
Friday 10 July 2020

Your Next Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are well and managing to stay dry in this miserable weather, our courgettes are growing by the day. It's quite exciting to go out each morning and see how things have grown with all the rain. The beans are almost all at the top of the 7ft frames with plenty of flowers on too.

I had a lovely visitor yesterday, Sue! a last minute plan that was a lovely surprise and took my mind off of todays scan too,  we observed all of the guidelines as far as the pandemic is concerned, which is so hard when you just want to give someone a big old hug! It was so lovely to sit and have some crafty chat with a friend and we even went into the craft room and did a bit of crafting, I had great fun using the Salad spinner to make backgrounds using acrylic paints, they turned out really well, I will share them with you tomorrow, Sue was working on her Challenge card.

Your Next Challenge

I know a few of you have like me re-discovered your Embossing Folders recently so I thought it would be fun to have an Embossing Folder themed challenge. I don't mind how you use your E Folders, whether they are the focal point of your card or the background, I though it would be fun to try new techniques and see what we all come up with.
The good thing is that this challenge will fit with any cards that you have to make for other things no matter what the occasion.
I might have a go at the 'Letterpress' technique, I tried once before but didn't get great results.
Using them on different mediums might be fun too, Tracy Evans does a technique with stamps where you build up layers of tissue (Blow your nose tissue) using pva mixed with water, i wonder if you could use this method with embossing folders too, watch this space on that one.
I have shared 3 different embossed backgrounds above, I hope that you have fun with the challenge, I got Paul to rummage under the stairs and get my big box of embossing folders out so that I could play.
I look forward to seeing what you all come up with.

Have a lovely weekend ladies,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great challenge and I’m sure we’ve all got a few embossing Folders to choose from.

    Lovely surprise for you to see Sue and the perfect distraction from thinking about today. Good luck for later.

    Off to Morrison’s early as hubby has offered to come with which saves me doing the shopping tomorrow morning.


  2. Morning Everyone
    A good Challenge SANDRA for this week.

    At last we've got up to blue skies!!!The road etc is still very wet but it's NOT RAINING. Fingers crossed it stays that way.
    Well another week has gone by and once again I get to 'swear'lol.The washer is already on so that's a start.Mr Tesco will be delivering later too.

    The CAFE is ready and waiting for you all to pop in for a cuppa etc.
    TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.Have a good week-end.
    Hugs are on their way to you all.xxxx

  3. A great challenge for next week and Tracy’s technique might work It’s worth a try
    How lovely to have a visit from SUE Instead of crafting we ended up going to see daughter - I’m never going to turn down an invite like that!
    You’ll be fine today SANDRA and you’ll have PAUL with you for company to help pass the time
    Having a haircut today Yay! Hope to craft later I still feel guilty disappearing into craft room when OH is about
    Have a good day all xx

    1. How lovely you went over to see your daughter. Lovely to see everyone at short notice isn’t it.

  4. Hi Ladies.
    Good luck for today Sandra. How nice to meet with Sue yesterday. I can't wait until we all can meet again, so long now. Perhaps Ally Pally in ,oh can't remember the date but saw it was something later this year....
    I have so many EF never used so a good cc for next week. Still trying to sort out this weeks tho and not easy.
    Woke up to sunny day and blue sky but that didn't last, now gone grey and I'm sure a shower is coming but hoping to get our walk in first.
    Have a good day everyone. Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Good luck for today. It’ll be ok as you have Paul with you to take your money nd off of it. How lovely that Sue came over. I didn’t realise that you were up for visits again as I could have come over one day this week as well. I was over Craig’s yesterday. I woke up to blue skies as well this morning but it seems to be clouding over again. Fingers crossed it doesn’t rain. Still quite windy though.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    We have had sunshine so Terry put some washing on the line came in just closed patio and the heavens opened so just left the now we have sunshine again
    Had physio this morning
    They were pleased with my progress
    Progress my new rise & riclner chair is worth every penny as much easier to stand from
    Today i had to walk from patio right upto front door and back to chair. Plus more other leg exercises
    SANDRA all your cards are lovely
    Good you had Sue over what a lovely surprise.
    Love and Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Well done Lynda. So glad your doing alright and it is lovely to see you in the cafe' 🐶 Many hugs for you and Terry. xx

  7. Hi everyone
    Lovely cards and great challenge for next week. I am sending apologies as I haven’t been able to do a card for this weeks challenge. I did look to see if there was one I could update but I couldn’t decide on one and haven’t felt like crafting this week 😔
    Thinking of you today Sandra. So lovely of Sue to surprise you with a visit yesterday.
    Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love this weeks challenge, and your inspirational cards are lovely but most of all I have to say that it was wonderful to see you even if we had to keep our distance etc. I think that is the hardest part of all. But worth it to be able to see you. I’m glad that you have some answers after the scan. Now you can relax a bit and leave the docs to decide how best to treat you my lovely. I bet you enjoyed your late breakfast and cuppa xx
    Lynda, please push to get some answers for both of you xx
    I just have to matt and layer my cc then send you a pic of it for this week. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
