
Saturday 20 June 2020

Mixed Up Saturday featuring Michele's Magazine Review

Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

Fingers crossed we are expecting good weather today, low twenties and only slight risk of a shower,  which is a good thing as the lawn has grown about 4 inches with all the rain we had. 
I have to say that when we went out into the garden to 'Survey the damage' that the torrential rain had caused we were actually shocked at how much things had grown!! We popped out to have a quick look on Thursday wben Paul watered greenhouse and summerhouse but we were standing there gobsmacked,  some of the beans had grown s good few inches up the canes, onions 🌰 look like they have doubled in size, it's crazy what a good days rain can do. The sad part is our roses and Philadelphius (mock orange) have been battered, with most of the beautiful fragranced Blossom laying on the ground, we were only saying on Tuesday afternoon how delightful it was to sit at the patio table and be able to smell the lovely scent, its similar to the scent of the lilac.

Now on to today's post...


Our Karen has Crocheted herself a "Mini-Me", the likeness is uncanny! In fact Karen shared it with me a couple of weeks ago, unfinished and I knew straight away that it was her. You have captured your features brilliantly Karen, I can see you will be inundated with requests for these.
Karen used the Kerry Lord book, 'Edwards Crochet Doll Emporium '
I love it Karen, they would make great gifts. Thanks for sharing XXX


Lilian treated herself to this absolutely gorgeous Stamperia Collection last week,  I can totally see why you couldn't resist it Lilian,  I love everything about it, those beautiful images , so vintage, the colours are just beautiful too.
I can't wait to see what you make with it, that's if you can bare to use it! 
Thanks ao much for sharing your shopping with us xxx

Michele's Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies, 

Papercraft Essentials has a really versatile free gift this month, as you’ll see from the next few photos.

Here’s some ideas of what’s inside the magazine.

First of 4 pictures showing some ideas using the free gift.

2nd photo.

Another feature using the free gift.

2nd photo.

Very interesting article on layered stamping.

Great article on shapes cards.

That’s all for this week
Happy Crafting

Love Michele 

Thanks Michele for a great Magazine Review,  I think everyone will be relieved to have you back in the hot seat!! Some great inspiration in this issue, I xan see you getting lots of use out of that free gift. I really love the Gardening themed cards, they would be perfect for so many people, male and female alike!
The feature on layering is an interesting one and I love those Rocker cards, they would be great for this weeks challenge. 
Thanks again Michele for your time and effort XXX

That's all for today Ladies, I hope you have a lovely weekend,  I hope the weather is kind to you too, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-your crocheted mini-me is fantastic!!! You’re so clever.

    Lilian-love your crafty goodies, looking forward to seeing what you create with them.

    I was meant to be chatting to my Uncle last night-he answered the phone but we got cut off, I think it was him . Not sure what happened but I tried to phone again, twice and no answer. I’d had done increasingly “odd” messages during the day so I contacted his Daughter in Law. She was with her mum but got in touch with her Brother in Law who went round with his wife. They ended up phoning an ambulance and my Uncle is now back in hospital. Don’t know any details as the last message was 11:50pm.
    I’m off to Morrison’s to do the shopping then I’m going to visit my dad-we’re going to sitvout in his garden with s coffee. We have sunshine so the outdoor visit should work out ok.


  2. Hi everyone.
    Karen, I love your crocheted mini me, so sweet.
    Lovely collection Lilian, looking forward to seeing what you create.
    Fabulous magazine review again Michele. Hope your Uncle is ok and you hear some news soon.
    Not sure what’s on the agenda today. Will be popping round to see my mum and dad at some point over the weekend, but keeping an eye on the weather to decide when. Want to pop to a garden centre and possibly into town aswell, but not sure if Mark will want to go, so may go by myself.
    Hope you all have a lovely day whatever you do. Hugs to all xxx

  3. Thank you SANDRA Apologies on the terrible photo of me and my hair now is a lot greyer and longer than I’d like I love Kerry Lord’s book At first I wasn’t going to buy the doll one as I thought (when am I going to use it?) But it was in a sale and it completed the collection I’ve made 3 now Thank goodness for Aldi yarn as otherwise I’d never be doing as much crochet as I am now
    LILIAN those papers look beautiful I cannot ever “pull off” vintage/shabby chic but perhaps investing in a pad lik this would help
    Thank you MICHELE for the magazine review and hope you get some good news about your uncle today
    Hopefully it’ll stay dry enough to go for a walk today as I haven’t been out for a few days Other than that I’m not sure
    Take care all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Karen just adore your mini me. She’s absolutely lovely just like he namesake. You’ll be in undated with orders. Love the makes you’ve show us out of the book you use.
    Michele another great review from you as usual. Must say the gardening ones look great. I hope your Uncle will be ok. It’ll be nice to sit in the garden with your Dad.
    It’s windy here but not too bad and it’s bright but not sunny at the moment. Must say Sandra your plants seem to have come on very well. My tomatoes are as well. But my cucumber plant doesn’t seem to be growing much. Fingers crossed it actually is a cucumber plant as it said on the pot. Spied a couple of cobwebs right at the top of the stairs. I’ll try and see if I can reach them with my dusting stick. If I can’t theyll just have to stay there until someone taller can come in.
    Take dare everyone and stay safe.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A lovely day of;sunshine
    But a lot of rain later. Some rain especially today is on the cards for later x
    Sat outside foe a weil We.
    Have to get home
    Wishing you all love & Hugs
    Lynda ❤️🤗Xxx

  6. Hi ladies .
    Oh I love your mini me Karen, it's fabulous.
    Lilian, some gorgeous papers. looking forward to see some cards made with it one day.
    Thank you Michele for the magazine review. Hope you heard some news reg your Uncle today, hugs.
    The torrential rain we had the other night did flatten pretty much all the flowers and it was sad to see but today they are back up and the roses and the grass looking nice again.It's Midsummer so we are having a dinner tonight with different types of herring, new potatoes and ice cream, strawberries and meringue. Had liked to sit outside for this but typical Midsummer, it is said to be showers tonight and the day have been cloudy and sunny in between. Sat in the garden to read after walk this morning and of course I fell asleep so OH told me to come in and lay on bed instead .Had just laid down when this pain in my back shoot out and I thought a bra hook had broken and dug into my back so took it off and a wasp flew out of my top ! Don't think I ever been stung before but ye it hurt.
    Hope you all have had a nice day and your evening be the same. Take care and big hug for you all , Maria xx

  7. Hello , sunny this morning, but rather windy now. Have been in the garden all day, do love to be outside, as it takes your mind off the aches and pains.

    Karen, love your little you very clever.

    Michele great mag review again, hope uncle will be ok.

    Sainsbury’s cod loins for dinner so nice and easy.
    Not doing much else. Goodnight, Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies
    KAREN I love your “little you” I’m sure Oscar would love it to, he could give nanna a hug at any time. What a beautiful keepsake. You are so clever.

    MICHELE thank you for the magazine review, as always so very informative. Sorry to hear your Uncle is back in hospital, thank goodness you were on the ball and raised the alarm. Hope you get good news soon on his recovery.

    LILIAN, Wow those papers are beautiful, I would be stroking them forever!!

    Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend.
    Take care and stay safe, Love Brenda xxx
