
Monday 7 September 2020

Man Card Monday


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all rested and relaxed after a lovely weekend. 
I decided yesterday that I am going to have to take a few days off from walking up and down the garden as my hip pain has risen to a level that no combination of drugs can ease. Luckily the weather hasn't been too warm so watering hasn't been such a priority (apart from indide the greenhouse) and Paul can manage that now.

So I am hoping that my 'mojo ' sticks with me so that I can finish my album and get some cards made for upcoming challenges and birthday's of course. 
Todays card is one of a few that I made over the weekend using the Indigo Blu box Magazine that I bought, I really love all of the papers and the stamps in this kit
I used Twisted Citron and Peacock Feathers Distress Oxides, with a little Tumbled Glass to create the background,  I stamped and masked off the Air Balloon and used some of the background stamps and the mask to give detail to the background, stamping with the same Distress Oxides as I used to blend the initial colours. I stamped a simple 'Happy Birthday omto a piece of white card and used the same distress inks to colour the piece to match the background.                                                                    To finish the card I cut a couple of pieces of the background papers that come with the kit and added a strip ro the bottom of my card and another to create some interest behind the sentiment.           I am quite pleased with how it turned out, I hope you like it too. 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                              xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a fantastic card, it’s brilliant.

    I managed to sit outside yesterday afternoon reading. It was a but cool but ok with my hoodie on. It was mainly to distract me from the toothache I have-a Lethe piece of another tooth cracked off while I was having my breakfast yesterday. It’s left the tooth quite sensitive to anything touching it. I guess I’ll be trying to speak to the dentist this morning, this is the 3rd tooth that needs attention.


    1. Sorry to hear that MICHELE I hope you can get it sorted
      My calendar arrived today (although I haven’t opened it yet) Thank you

    2. Sorry Michele, to have sensitive teeth it's not funny. Thank you for the calendar that arrived this morning,it will be fun to make up x

    3. Hope you manage to get your tooth sorted Michele. My calendar arrived this morning but have opened it yet either.

    4. Mine arrived too 😊 Thank you so much Michele xx
      Hope you get your tooth sorted and are not in too much pain. Take care xx

    5. My calendar also arrived today. Thank you so much Michele. xx
      Hope you managed to get an emergency appointment with your dentist. Nothing worse than the discomfort from sensitive teeth. xx

    6. Hi Michele my calendar arrived this morning thank you so much i will definitely try and do it.
      Hope you get to see the dentist
      Soon & your not in too much pain
      Hugs Lynda xx

    7. Hi Michele. Thanks again for my calendar. There are loads of ideas for them on Pinterest aren’t there. Will have to try and make some decisions once I’ve looked trough my printed paper/card and my stamps to see what I come up with! X

  2. Your card is lovely I’m looking forward to receiving my copy of the magazine
    So I’m off this week and next but we have no plans at all apart from next Sunday I’d like to say I will do a lot of crafting but in reality I probably won’t
    I hope the pain has eased LYNDA and for you SANDRA
    Take care all xx

    1. Try to have a nice break anyway whatever you do. Go for walks when the weather is good and get together with the grandchildren for some cuddles and perhaps get some cards together. Take care x

  3. Hello All, very heavy cloud, have sheets on the line , watching for rain.

    Sandra love your card, email this morning to tell me my mag is on the way, hoping it give my mojo a lift.

    Having to empty my kitchen, cupboards , they are coming to install my new kitchen on Saturday. It will be lovely when it’s done, but dreading the work in progress. I not sure why I keep so much stuff, that I never use.

    Have a good day all, hugs to all, Lilian

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Great man cards Sandra.
    So sorry to hear you in so much pain.Rest as much you can and take it easy.
    Feeling very cold today. Raining a bit so glad hanged the washing out yesterday. Like to start on cc today and think what to make for the calendar.
    Many hugs are being sent for you all,Maria xx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card today. A bit cool today although I’ve been on 2 medium sized walks, looks a bit like rain here as well Lilian. Hope you manage to empty your cupboards out before the kitchen people arrive. It’s a big upheaval having your kitchen cupboards replaced. I think I’m going crafting for awhile. Amber went off this morning. Hope she gets on alright. Mind you she’ll have 70 others that’ll be in the same boat as her, ( new college course starters ) so she should be ok.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  6. Hi everyone
    Fabulous card today Sandra. Need all the inspiration I can get for those difficult to make Male cards!
    Hope you manage to rest so your hip pain eases. Take it easy xx
    Bit of housework to do then may do some crafting, but will see how the time goes.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Great inspiration for a man card Sandra, The Indigo Blu box magazine seems full of inspiration. Sorry to read you are in such great pain, try to rest your as much as you can. thank goodness Paul is able to water the greenhouse, one less thing for you to worry about doing.

    The children are mostly back in school, although not all of them full time. A relative of SIL went back to school a couple of weeks ago (lives in Scotland) one of the children has contacted Covid so the whole class has to quarantine for two weeks, but also there whole family’s as well. London Transport are running two buses on every route at school times, one is just for school children the other for everyone else. I just avoid going on bus If at all possible.

    Take care everyone and stay safe. Hugs Brenda xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    We have had rain this morning lucky it wasn't raining very muvh
    Hope your feeling better Sandra. Love you're card today
    Haven't done much felt very sleepy
    Hope you all have a nice evening
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love this gorgeous card. You have woven your magic over the pretty papers. Your mojo is back with a vengeance after opening the indigo blu box set isn’t it. So happy that it is. But sad to hear you are in so much extra pain. Please try and rest as much as possible. Something easier say than do at the moment though. Sending gentle hugs my lovely xx
    It’s been a funny day weather wise here today, we have had sun, rain, wind, blue skies and grey skies. Wonder hat it will be like tomorrow? Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
