
Wednesday 1 July 2020

My 2nd Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, a very unsettled day yesterday, didn't get my washing dry so tumble drier had to be used! It's just not the same.  
Paul dodged between showers to get a few garden jobs done. He just can't leave it alone now, mind you there is always something that needs doing.

I made this card on Friday and I absolutely love how it turned out, I was so pleased with the Christmas card I made I got another embossing folder out and thought I would try a Kraft card version.
The embossing folder I used was a really old 'Cuttlebug' folder. I embossed the Kraft card and then took a tiny amount of Gold Gilding Wax onto the 'black back part' of cut and dry phone, you don't want to use something that the wax sinks into, it has to be a firm surface, that way if glides across the top of the embossing. 
I sat and marvelled at the piece for a while and decided that I wanted to create a card that left most of the background on show.
I found some lace that I thought worked well with the Kraft card, I topped that with a piece of braiding and finished with a piece of Hemp cord, I also used that to create a double bow. I used a tiny tag to add the 'For You' sentiment and I left it at that.  I think that these cards would be good to batch make as they are fairly simple to put together.

I hope that you all have as good a day as possible, not sure what the weather is supposed to be, the best bet is to get in that craft room!

Can't wait to see what you all make.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-stunning Card, it’s just lovely.

    Yesterday was absolutely horrendous at work-we had no computers or phone lines for almost 6 hours which made trying to continue with a normal service very difficult. The power didn’t cone back on after the monthly Generator test. I was meant to be working from home today but have decided to go in as I really need to catch up after yesterday. Hopefully I’ll be left to get on as I have quite a bit to sort out.


    1. Hi Michele
      Sounds like you had a ghastly day yesterday. Fingers your not bothered too much and are able to catch up.

  2. I love this card SANDRA It is so effective I’m not sure what you mean about “the black back bit” Maybe you can send me a photo
    As the weather was so miserable I did some cooking a syrup and mustard glazed gammon and started a cc (first one went in the bin)
    This afternoon at long last I am having training on new insulin pump and meter - they are supposed to link to each other Very techie and I think I’ve got to be careful how close they are to things like mobile phones etc I think some people with pacemakers have to do same (I know Gary did)
    Hope it goes ok
    I am pleased the care home are putting those kind of provisions in PAT It must help put your mind at rest
    Have a good day ladies Hugs to al especially MARGARET and LYNDA xx

  3. Hi Karen
    I hope the training goes ok. I expect some people will think they needn’t go to so much bother at the home. But I’d rather they took those precautions than not.

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Like the card Sandra. I have a card with a background using an embossing folder. However, because it has parchment over it it doesn’t show up.
    I’m not to sure what the weather is going to do today here. It wasn’t too bad yesterday but quite windy. Farringdon where Craig lives had a few spotty showers just after tea time. It’s still quite dull & windy here.

  5. Meant to say that it said on the news yesterday that BMW have 9 employees that have tested for Covid 19. 8 on the same assembly line and working the same shift. 1 other working on another line and shift. I messaged Amy straight away and asked if her and Matty knew about it. They did, but said it was nowhere near them. It’s a very busy line apparently. I told them to both stay mega safe.

  6. Hi everyone.
    A wonderful card Sandra.
    I will have a play later but first shower after a damp walk, not raining but it's spitting.
    Take care Michele and wish work is better today and you get some done in peace.
    Karen, hope you manage to work out the new pump.
    Pat, hopefully Amy and the others are taking care. I think they have let the schools and shops to open too soon and this will continue to happen. Some people we walked past today were completely ignorant about the 2 meter rule is still on.
    Best get in the shower so I get more time to play later.
    Have a nice day everyone and many hugs for you all xxx

  7. Hi everyone.
    Gorgeous card Sandra. You’ve just reminded me, I have a couple of dry embossed backgrounds, which I rubbed gold wax over - think I will use them for the challenge, as I’m struggling a bit this week with card making.
    Just stopped raining here after a sunny morning - think it’s going to be like this for the rest of the week.
    Hope you’re all well. Enjoy the rest of the day.
    Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Love, Love this card Sandra, it really looks classy (posh classy!) definitely would stand out in the crowd.

    MICHELE shame you had to give up your day working from home, fully understand your reasons. Hope you managed to get some order restored and your department is back to normal. Well as normal as possible!

    KAREN Hope you managed to get your insulin pump and meter sorted.

    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  9. Hello All, very wet this morning, but dried up after lunch.

    Sandra, what a beautiful card, definitely going to try and use my e/b folders.

    Spent aa morning making a bag for our outdoor cushions, made it from an old roller blind, a bit stiff to sew but turned out ok.

    Michele hope you had a better day, Karen hope the training went ok.

    Sandra are you beginning too feel a bit better, how are the antibiotics going, ok I hope.
    Not much else going on , nice chatting with you this evening. Lilian
