.
      Take care x

  3. Morning All, dull here today, but very warm.

    Karen love your card for Sandra, it’s very arty wish I could do this.

    Sandra sorry to hear about your Mums fall, hope all goes well with the operation, when she has it, I’m also surprised they are allowing visitors.

    R had to go to Asda yesterday, they seem to have totally forgotten about Covid, non of the staff wearing masks and not many of the shoppers, no social distancing. This is how things will get worse, very worrying.

    Emptying more kitchen cupboards ready for Saturday, quite a task.

    Hope you all have a good day, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Oh that doesn’t sound good Lilian. Everyone should be wearing a masks in shops. Our Sainsbury’s is still quite good although they seem to be letting more people in at a time. Enjoy your trip out and hope you find a coffee place that isn’t to busy.

    2. Hi Lilian. A lot of work for a new kitchen but hope you will be pleased when it's all done. Photo please,love to see what you done 😊
      😷 I didn't like going to Lidl the other day, way too many not follow the rules and the covid it's spreading more and more again. You both stay safe x

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sorry to hear about you Mum Sandra.
    Lovely birthday card for Sandra Karen. I have that verse somewhere.
    It’s pretty dull here today. I’ve just popped out for a quick walk. It looks chilly out but actually isn’t. So I might just pop down to the canal this afternoon. I’d better check the weather forecast first though. I’ve been messaging Amber this morning to see how she’s going on.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  5. It’s a bit pongy here today. Smells like the farmers are much spreading today. We have sunshine now so fingers crossed it continues.

    1. You have a nice day Pat, yes think the farmers are spreading chicken poo at the moment 😝
      Take care x

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies from a warm and actually sunny day from MK.
    So sorry to hear about your mum Sandra, bless her. Not easy for you to just get over and visit is it. Hopefully your sister keeping you informed what is happening and the op goes well.
    Fabulous birthday card from our Karen. Had to look up calico for wasn't sure what it was. Love how you used some ring pulls.
    Did anyone of you feel the earth move this morning ??
    We had a shake of earthquake this morning, the whole house shook so thought a van had rammed into the house first. Very weird feeling.
    Warm and sunny day here, walked up to the chemist to pick up our meds, typical we have to go back for they didn't have it all.
    Have decided to do some cutting outs this afternoon for some cards need doing so that's what I'm up to today . I wish you all a nice day and hugs are sent to you all, Maria xx

  7. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card from Karen. Love all the detail 😊
    So sorry to hear about your Mum, fingers crossed for her xx
    Started this weeks challenge card yesterday, so will probably carry on with that if I don’t get distracted 😉
    Hope everyone is having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Was out early today I went for a routine diabetes blood test It went OK but I felt exceptionally nervous We then went to daughter for a cuppa afterwards
    Thank you for showing my card I did enjoy having a play with inks and gesso I “aged” the ring pulls with green and brown alcohol pens (It’s not as good as yours though SANDRA) Thank you ladies for the lovely comments
    I hope your mum has her op OK today Such a worry for you My dad did the same thing - when they get a bee in their bonnet there’s no stopping them
    I hope the dentist visit went OK MICHELE
    Take care all xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Karen love your birthday card for Sandra, so much detail there. I have never thought of using calico or any other fabric on a card - a very inspiring idea. xx

    Sandra, Hope you have had an update on your mum AND the operation went ahead. Fingers crossed. Still no news on my sister, I will ring the convent in a while to see if anyone has been in contact, not even sure which hospital she has been taken to, Hope it’s the one where she had her open heart surgery.

    Take care everyone and stay safe, Love Brenda xxx
