
Friday 3 April 2020

Your Next Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

I would usually be saying ''Thank goodness it's Friday''  but I can honestly say that my mind hasn't a clue what day it is!!  I had to check back through the blog so that I got the challenge on the right day!
I hope that you are all ok and that you are looking forward to weekend, one thing to look forward to is the Weather warming up, it's supposed to be really warm on Sunday.  At the moment it's those small things that make the difference to every day.
We are trying to end every day by thinking of something that has made us smile that happened  during the day or something that we are grateful for.  I am hoping that it will help me to sleep, rather than laying there worrying and fretting!  My body seems to think that 4am is a good time to fall asleep, no earlier!

Janet your swap partner is now Pat as Cheryl had to pull out for personal reasons. 

 Your Next Challenge

I would like you all to make a 'Monochrome' card or cards, Monochrome is so much more than just Black and white, you can use 'Shades of the same colour', as I have done on some of the cards above, you'll be surprised how effective three shades of the same colour can be.

I did start making a Monochrome card yesterday, I spent a good hour or more building up three shades of blue on my background, I used gesso and masks to add details, I stamped out a larges Daisy stamp and fussy cut it out, then did another and used the same 'Smooshing' technique to colour the flowers. Next came the vase, again stamping and cutting out.  By this time my background was dry so after giving a quick blast with the heat tool I placed it in my TH Stamp Platform and carefully placed the stamp exactly where i wanted the bit of background, so I closed the platform to pick up the stamp and then i Inked it up with small area of stamp that I needed and went to close the lid to stamp the image, as I did this the stamp fell off and slid across my background, totally ruining it, oh I was so frustrated, I felt like I wanted to cry, a whole afternoons work ruined in a second.  I know it's only a piece of paper but I was so pleased with how it had turned out.  I still have the flowers and vase so I will make another background tomorrow, I just had to walk out of the craft room at that point!
Paul was calling me to make Yorkshire Puddings anyway, so I cleaned up and left.  I am determined to finish it so I will go in and finish it today.
Have any of you had an experience like that??

If any of you have 'Uplifting' photos of your garden or a cake you have made, a sunset, anything to raise a smile, if you have please send them to me and I will share them on the blog to help brighten everyone's day.

Paul was busy in the garden again yesterday, it was lovely and sunny although there was a chilly breeze, he was transplanting some strawberry runners and preparing the vegetable patch, in between entertaining Harley by kicking a ball and playing fetch.  He popped in for an occasional coffee and a snack, I think he had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon! 
We decided to have Roast Beef and Yorkshire puddings for dinner, which totally threw my mind as far as what day of the week it was!  It was delicious 😋, !
Not sure what's on the agenda today,  what are you all up to today??

Our Village did the NHS and Keyworkers proud last night, there were loads of people out on the street all around the village, banging pans, sounding horns, hooting and hollering, it was amazing to witness, I hope they keep this up every week, not only because our keyworkers deserve it but its also working wonders on my Bingo Wings! hahaha,!

I hope that you all have a good day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great challenge for next week although I’ve not started this weeks!

    Quick visit as I’m going to work early.


  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA-thank you for letting me know re change of partner.

    CHERYL-you are all in my daily thoughts and prayers.

    Well I had a much better day yesterday and it finish on a high or should that be today started on a HIGH!
    YES I managed to get a delivery spot for Thursday 23April.
    I once again watched the midnight hour approach and this time I was successful finally going to bed at 01.00hrs.

    I cannot believe that it's that 'swear' word day and I have to send my CC off so you all know what I'll be doing.

