
Wednesday 27 May 2020

Another Die Background card

💜💛💙Happy Birthday 💙💛💜

Good Morning Ladies,

Firstly today I would like you all to join me in wishing our Lovely Maria a Very Happy Birthday xxxxx

I hope you all enjoyed another beautiful day yesterday, I spent a bit of time in the garden after Paul went to work, the girls work making the most of the sunshine while I was potting up some bedding plants.
Sophie wanted to do some baking so that was next on the agenda, after that I went into my craft room.

Today's card used a combination of dies to create the background, the first step was to use the Honey Doo Encircled die to make a mask, I used this with Distress Oxides...Seedless Preserves,  Cracked Pistachio, Twisted Citron, Squeezed Lemonade and Spun Sugar, which I blended through the mask.
I then used SU Large Letter Dies to cut the word 'Hello' from the background.
I cut the letters 4 more times and stacked them up placing the patterned die cuts that I cut from the background on top. I attached the background to a piece of black card leaving a 1/4 inch edge. I placed those two layers on a white base card.
To finish the card I replaced the stacked letters back into the background and added the word 'Friend' to the card.
A completely different card to yesterday's, but I think I like it!

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Maria-Happy Birthday, hope you have a really lovely day today.

    Sandra-great Card, lovely spring colours.

    Phil was working until quite late yesterday so we only managed a short walk in the evening. Hoping it won’t be such a late finish tonight. I have to speak to a member of staff today & inform them they’re returning to “full duties “ which, given previous conversations-might be difficult! Wish me luck.


    1. Good luck Michele, hope they understand x

    2. Hope everything goes ok Michele. Hope everything goes ok.

    3. Michele - They I knew the present situation would come to an end soon, And should be grateful they still have a job lots of people haven’t!!!

    4. I echo Brenda’s comment

  2. Morning Everyone
    MICHELE-I'll be thinking of you today wishing you good luck.

    It was another lovely day yesterday and I didn't get to make a start on my CC.It may have to be an 'old' card this week the way things are going.

    The CAFE is OPEN with tables and chairs outside in the sun.
    Help yourselves to drinks etc.
    HUGS are on their way to you allPLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Hello it's me again.
    MARIA HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR FRIEND.Have a lovely day whatever is planned just ENJOY it.xxxx

  4. Morning everyone.
    Thank you all for my lovely birthday cards ! 💌😊
    Having a treat that OH is cooking the dinner tonight.
    Another gorgeous day so going for a walk and then probably sitting in the garden reading.
    Love the card Sandra, it's great with lovely colours together.
    Have a very nice day everyone and stay safe. Love Maria xxx

  5. Hi everyone.
    Happy Birthday Maria, I hope you have a lovely day 😊
    Beautiful card Sandra. Love how you used the die as a mask, it’s very effective.
    Michelle, good luck at work.
    Another beautiful day today, but I must do some crafting as I never got around to doing any yesterday. Got a couple of masculine cards to make and this weeks challenge card.
    Have a lovely day whatever you are doing. Hugs to all xxx

  6. Morning ladies,

    Happy Birthday Maria, have a wonderful day.

    Beautiful cards today and yesterday Sandra.

    Sewing day yesterday for me with the windows open to get some air and finally finished 60 scrub tape ties that I started on Sunday. Have another 29 to do, hopefully, today then I can have a day off before starting 45 headbands on Friday. I understand from Taunton Scrubbers that requests are petering off as more and more staff have received their bundles but to carry on with items we have already cut out. The surplus will be stored in case they are needed at a later date.
    That dreaded word beginning with H has certainly taken a back seat at the moment, not that I mind for an instant.

    However you are planning your day, I hope it is kind to you.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  7. This is pretty SANDRA I love eclipse cards but I forget to use/make them
    I cannot get over this extremely hot weather What’s August going to be like!
    We didn’t do very much yesterday afternoon I am determined to try and do some crafting It’s proving a little difficult to have any mojo mainly because of the heat but my craft room is now my office with a huge monitor taking up a lot of desk space Never mind I am grateful I’m being allowed to work from home
    Take care all xx

  8. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Maria. I hope you have a lovely day.
    Lovely card today.
    Chrome wouldn’t let me comment as usual for some reason today. It went back to google for some reason. I’d written quite a long piece but can’t now remember most of what I wrote.
    Another sunny day here as well.
    The Schools behind me go back on Monday Karen said. Busy setting all up all the classrooms in the school ready for them too go back. Each class will have a separate part off the playground and playing field they’ll be allowed too use.
    The preschool & nursery have only had 2 or 3 children in while they’ve been closed.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  9. Margaret Palmer27 May 2020 at 12:18

    Marie I wish you a happy birthday and all you want love Margaret

    1. Hello Margaret lovely to see you pop in, thinking of you XXX

    2. 🥰🥰🥰 Hi Mum. It is so so good to see your comment. I am so happy to see it. Love you 🥰🥰🥰

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIA I hope you are having a lovely day. Enjoy your special birthday meal this evening xx((((hugs))))xx

    Sandra what a lovely inspiring card. I love eclipse cards. Beautiful die you choose and the colours are beautiful.

    Have been doing odd jobs around he house this morning, so this afternoon I can relax, will try to plan my CC . I had something in mind similar to today’s beautiful card. Might stick with that or might decide on a different idea, ,,,, watch this space. Also I must get on and make some strawberry jam (strawberries are coming on thick and fast) did mention to eldest grandson on Monday that I would be making some this week, he asked could he be first in the queue for a jar, it’s lovely to feel useful even when they have flown the nest and settled into their own home.

    Think I need a drink this heat makes me feel thirsty - but I’m not complaining, love the weather when it’s like this. Not sure what I would feel like if during lockdown it was damp and wet and we couldn’t open the windows and doors.

    Enjoy the rest of your day and hope the weather is good where you are.
    Take care everyone stay safe, love Brenda XXX

  11. Hello, another scorcher here today, had to come in, too hot.

    Maria, hope you are having a lovely birthday.

    Great card Sandra, love the idea of making a stencil with a die cut. Lovely colours .

    R had shock in the garden yesterday, he was watering the plants with a watering can, very little water was coming out, I said probably a snail in the spout, oh no, bent to have a closer look and out jumped a frog, nearly gave him a heart attack, you just don’t expect a frog in your can, we always have a few frogs ( no pond )and quite a few slow worms, which seam to be much bigger this year.
    Too hot to craft, so am going to read my book,. Lilian

    1. Poor R. What a shock for him, and the frog too probably. Enjoy your book x

  12. I hope it went better than you expected Michele. I also echo Brenda and Lilians words. I hope you and hubby get a nice walk tonight x

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Once again I have lost a few days!!! Lovely cards, both new and old, which are always a pleasure to see. It’s lovely to see you have been able to help and watch Paul gate Demi has over the last few days. I bet the girls had a lie in after their early wake ups at the weekend 😄 xx
    Maria, wishing you a very Happy Birthday I hope you enjoy your birthday dinner. What will hubby be cooking for you? Xx

  14. Published too soon. I hope this wonderful weather continues. Hubby Chris doesn’t though! He prefers the cold so total opposite to me. We must rub along ok as we have been together for 40 years next year! I am scratching my head a bit about this weeks challenge and hope to have a play tonight to try a few things. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
