
Wednesday 12 August 2020

A Dandelion Challenge card


Good Morning Ladies, 

Phew this heat is getting ridiculous, my patient and I are struggling a bit both in the day and I more so at night, poor Paul is finding it hard to get comfortable anyway, the heat is making it so much worse, I'm not sure if for him its worse as more of his body is in contact with the mattress, he is normally a side sleeper! If he isn't sleeping then I am not sleeping as I guess it's my 'Maternal instinct' kicks in every time he wakes I am up to check he is ok and that he doesn't need anything. The down side from that is that Paul will get back to sleep relatively quickly but I on the other hand will be tossing and turning for hours.

My card today was made using the SU 'Dandelion Wishes' Stamp set.  I once again wanted to go with Dark Grey and Soft yellow (So Saffron) for the colour scheme.

I made a card base out of Grey card, I then cut a smaller mat and a narrow mat of So Saffron card, I took the smaller Grey piece and stamped the Dandelion stamp a few times around the edge of the card, I stamped in Versamark ink and added white embossing powder and heat set. I mounted the piece onto the card base, I then stamped the Sentiment in versamark and heat set, and die cut with Circle dies and Scallop Circle for the So Saffron layer. 

To finish the card I added some soft yellow pearls to the centres of all of the Dandelions. I placed the sentiment so that it slightly hung over the first layer.

I hope you like the card.

I hope that you all have a lovely day, try and stay cool, I hope that the forecast storms don't cause you any problems.

Love and Hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                        xxxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a gorgeous card, it’s just beautiful. I love the colours.

    Very warm here already & no breeze which is unusual being so close to the coast. We have Climate control in the department which is wonderful but the rest of the hospital is so warm. I leave sunshades in my car which makes a huge difference as it’s sits in the car park for over 8 hours heating up!! It’s too warm for me to feel like doing anything once I get home from work, I’ve just been sitting in the shade-reading.


  2. Your card is gorgeous SANDRA I just love everything about it
    Last night was the worst for heat etc I think It didn’t help that my insulin pump kept bleeping (loudly!) every hour or so with different alerts and asking for blood tests etc The hot weather really messes up my control Ho hum Paul is obviously finding it more uncomfortable I couldn’t bear having to keep my head in one position
    We had one clap of thunder last night and a little bit of rain It’s another scorcher today OH has been outside on the hammock since about 5am
    Unexpectedly a friend messaged me about meeting and going for a coffee We’ve hardly spoken since lockdown- but it’s that kind of relationship that we get on with our busy lives but know we’re there for each other if needed It will be great to have a catch-up although I am extremely anxious about going out
    Take care and keep hydrated The jobs can wait

  3. Morning everyone

    Beautiful card Sandra, I love it
    Anyone who manage to do any crafting in this heat, you are good.
    I feel for Paul having to be on his front and you not getting much sleep.Try to have a rest ,hugs xx
    Michele- hope work is alright for you today,take care
    Karen- wished the jobs could wait but as SIL coming to us tomorrow and we are making sandwiches and a fruit salad ,the morning will be busy for that so the swearword was done before 8 this morning. OH cut the grass and he will do the downstairs loo tonight so it's ready for the "queen of Sheba" Lol We thought about going to Frost or so for lunch but we haven't been anywhere for 6 months except for our walks, which is on halt,and OH has been to hospital a few times, so not sure when. I hope you have a nice time catching up with your friend tho if you going.
    Cool shower and some brunch I think is next on the agenda but can't see myself doing much else then sit with the fan on and read or watch Tv. Anyone seen Outlander ?
    Stay cool, stay safe and have a nice day. hugs xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Another lovely card today Sandra. Thinking about it this might have been the one you were making the other week.
    I’m also meeting a friend for coffee this morning at Yarnton. She’s taken up my 3/4 length trousers to just below the knee for me. She used to work at the college as a seamstress and had previously made my curtains & cushions for me. Oh dear one of the photographs that Sophie had blown up for Pete has just fallen down behind my sideboard. I’d noticed it had fallen down this morning and put it back up again. But it’s obviously not going to hold. Might try a bit of glue on the sticky bits this time. We had a lightening storm last night. Quite spectacular it was as well.
    Stay safe a cool if you can everyone.

  5. Well I dint get to meet my friend at 11.00 today. I went to go and Phil was bringing his dustbin in. He said are you going out only you have a flat tyre. Anyway I rang the garage, blew the tyre up and took the car down. I had no one to bring me home as Keith was in bed and Pete’s friend was just taking his wife to the community hospital as she’d fallen over. Anyway I took the car down. They took the tyre off and found I had 2 big nails in it. Anyway they’ve ordered me a new tyre which they’ll fit tomorrow. I hadn’t noticed I had a flat tyre although I’d had to blow them all up last week.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Another gorgeous card today. I love that colour combo. It just works perfectly for the stamps doesn’t it. I find it really helpful to see either single stamps or ones in a set used to make several cards. It gives me more inspiration I find. Also love the colours you put together so beautifully. Thank you my lovely. Thinking of you both xx
    How is everyone coping with crafting in this heat? I need to get a card done for Phoebes birthday on Friday and my cc but think I will give it a go much later on or get up really early tomorrow.
    Try and keep cool. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies we haven't got any sun as yet but it still very humid
    SANDRA your card is gorgeous love the colours and the stamp set.looks beautiful
    Not doings much today will do some more exercise later
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card Sandra, and love the colour combo. I have a similar stamp set from Inkylicious.
    Sorry to hear you’re not sleeping well, hoping you can rest during the days xx
    We had some lightning last night but didn’t come to anything, and right now there’s lots of rumbles of thunder, but still no sign of any rain!
    Not done much again this afternoon, just some laundry. It really is too hot to do anything. I haven’t even started my card yet, so think it’s just going to be a last minute one.
    Hugs to all xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Love your card Sandra, the colour combination is just perfect and works so well with the stamps you used. I just love everything about it, thank you for sharing.

    I don’t think anybody had a decent night’s sleep last night, It seemed to be a series of naps, then you wake up feeling hot and sticky, had a shower before going to bed last night but felt I needed another one this morning, that’s how uncomfortably sticky I felt. We have some rumbles of thunder in the distance this afternoon but not even a drop of rain, so best to think about watering the garden in the greenhouse soon.
    I feel totally drained, just haven’t got any energy Don’t fancy a cooked meal tonight so I’ve made a salad.

    I really feel for Paul laying face down for most of the time, It must be so hot and uncomfortable. Paul all I can say is I hope things get better for you soon, thinking of you LOL xx

    Take care ladies try and stay cool if that’s at all possible,
    Love Brenda XXX

  10. Hi, I did comment earlier, but must forgotten to press publish.

    Sandra lovely card, very pretty, too hot at the moment to craft, will try again tomorrow.

    Hugs to all , Lilian
