
Thursday 13 August 2020

Throwback Thursday summer flowers


Good Morning Ladies,

Just a quick post today as I am absolutely melting as I write this post, we have had the most unbearable day so far, it's just an effort to breathe let alone do anything else, the heat on top of another sleepless night made for a frustrating day, Paul was really unsettled as well last night, the angle that he has to sleep at (having his chest elevated while being face down) is really causing his lower back to hurt, so he had to get up to stretch several times, of course I am up with him every time, his vision is really impaired so moving around at night is a little precarious, I like to just check that the cats haven't left any gifts that may cause him to trip etc. Then we have the 20 + mins of reshuffling position to get as 'comfortable' as possible! I can't tell you how glad both Paul and I will be when this week is over, although we both think it's wise for him to continue to wear his patch at night, just in case he rubs or catches his eye.

We have had hours of thunder and rain and it hasn't made the slightest difference to the temperature, it is 11pm as I am writing the post and its still 23 degrees according to 'Alexa', the rain has caused a lot of devastation on the Veg patch so I will have that to deal with this morning, hopefully Matt is coming over as it's his day off, he is taking Harley for the day, so I will ask for his help to sort a few things.

The card that I have chosen for today is a lovely bright and vibrant, 'Summery Flower' card, the stamp I used is  Stampin Up! 'Corner Garden', I absolutely love this stamp and managed to get for a bargain price from a lovely lady that was de-cluttering.  I will add the description below......

 I stamped the image and coloured it with pencils then I matted it onto card that was similar colours to the flowers on the card.  I was really pleased with how this card turned out, so bright and cheerful.  

I think that this card will brighten the day today!

I hope that you all have a lovely day, I hope you stay safe and cool,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card-so bright & cheerful. Perfect fir the sunny days we’re having .

    We had heavy rain overnight but it’s very sunny & warm again. I’m getting fed up if the heat now-8 plus hours in a surgical face mask in this heat isn’t fun!


    1. I know what you mean Michele, the girls are really struggling, their hands are sore from wearing the surgical type gloves all day, they make their hands sweat so much the sweat drips out of them! But as their hands are constantly wet they get really sore. The masks they have to wear are really rough on their faces, Lucy has very sensitive skin, the paper masks have the skin peeling all around her mouth and chin, they also have to wear the disposable aprons. They aren't opening the main restaurant for the foreseeable so they will have to continue working in the Kiosks, which are basically garden sheds, you can see that the heat has physically exhausted them after 8 hours.

  2. Morning Everyone
    What a very pretty card to start the day. So bright and cheerful.

    Yesterday was the worst day of the week for heat here. I had all the window blinds closed and all doors etc open and I suppose it will be the same today.

    The CAFE is OPEN for all who want to pop in.
    HUGSS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE IN EVERY WAY.xxxx

  3. Morning Again
    MARIA-you asked if anyone had seen 'OUTLANDER' yesterday. I have read all Diana Gabaldon books and seen all the series which have been on tv.
    I loved loved loved everything she has written and I think the tv series were more than excellent and followed the books not like some where when either a film or tv series bear no resemblance at all to the written word. If you like historical books/films etc you will really enjoy this.
    HUGS a plenty xxxx

  4. Morning all It was a sweltering night wasn’t it It is playing havoc with my blood sugars but the new insulin pump is helping although a little infuriating as it keeps asking me to record a blood result to keep In auto mode
    We are off to visit the Gruffalo Trail today I am so excited I hope Oscar enjoys it as he is still s huge fan of the book I won’t mind any rain but I don’t want to be outside if there is thunder with baby buggies etc
    Your card is lovely SANDRA I love that stamp and this colour combination makes it a beautiful summery card You and Paul must be feeling really fed up with the uncomfortableness of it all If only it was cooler I hope MATT manages to get the jobs done for you
    Take care all

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Another lovely card Sandra. I never tire of seeing our and your older cards.
    We also had thunder, lightening and rain yesterday evening. Today it’s dull & breezy but still very hot & muggy. Just posted my baby card off to Luke & Helen. Toms grandson who I visit along with Jill in Colchester & Harwich. I was going to post it last night but didn’t want to venture out.
    Well Sophie put some pictures on the wall that she’d had done for Pete. The bottom one fell down yesterday. I managed to fish it out from behind the sideboard yesterday & stuck it back up. It fell down again last night. So those commando strips hasn’t lasted long on that one. I then put a bit of glue on it this morning. But irs just fallen down again.
    Stay cool & stay safe everyone.

    1. You had me tickled with your 'Commando' hooks, I picture them with no pants!! Tihi!! I think you mean 'Command Hooks' xx

  6. Hello All, still no rain, so watering again. At least it’s a bit cooler this morning.

    Lovely summer card, so bright and cheerful, just I need to wake me up.

    Not much on today, need to spend some time dead heading the flowers, they have gone over very quickly in this hot weather.

    I must do this weeks card and also one for Mimi ( granddaughter ) I am giving here a nail varnish set, it’s a little pony accessories kit, not sure what Mum will say, it was on her wish list, she will be seven, apparently her older brother helped with the list, which is quite apparent.?

    Hope you all have a better day, it’s feels a little cooler, hugs Lilian

  7. Morning ladies.
    Lovely ,very colourful card this morning Sandra.

    Another horrible night and we had to keep the windows shut for it was raining with thunder and lightning on and off. The rain will continue today but hoping the windows can be opened sometimes for the fan is doing my head in even on number 1. Sandwiches and fruit salad made this morning so now we can sit down for a little rest before SIL and her husband are here. It feel a bit weird to have someone else in the house again but we will keep the distance.
    Anyone who are working today, I hope it feels better when it's not as muggy. Take care.
    Sandra, hopefully Matthew can help you with the garden. Thinking of you and sending well wishes for Paul.
    Pat, is someone trying to tell you something ? hihi What is the picture of ? hopefully you can get it up properly. Hope you got the car fixed and can meet your friends again.
    Oh Janet, as the heat made me not to move very far I watched 7 episodes of the Outlander! had to put the subtitles on tho for the Scottish is sometimes a bit tricky for me to get.
    I wish you all a nice day whatever you are doing. Many hugs for you all, Maria xx

  8. Hi everyone
    A beautiful, colourful card today Sandra 😊
    Thinking of you and Paul and all these sleepless nights, I hope you can manage to rest during the days xx
    We heard rumbles of thunder in the distance yesterday afternoon and a few spots of rain, but that was it. It’s a lot cooler here today, thank goodness, and we’ve had a little rain but nothing like it was forecast. We always seem to be on the edge of things here - snow, thunderstorms - it all just misses us! Probably tempting fate writing that 😂
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a lovely summer card, so bright and cheerful this would brighten up anyone’s day. Hope Matt managed to help sort out the veg patch and rescue your beans.

    Another very hot night, I’ve been getting very hot around my head and neck so last night I tried putting an old towel around my pillow, it seemed to help.

    Today has been busy it’s my sisters birthday and younger daughter and SIL wedding anniversary ALSO two grandsons getting Exam results. Pleased to say they have both got into university of choice Sam is going to Nottingham and Callum to Sheffield - This morning the telephone was red hot with all of calls. It’s been so strange for all students this year. I feel for those who have been marked down, just hope school are able to help them sort out their grades.

    Rain has stopped now but we had enough to water the garden today, LJohn is happy to do the greenhouse...... yippee I’ve got an evening off.

    Take care ladies and stay safe, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx
