
Tuesday 30 June 2020

Brenda's Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all got through those strong winds without any damage yesterday, Paul had to recover the cabbages a couple of times as the fleece worked its way free, apart from that we were ok, I got two loads of washing dry too, which was a real bonus, I can tell you that I had serious doubt as I was pegging it on the line as the clouds were so dark, we must have been on the edge of it though as we didn't get any rain.

I didn't get much done yesterday, as you all predicted and I expected I was very sore, it was worth it though to see Mum's face, she loved it when we all sang Happy Birthday to her, she loved all her gifts too.  Bless her she really looks like she had aged this past couple of months.  She must have asked all of us for the same gifts as we all bought her elasticated waist trousers, I bought black linen ones and a lovely white t-shirt, my sisters got her the soft cotton ones that look a bit like pyjama bottoms, lovely patterns though, I think they are super comfy, Mum obviously does too, she had a lovely pile of new clothes.  We didn't stay too late as mum looked exhausted, I think she was a little overwhelmed, going from seeing nobody to having a house full was a lot to deal with for her I think.  I think we were all on edge as none of us had been in a group of people from different homes before, we took every precaution we could though.

Today's card is Brenda's Challenge card, I didn't get it downloaded in time to add it on Sunday so I am sharing it today.  
Such a lovely card Brenda, perfect for so many occasions too, from Weddings to Exam Congratulation's and many other in between!  The die set that Brenda has used for this card is John Next Door's Additions Die collection ...

I have added a picture of the die set as some of you might be interested in buying it, I love the fact that is has so much added detail including the words that Brenda has used, it adds so much fun to the card too.
Brenda's card would work well for our next challenge too with that lovely embossed background. The folder works brilliantly with that die set too Brenda.
Thank you so much Brenda for taking part in the challenge and for sharing such a lovely challenge card XXX

I am off for a Blood Test this morning so I need to put my 'Big Girl' pants on, I absolutely hate blood tests, (i know nobody loves them) I am going to try having a sweet drink before I go this time as thats what the nurse suggested last time, because I don't like to part with my blood! Not sure what sweet drink I will have though as I hate sugar in tea, may have a hot chocolate or a latte.  

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-what a stunning card, I love the bottle Die you have used.

    Sandra-we had Gale Force winds all day and into last night. This morning it’s just a strong breeze but it’s raining. I’ll wait to check out my greenhouse.

    Very busy day yesterday and today is looking like it’s going to be another busy one. Additional patients added to my Chemotherapy list at short notice which has made it a tight turnaround as we’re still transporting the drugs to the other Hospital site. I’m sure it will all work out ok.


  2. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful card BRENDA.That die set looks so useful.

    Well we had quite a 'winter' day yesterday with lashings of rain/high winds and it was COLD all day.At least it's dry this morning but the wind is still rattling around the house and the temp isn't any better.

    I have one or two sorting jobs to do today.Something I hate doing as I always find it difficult to throw away things.

    The CAFE is OPEN and it's nice and warm inside.The coffee/tea pots are ready for filling and the biscuit tin is also full.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. What a brilliant card BRENDA I was tempted to buy this die set when John first brought it out
    Tbe blanket is is coming along nicely and thoroughly enjoyed sitting down watching The Way to Coronation Street which we’d recorded I don’t watch it nowadays but I did like the old characters
    Not much on today but after work I hope to do a cc
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies.
    I hope your not so stiff today Sandra. I know how much a trip to your Mums takes it out of you. It’s lovely that you were all able to see each other though. It’s been raining here this morning. Still dull & very windy.
    Brenda what a lovely card you’ve made. I also like the die set.
    Well Livvy brought me down the biggest pizza I’ve ever seen yesterday. You can eat that for your tea she said. Well I had already got a cottage pie out for Sunday lunch that was waiting to be cooked. Plus Keith gave me a Maccaroni cheese that Livvy had made. So I cut the pizza into 3 pieces and froze it. I’m over Craig’s for dinner today so the Mac cheese I’ll have tomorrow.
    I’ve just finished the last card from Marias Groovi class and I’m hoping to start on the design that Hazel Edwards posted online. Then I still have the Groovi Shac ones to do. Ive only done up to No 3 and they posted No 11 last Friday. Plenty of crafting to keep me busy. I might carry on and turn some into Christmas cards. I’ve already done quite a few already,

  5. Hi Ladies
    I’ve just heard from Merryfield Nursing home that pre arranged visits to relatives are to commence from the 7th July. With precautions. Which are. A designated entrance which will sanitise your full body. Thermal imaging to make sure you don’t have a temperature. Hand sanitizer and full PPE. Plus a pre visit assessment done by them. Visits will be for about 1 to 1 1/2 hrs and outside where possible. Or in bedrooms if not. This could be relaxed at the end of July.
    Good that there taking so many precautions isn’t it.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Thank you for showing my card Sandra, although it was my fault you couldn’t download it not yours, stupid me had managed to send the email without the card attached! It’s the age thing again ha ha. This is a great die set by John Next Door but some of those dies are very tiny. I put sticky back sheets on the back of card before cutting out the dies. Which made it a lot easier and with the help of my pokey tool I was able to place the letters and stars on my card. I searched through my embossing folders and this one was perfect for what I wanted.

    Like you Sandra we managed to get two machine loads of washing out and dried yesterday, the wind was perfect wasn’t it and the washing when brought indoors smelt lovely. It’s the small things in life that please me!

    PAT it sounds as though your family are taking great care of you, great that the care home is going to such lengths to protect the residents.

    Have a good day everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi everyone.
    Great card Brenda, looks a very useful die set 😊
    Glad you all had a lovely time with your mum, Sandra.
    Not doing much this afternoon, still trying to decide whether to make another card for Luke, or to just go with the one I made - the sentiment is wonky and I’m just not happy with it overall 🙄
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Love the card Brenda have made. Nice EF
    Nice dies, will have look at them if we ever can go back to Ally Pally. Missing the craft shows but not sure if it be any this year. No one ever going to forget 2020 that for sure.
    Sandra, are you taking it easy ? liked to be a little fly and see what you up to 😊
    Thought about doing the washing yesterday as you but when I saw the clouds I didn't do it. It was raining this morning but since we got back from the walk it was better so now it is out there and hoping the rain stay away at least until tonight. I also weeded in between the slabs on the patio this pm for that is something that grow very well 😒
    Coffee and feet up for a minute to watch Corrie, need to catch up on the program about how it started Karen, missed that the other night.
    Hope you all have had a nice day so far and your evening will be too. Hugs to all, xxx

  9. Hello all, very wet and cold here, been sorting out the new shed.

    Brenda great card, very useful die, for many occasions.

    Sandra hope you recovering after the long drive yesterday.

    Hoping to do some backgrounds tomorrow, set myself a challenge to use some of my loads of embossing folders, found some I completed forgot I had

    Salad and jackets for dinner, with left over roast pork, and a lovely home grown cucumber our neighbour gave us, ours are only about 3inches.

    Have a good evening, Lilian

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    BRENDA YOUR is amazing such a fantastic card
    Sorry I'm later just lost two comment this is just a hort one
    As dont want to loose this again
    Sorry again
    Love and Hug's Lynda xx
