
Thursday 4 June 2020

Karen's 2nd 'Things With Wings' card

Good Morning Ladies, 

It was a much cooler day here yesterday, we had drizzle and rain showers pretty much all day, Lucy took me to take my 'fresh sample' to the surgery, it was pouring when we went.  Oddly it's like rhe garden breathes a sigh of relief when it rains, you can almost see plants coming to life.
Except our lawn, parts of it are looking dead, I mentioned it to a neighbour and apparently around here they have a huge problem with 'Leatherjackets' which are Crane fly (or Daddy Long Legs as we call them) larvae,  the eat the lawn, the only effective treatment is 'Nematodes' that you can buy and water in to the grass, they work for your plants and  vegetables too.  
It seems as though there is always something waiting to eat your produce before you can.!!

I am sharing Karen's 2nd 'Things With Things' Challenge card today.  I love the mix of the older die cut that Karen has with the modern font for the sentiment.
Karen's Description:

"I’ve used a Sue Wilson Striplet Flights If Fancy
I took inspiration from Jackie Trinder who cut it out twice and trimmed off just the butterflies The die set comes with separate butterflies which I have cut out in vellum and stuck those in top of the Striplet but used the trimmed butterflies to give them s border
The sentiment is from the Elegant Daisy set"

Karen I love your card, thank you so much for helping me out. I am also so pleased that you got to spend time with your Grandsons XXX

I would like to thank you all for your kind words, I had another rough day yesterday but frustratingly I couldn't start my antibiotics until early morning yesterday as I had to give a fresh sample to be sent away for analysis, it had to be a sample taken before starting my antibiotics. So hopefully I will start feeling better today, I tried to walk up the garden to see what Paul was up to but I struggled to get past the back door, I just feel exhausted. Fingers crossed the antibiotics kick in soon! 

I hope that you all stay safe and well 

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-wow, your card is gorgeous. I love it.

    Sandra-glad you’ve been able to start your antibiotics. Hopefully they’ll start to help soon & you’ll start feeling better. We had a massive problem with leather jackets last year & the Jackdaws were scratching at the lawn to eat them -they wrecked it in places. So far this year we’ve had no problems.

    Just had a heavy rain shower despite the forecast showing a dull cloudy but dry day. Never mind-the garden will benefit.


  2. Morning Everyone
    KAREN I love your card just beautiful.

    It rained most of the day yesterday and the temp dropped so much. The path is dry this morning but it's chilly to say the least.
    Not sure what I'll be doing today. I really aught to do something with my CC but up to now I haven't liked what I've done.Oh well we'll see what happens.

    I hope your antibiotics kick intoday SANDRA so you have a better day.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting.The biscuit box is full if needed and the coffee/tea pots are at the ready.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Again I was happy to help out SANDRA and I really hope you start to feel better today
    It was lovely to see the grandchildren A bIt bittersweet as I so wanted to cuddle Charlie and it was hard trying to social distance from Oscar but we managed it for most of the time (we did have a couple of games of “Ring a Ring a Roses” and “Round and Round the Garden”) - strict hand washing afterwards and tons of hand gel!
    We haven’t had a lot of rain at all - a few spots only So we’ll see what happens today Some neighbours and I are supposed to be having tea on the lawn for a bit of a catch up and this evening I’ve got a Zoom catch up with the craft girls that take me to the craft shows
    Now off to work I’ll pop back later
    Take care all xx

  4. Morning ladies.
    Lovely card Karen, nice striplet by SW.
    Hope the meds are kicking in Sandra so you soon feel a lot better. Just take care and rest up.
    It's definitively have gone much cooler and we did have some rain last night but not enough. Hoping tho our walk later be dry as nothing worse than to be a drenched cat and having a chill all afternoon. Hoping to make another cc, not happy with my colouring so back to the drawing board as you say.
    Have a nice day everyone whatever you are doing today. Many hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello, much colder here, disappointing amount of rain, so more watering tonight.

    Sandra hope the meds art kicking in today, and you get a little bit better.

    Karen another lovely card, love the idea of using the butterflies from the strip.

    Have a good day all, Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I’m sad to her that you had to wait until today to start your meds but at least it’s another sample that will hopefully help the docs get to the bottom of it all. I remember as children finding leatherjackets in the garden and Pop explaining what they were. Fingers crossed the recommended treatment works on both the veg and grass areas. Please take it easy again today my lovely xx
    Karen, I love your card. This is a great way to use a striplet style die and I like the style and placement of the sentiment. Like Brenda I had a tear or two on hearing that the weather was kind to you so that you were able to get to see Charlotte, Oscar and baby Charlie. Totally understand that it was a bitter sweet meet up, especially not being able to give Oscar big hugs and Charlie his very first ones from you. I bet Oscar loved seeing and playing games with you and I know it will have been more than worth all of the hand cleansing afterwards x
    It’s a greyish day here and e have had some rain on and off. Have a good day with lots of crafting if you can everyone. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card again Karen. Thanks again for sharing.
    I’m glad the rain held off so you could meet with Charlotte, Oscar and baby Charlie. No cuddles yet but I bet you enjoyed playing games with Oscar. Worth all the hand washing in the world.
    Now that you can start your meds they won’t take too long to kick in Sandra.
    We also used to have leather jackets pecking at the lawn. Obviously not now I have artificial turf down. I’ve just been for a short walk. Hopefully if we don’t have too much rain over the next few days my walks can get a bit longer. Was very cold and wet yesterday. We had quite a bit of rain later in the day.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies
    KAREN lovely card from you today thank you for sharing and helping Sandra out.
    Must have been lovely seeing Charlie and Oscar but so sad you can't cuddle them.
    SANDRA so sorry you have been so unwell. hope your feeling better today.
    What a change in the weather it's lik a winter day we've had rain with cold bitter wind.
    Terry has just got back from taking dogs out and popping in the Co op for bread milk he is starting dinner now so better do my needles
    I've been very lazy today did some exercise this morning. Then looking at Pinterest
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    KAREN I love your card, you are a star jumping in to rescue Sandra. xx It must have been lovely meeting up with Charlotte, Oscar and baby Charlie, but also heart wrenching, you probably wanted to hug your lovely daughter and your gorgeous grandsons. I really feel for you and all new grandparents, it’s heartbreaking. Neighbours of our daughter have become grandparents for the first time, there daughter had premature twin boys (IVF) two weeks ago. They are still in the prem baby unit and only one parent can go in each day. It breaks my heart thinking about it.
    Sandra it was lovely Lucy was able to take you to the GPs I realise you are feeling poorly but you are blessed having your lovely girls and Paul close by. I hope your meds are kicking in at last and you will have some relief, take care and please rest - AND do as you are told. xx
    Sleep well everyone, goodnight love Brenda xxx
