
Wednesday 3 June 2020

Karen's 'Things with Wings' Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all managed another day in the garden, we are forecast rain and cooler temperatures from today, which is sad really as it means that just as families were able to get together to spend some quality time the weather made that hard to achieve, hopefully the sun will reappear soon as it makes 'Lockdown' so much easier when you are out in the garden.

I briefly  explained in our Messenger Group that I ended up having to call the GP yesterday as I was feeling much worse and it turned out that I have a Kidney infection, I have been given some antibiotics and advised to rest until I feel better, frustratingly being unwell seems to really affect my AF, particularly at night, I just feel exhausted right now both mentally and physically. 

Thankfully I have an absolutely amazing Blog Family made up of the most amazing friends that anyone could wish for and  now I get to share some of their amazing work with all of you.

Today's card is Karen's 'Things With Wings' Challenge card, it also looks like Christmas card season has begun!! I love the 'Stained Glass' look of Karen's card, the colours are perfect,  I do like the 'traditional' Christmas card colours.

Karen's Description:

" Here’s a cc
A paper pieces SW Stained glass window die
The robin has 2 shades of brown but doesn’t show up on photo
I have put a Merry Christmas die cut inside"

Thank you so much Karen for allowing me to share your Challenge card today XXX

Thats all from me today my lovely friends,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-gorgeous Card, it’s really lovely. Great to get ahead making Christmas cards. I still haven’t even thought about my challenge card.

    Sandra-glad you contacted your GP. Fingers crossed for a quick recovery. I’m sure you’ll get lots of emails with pictures of cards or other crafty items to help out on the blog.

    We have rain-yippee!!! Not heavy but enough to have watered the plants.

  2. Morning Everyone
    KAREN-a beautiful card so bright and cheerful.

    SANDRA-I hope the meds kick in very soon and you're beginning to feel better.

    We have RAIN too. It has been raining through the night so the garden will be happier.I was planning to get outside and do a bit of deadheading but not to be.

    The CAFE is OPEN for all who wish to visit.There's cake in the tin and plenty to drink.
    HUGS are on their way to youall. PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. I am only too glad to help out SANDRA and I’m sure all of the others will help out where we can too Rest up lady!
    We are hoping to meet up with our daughter later today in a local park So I hope the weather holds out
    Take care everyone xxx

    1. Fingers crossed the weather holds out for you.

  4. Hello, cloudy and cooler thank goodness, not much rain though.

    Sandra, do hope you are taking it easy, remember rest is essential to recovery, hope the antibiotics kick in soon, healing hugs on the way.

    Karen super card, not even planned this weeks let alone Christmas.

    Going to do some planting this afternoon as it’s much cooler for me.
    Have a good day all. Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card from Karen today. Thanks for sharing Karen
    Spent a lovely afternoon/ early evening with Craig & family. Good job it was yesterday and not today. It’s raining on and off but not that hard. So it won’t do much good for the garden.
    Sandra 8hope your soon feeling better.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

  6. Hi everyone.
    Beautiful card Karen, love the little robin.
    Hope you had a better night Sandra, and are starting to feel a little better.
    Just started raining here in the last hour, but not too heavy....yet!
    Haven’t managed to start challenge card yet, but will probably tie it in with a 90th Birthday card I’m going to make for a resident at work. Will probably make a start this afternoon.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Wishing you Sandra that you soon feel better and do as you told, REST!
    If you look through the folders I'm sure you find some cards not yet been viewed from us to help you out until you are ok. Son and OH's card ex.
    Karen's card today is lovely and I remember well when we were together and made some stained glass windows, what a mess 😄 I like paper piercing better.
    Hope you get to meet your daughter . Have you met baby Charlie and Oscar since the lock down ?
    Great Pat that you saw your family yesterday as the weather have changed. We had a few drops earlier but no proper rain yet, the garden need some or it will be to hanker the watering can again tonight.
    I hope that whatever you have managed to do today has gone well and you all have a good evening. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Karen, what a lovely Christmas card. I hope you got to see daughter, and Oscar and Charlie from a distance? I bet Oscar like Penny wouldn’t understand why you can’t have cuddles, bless him x
    Sandra, I hope you are resting up today my lovely. I expect you are being given a choice by your body anyway. I have a card which I will send you that actually fits this weeks challenge but show it early if you want. Whatever you do please don’t worry about the blog. Previously shown cards are always enjoyed very much by us all. Sending gentle hugs dear friend xx
    We have a very grey sky here at the moment so more rain to come! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra I hope meds are starting to kick in and today has bought you some relief, please rest and keep warm. Not easy when just yesterday we were in summer tops and today is jumper weather. Take care dear friend, Don’t worry about the blog your health is more important. xxx

    KAREN I hope you managed to meet up with Charlotte, Oscar and Charlie. I felt quite choked when you said you would be meeting up with them, will this be the first time you have actually seen Charlie ? xx

    Have a lovely evening everyone, take care and stay safe.
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Sorry Karen, I forgot to say your car is lovely and little Robin is really cute.
      Love Brenda xx
