
Thursday 9 July 2020

Thursday Throwback Card

Good Thursday Morning Ladies,

What a wash out of a day yesterday was, rain, rain and more rain! On the up side we didn't have to water the garden.
Paul received a Bird Feeder for Father's Day and we finally got it put up last weekend, I got a Squirrel-Proof (I know) Feeder and filled it with Mixed seeds and grains for Garden Birds, we had a few but not that many, then I added another feeder with Mealworms, they really liked those, while we were out at the weekend I picked up this Suet/fat cake with berries, we have a little cage thing hanging from the feeder that this cake would fit in perfectly, so on Monday I popped it in, well you have never seen anything like it, there was a feeding frenzy, they were squawking and fighting for access to the cake, the mealworms were popular too, I went out to check it later in the evening to find that the suet cake had been totally consumed! So we know what they like I guess, it's lovely to see all of the different birds, we have always had lots of different birds in the garden but the feeder has attracted even more.  I thought that the pigeons would swoop in and dominate the feeder but not so far.

I love the card that I am sharing today, it has to be one of my favourite cards from that time, I think that quite a few of us had these Ann Marie Designs papers back then, I had so many favourite colours from this collection, this almost Mushroom colour was one of my top 3, I just paired and pattern and plain in the same shade and added a pretty lace border with a matching colour ribbon through it.  
To embellish the card I used my favourite Cheery Lynn Flourish die and the flowers are made using Spellbinder Blossom dies cut out of Felt , the leaves were also Spellbinder Foliage dies, I popped a tiny coloured pearl in the centres of the flowers to finish them off and added a SW die with the Happy Birthday sentiment. (we just didn't stamp in those days)!! 
I hope you like this 'Throwback' card, I could start doing a feature where we 'Throwback' to some of your older cards too if you like?

I have to prepare for an Ultrasound Scan tomorrow, it's at noon and I am not allowed to eat any food, or dairy 6 hours prior to my scan, so I will be having a very late breakfast/brunch, you are allowed water though. I am grateful that the GP managed to get me one so soon as she had prepared me to wait at least 6 weeks.  Paul is going to go in a little late so that he can take me, as it's in an unfamiliar town and those of you that know will understand that I will be a bit of a nervous wreck!

I hope that you all have a lovely day my lovelies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    I think 'throw back' would be good. I often look through my cards mainly to mke sure that I don't send someone a repeat card.

    Rain Rain Rain and Rain again. Oh how I would love some warm sunshine.

    The CAFE is OPEN and ready for everyone new and old to pop in for a cuppa.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous Card. A regular throwback Thursday feature would be great. Interesting to read about your wildlife visitors. We only saw one Hedgehog last night-the smaller one although I’m sure the large hog wasn’t far away.

    Fingers crossed everything goes ok tomorrow & I’m glad you’ve got a quick appointment through.

    Did some general shopping yesterday then hubby decided we needed to go back to Dobbies to look at Barbecues. We ended up but a small charcoal one-they price matched it plus gave me 10% NHS discount do hubby was very happy. I’m not sure how much we’ll use it but Heh Ho.

    Damp start to the day so it might be a stay indoors day today.


  3. Your card is beautiful SANDRA I am so pleased you have got your scan appointment so soon Easy for me to say but do try and relax today
    I found two cards in a drawer that I made years ago that obviously didn’t get used and are very cringe worthy I’m going to see if I can revamp them today for the challenge
    It is miserable here today I’m supposed to be having tea on the lawn with some neighbours this afternoon
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi and good morning ladies.
    Beautiful card Sandra, like the colour.
    Good they gave you a appointment so soon, you be fine you see and we be with you.
    Rain stopped for a while so going for our walk but staying around home so can jump in the shower if getting soaked. Hoping to make the cc today, or at least start something.
    Have a good day everyone and big hugs are sent to you all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card Sandra today. I’m glad to hear you have your scan appointment now. Good to hear that you’ll be seen so quickly. I did like the Ann Marie card when we bought it. But don’t use it now. Must take the box with me to Watford when we go as I’m sure someone can make use of it. Blustery here at the moment but looks like rain as well. Like you we had rain most of the day yesterday. Good to hear the birds like the feeders.
    Stay safe everyone and take care.

  6. Hello All, wet again here.

    Sandra love your card, very feminine, my friend from Oxford would have loved this, made me think of her.

    I’ve been all morning trying fix our sky box, in the end managed to get through to sky services on the telephone ( took ages going round in a loop ) spoke to a very pleasant man, who had the patience of a saint, going through every thing . Fixed it, but said our card is old, as we have had it 20 yrs, the box or 10yrs, and that’s old as well apparently. He managed to fix it after more than half an hour on the phone, but reading through the lines we are going to have to renew our box. I will credit to the gentleman who was easy to understand and extremely polite.

    Going to look through my old cards to see what to do for this week.

    Sandra glad to hear your scan has come through so quickly, thinking of you. Lilian

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Your card is really beautiful Sandra, the colours work so well and compliment your design. xx

    Fingers crossed for tomorrow, remember deep slow breathing, it will help you to stay calm. Great you will have your rock with you to lean on ( Paul ) xx

    Must look through my old cards to find one I can work on for this weeks CC. Two come to mind but I think they are beyond reprieve.

    Hope everyone has had a good day, love Brenda xxx
