
Thursday 28 May 2020

A Cheerful Thank you

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and have been enjoying the Sunshine 🌞 !! We did have a bit of cloud late morning but it turned out to be a lovely afternoon.

Today's card didn't really turn out like I had planned in my mind but to be honest with you (as we are all friends here) I just wasn't 'feeling it' yesterday, I think that we all have days like that, I don't tend to have many as crafting is usually my therapy!
I took a pre-inked background, made using Blueprint Sketch, Mermaid Lagoon and Broken China Distress Oxide inks.  I stamped a die cut some Daisies using a variety of Orange and yellow Distress oxides, I arranged these around the blue background, and cut off any overhanging pieces and then added some tiny white daisies this time die cut in white, I mounted the piece onto a white base card, the sentiment was stamped in the same orange ink and die cut.
To be honest this card was destined for the bin, but I just didn't have the mojo to create another one.
So here it is!

Hopefully today we have me feeling a bit brighter and more inspired to craft, I sat trying to think of what it was that was making me feel like I did, it maybe that Paul had gone back to work after having that lovely long weekend off. It could have been that my craft room is messy once again after my two day card making marathon last week.  I also have a lot of 'PHD's' piling up that I want to finish, three of them are the projects that I have started for Tracy's Workshops, so there are a few reasons. Hopefully it's just an 'off day'.
I wanted to write about it though, because it's important to know that we all have these kind of days, I remember a time not too long ago that all of my days were like that.

Lilian your comment yesterday made me smile, I can tell you that if had a frog jump out of the watering can I WOULD have had a heart attack, oh my goodness, how funny but terrifying at the same time! I bet he double checks the watering can every time he picks it up! One side of our garden is like woodland and there are lots of frogs, needless to say I steer clear! hahaha xx

Have a lovely day friends,

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely Card. Let’s just hope you were having an “off” day.

    Thanks for the good wishes regarding my meeting-it went ok. The member of staff was on restricted duties due to an alleged medical problem, nothing to do with Covid. The individual now needs another health review before we can make any progress.
    Staff who have a serious ongoing health problem (Lupus , RA) are exempt from working on Covid wards but that the only exemption we’ve been asked to make.
    Im back in the “not interested in crafting “ mood myself. I think it’s because I get home feeling so exhausted. We didn’t go for a walk yesterday, sat outside instead as we were both tired which was very pleasant.

    I’m hoping it’s still sunny when I finish work today-usually about 6pm, so we can sit outside again.right, best get a wriggle on as we have 2 prem babies that require IV feeds ordering.


  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA-I'm sure it was'just one of those days' and you'll be back today.

    I had been asked to make three cards (Great Granddaughter going to be 11/Grandson in law and one for a lady who is going to be 90 so my day yesterday was rather frantic. I have to admit that I reproduced my circle CC 60s theme from last week but in different colours for the 11yr old. I fell back to LaBlanche 'Sea' themed paper selection which arrived late last week! and for my '90yr old' I used Tonic vintage die which will fit my CC for this week. I now just have to get them to the lady who requested them.
    I just might have a rest today lol.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you can. There's a mixture of Ice Creams in the freezer so help yourselves.
    HUGS are winging their way toyou all -Old and New Friends.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Morning everyone.
    A lovely card Sandra.
    Sure we all feel like that at times, me too often, you are amazing posting every day now for a long time.
    I had a very nice day and thank you again for all the cards and greetings over the day. Didn't sleep much tho and think it must have been the sweet dessert and coffee last night but loved it so. OH cooked us steak (in proper butter) and chips to perfection and mushrooms were done by his sues chef,Me Lol
    Lovely to see Margaret and Lynda.
    Lilian,oh you made me smile. The frog probably got a fright too .Glad R is ok.
    It look like a nice day so walk later and then hopefully thinking of the cc for this week. Nothing worked so far...
    Have a nice day everyone, love Maria xxx

  4. I like your card but I do know how you feel My mojo is all over the place Sometimes my head is buzzing with lots of crafting ideas and it feels like I’m walking around in treacle and nothing will come to mind
    Oh LILIAN I did smile at R’s surprise with the frog but it did make me shudder too It reminded me of when I bent down near the kitchen bin thinking it was a discarded tea bag that had missed (kids!) and it jumped!
    I’m glad the meeting went OK MICHELE and hope today is a smoother one for you
    I am busy at work and can cope with it I am so lucky in that context and it helps keep my mind off other worries
    It was lovely to see you pop in yesterday MARGARET
    Have a good day ladies Maybe it’s another of those busy doing nothing days ....
    Take care xxx

  5. Hello, very breezy here today, which has meant it’s a bit cooler, R busy emptying our shed, as we are having a new one on Monday. Why do I keep so much rubbish linking it be “useful”. The old shed leaked, so will be nice to have a new one. Ordered it at the beginning of March.

    Sandra great card, I’m sure it would suit youngsters. Hope you have a better day today.

    Not much else happening here, have a good day, Lilian

  6. Hi everyone.
    Lovely card Sandra, and I’m glad it didn’t end up in the bin. I’ve not been feeling very motivated again for the last couple of days with my crafting. Did make a challenge card yesterday but didn’t get around to making the masculine cards - I’ve got another couple of weeks before they’re due, so still got time. I think my problem is I get so carried away on Pinterest, get all these ideas and then don’t know where to start, so I just end up getting frustrated with myself, lol 😂
    Oh Lilian, your comment about the frog made me remember, that I was walking in our garden wearing flip flops, and as I took a step a frog jumped between the bottom of my foot and the insole of the flip flop - goodness knows how I didn’t squash it! It was so fast, and I didn’t realise what it was until I saw it sitting in the grass next to me. The poor frog was probably more shocked than me 😂
    Anyway, hope you’re all having a good day. Hugs to all xxx