    MICHELE re what to take to my desert island.You really have set a challenge there.I will give it some hard thought and will come up with my choices.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all. Everyone welome old and new we never close.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

    1. Sandra put us together on yesterday’s list. Unless there was another one earlier and I missed it

  3. Lovely challenge SANDRA What a shame about your beautiful background being ruined Ir might only be a piece of card but you spent a long time creating it
    I have made a few back to front cards and snipped into toppers when backing a shaker card element or tried to square something up and end up ruining it
    Last night we did the Pause to Applause In my quiet little cul de sac we were all out I used a saucepan and wooden spoon and it created a bit of laughter because it was so damn loud!
    Will start work in a mo By all accounts the girls having to go into the office are really disheartened with the way they want to run things with no support from their “proper” manager We’re supposed to be a caring organisation
    I hope to craft later I need an anniversary card for OH
    Cheryl you are in my thoughts
    Take care all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card today on show.
    Now I was totally confused re the statement. Janet you swap partner is now Pat as Cheryl has pulled out. Because on the swap list yesterday my partner was Janet. Good job you hadn’t changed it as I bit the bullet and actually put Janet’s name on the card. I’d sat a bit of this morning doing it. Luckily no white work so it didn’t take days to do. Well I have no gardening to do. However, I must go and have a look in the greenhouse and see what happened to the strawberry plants I put in last year. Thanks for reminding me I had them as I’d completely forgot about them. I’ll send some photos that Karen, Amy have taken while on there walks.
    Let’s hope it does get warmer for the weekend.
    Take care everyone. Hugs for anyone who needs one.

  5. I’ve just watched Pam Ayers reciting my husband on Utube. It’s just popped up on my Facebook under comedy classics. It’s so funny to watch. I love her recitations.

  6. Hi ladies, hope your day going well and you are up to make some crafting.
    Gorgeous cards on the wall today. I felt for you reading how you damaged the background on your card. Some of my stamps have lost their cling so that happened a few times. I can never put anything down straight, so so many times I have to cut down and start again or because I have put it upside down :/
    I had a thought about 5 things crafting I liked to take with me to a desert island so will post it soon with my cc's for this week.
    Sending many hugs to you all and extras for Lynda and Margaret and to anyone who need some xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Great challenge for next week and I love your cards.
    So frustrating when things go wrong after putting in so much time on something. I think we’ve all been there, I definitely have 😉
    Once again, there was a good turnout last night from our road applauding the NHS and all keyworkers. I had heard that at 8pm tonight people are going to shine a torch up to the sky to remember all who have lost their lives, but not sure if that is going ahead.
    Hope you’re all well and having a good day.
    Hugs to all xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra I really feel for you losing the beautiful background you was so pleased with, it happens to most of us and it’s so frustrating. Someone suggested that you could Use a glue stick when your stamp has lost it sticky, I haven’t tried it but I’m assured it works.
    I am struggling to choose 6 items to take to the dessert island, Think I need a shipping container, OR grab 6 ladies on the blog to take with me THEN we could share!
    Had a busy day, but can honestly say I don’t feel I have achieved anything, do you know what I mean?
    Off to make dinner, easy one tonight mashed potatoes, assorted vegetables and pan fried salmon.
    Have a good evening, love and hugs Brenda xxx

  9. Hello All, feeling a bit under the weather these past two days, I hate these tablets that I have to take.

    Lovely cards today, shame about your background, usually happens to me while I’m trying to cut to size.

    Good challenge for next week, will hope to have a go.

    Thoughts are with Cheryl and her family. Hugs to all Lilian

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I am usually confused about which day it is so it is even worse at the moment! And I have just seen that I haven’t committed since Tuesday (I think) and now my body clock has decided that four am is a good time to wake up everyday now....aaggghhh what a state to be in!
    I love the gorgeous cards you have shared this week Sandra, you have aced the Cardio ones. Thank goodness you are managing to stay on track with the blog my lovely or we would all miss out. I MUST REMEMBER to send you my challenge card this morning. I love the monochrome challenge too. I’m not surprised you had to walk away from your craft room after losing your background to a falling stamp, bless you. I feel for you after all of that work.
    I keep changing my mind about which five items I would take to my desert island but will decide then send them to you shortly xx

    Cheryl, both Mum and I am thinking of you and the family at this sad time xx

    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
