
Friday 19 June 2020

Good Morning Ladies,

Well it's Friday again, it's been a funny week, the girls went back to work yesterday so the house felt really quiet, which is not my favourite, they were both a little bit anxious about going back but the Wildlife park seems to be taking all the precautions that they can, they are limiting numbers to 30% of full capacity to ensure safety for all. They will both be exhausted when they come  home. It will do them good to get out and socialize with their colleagues and friends.

It rained the whole night and pretty much all day, really heavy rain too, great for the garden but I am fully expecting that there is going to be a lot of local flooding, we must have had a months rain in one day. I hope that all of you  stayed safe and dry.

Next Weeks Challenge

One or two of you have mentioned doing a Shape challenge, various shapes have been requested so I thought that I would set the challenge as " Any Shape Challenge" 
Basically you can choose any shape that you like and make your challenge cards using that shape as the theme.
You can use the shape as....

The overall shape of the card

An aperture, so any shaped aperture

You can use your chosen shape as the feature of your background

You can use die cuts of your chosen shapes too.

I have added a few cards above that show different uses of shapes in card making.

I hope that you all enjoy this challenge, I can't wait to see your cards.


I hope that you all have a lovely weekend, I also hope that this rain hasn't caused you any problems.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-brilliant challenge for us next week, this will certainly get me thinking!!

    We had rain all day yesterday-torrential at times. This morning we have blue sky peeping between the clouds. It’s much cooler though.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Really good Challenge for his week.
    Little grey cell will have to start thinking.

    We had rain all day yesterday and it was so cold by tea time that the heating went on once again.If we carry on like this the heating system won't know which season we're in lol.

    Well it's flown around to that awful day again and so for me it's donning that 'pinny' and getting out the sweeping brush.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in for a hot cuppa when you can.
    Hugs are winging their way to you all. TAKECARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Well once again it’s raining here. I don’t think the Wildlife will be busy in the rain Sandra. Although the girls might be doing clearing up jobs while it keeps on raining. At least they’ll hopefully get to see people of their own age. I know Rebecca who lives next door shares a house with 3 other girls in Uni. She’s stayed up there so at least she’ll see some people her own age in the flesh so to speak.
    We’re supposed to have some warmer weather next week. Hopefully the rain has filled or nearly filled up the water buts.

  4. Great challenge for next week
    I am so pleased the weekend is upon us and I am on annual leave next week A shame in a way because we won’t be doing much but I think weather should be good Only taking it because they want staff where possible to have taken at least a week’s leave in the first quarter of the year
    Off for a snooze now
    Take care all xx

  5. Hello, it’s DRY, don’t know how long it will last.

    Great challenge for next week, plenty os scope.

    Having computer problems this morning, wasted whole morning away trying to open a zipped file. Hate computers when they play up, probably me.

    Have a lovely day all, Lilian

  6. Hi everyone
    Good challenge for next week. Already muddled 😌 Sure the girls will have some stories to tell when they are back home tonight.
    Rained all night and all morning. No walk, not feeling too great anyway so just resting.
    Hope you all have a nice Friday, take care and many huuugs are sent to you all, Maria xx

  7. Hi everyone
    Great challenge for next week.
    Hope the girls are getting on ok back at work.
    Finally stopped raining here a couple of hours ago, and we’ve had some sunshine, but starting to cloud over again now.
    Managed to do a challenge card yesterday, and started another one but bodged it up with some smudged stamping 😩 so won’t be using that one!! Haven’t even started a Father’s Day one yet, so best get on with that.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Hugs to all xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Good challenge for next week Sandra, can’t wait to see what everyone creates, as always I’m sure they will all be gorgeous.

    Hope Lucy and Sophie had a good day at work, it will be lovely for them to catch up with their friends even if they have to keep social distancing. I’m sure your house is going to be very quiet now, ha ha. But they’ll make up for their absence when they get home. Although It must be strange after all this time having the house to yourself. Take care my lovely.

    I have been ringing my dentist frequently since the Start of lockdown, when one of my fillings came out, my dentist is lovely and we’ve had little laughs along the way, she did say keep ringing up and we will get you fitted in at some point, anyway this morning I rang and I was offered a 12 o’clock appointment, couldn’t believe it I was so pleased. I was worried they would be some decay there but fortunately it was just a matter of cleaning it and putting the filling in. A big sigh of relief I can tell you.

    Have a lovely evening everyone, take care, love Brenda XXX

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    We had a great deal of rain during rain earlier all through the night
    Back & front grass is sodden x
    Good challenge for next week SANDRA
    nice seeing all the cards
    made for another challenge
    Sending lots of love & Hug's
    🤗🤗 Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. You have chosen another great challenge. I love all of the inspirational cards you have shared. I hope today went quickly for you. It must have been so strange to be home alone my lovely. I bet the girls will be full of news after catching up with their work mates. Enjoy the weekend withPaul xx
    Lilian, apparently using a thin layer of small sized pebbles, ie pea shingle or small on top of the soil in your pots is a good one to try, also as Brenda said cooper strips around the pot about an inch down from the top should also do the trick. Good luck anyway x
    I hope you all have a good weekend. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
