
Saturday 4 April 2020

Mixed up Saturday featuring Michele's Magazine Review

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and are enjoying the warmer weather while it lasts.

The first photo's today are of  Ainsdale Beach, they are photos that Michele took while out on a walk with Phil last week, it looks so beautiful it could be anywhere in the world. It must be so lovely to have such breath taking views within walking distance.  Thank you so much for sharing them with us Michele xxx


While Janet was busy making 'Man' cards for this weeks challenge she also made this absolutely incredible Diorama. I will add Janet's description below:

I'm adding a diorama on the 'man' theme if you wish to use it tomorrow on 'Mixed Up Saturday' .I used all LABLANCHE products to create it.

What an amazing gift for any man Janet, there is so much depth and dimension, I love the vintage theme too, you really do work wonders with those LaBlanche products.  Thank you so much for sharing xxx


Karen received this absolutely gorgeous card through her letter box last week, it was from the children that live next door. Karen gave them a craft pack that contained mainly card and toppers, which was such a lovely idea, giving them another activity to keep them occupied while they are home. The girls that are aged 8 and 11 used the gift to make Karen this lovely card.
In these times of worry and concern it so lovely to receive something that puts a smile on your face and warms your heart.
Thank you Karen for sharing such a lovely moment and thank you girls for creating such a lovely card xxx


Pat shared this super cute photograph of her Granddaughter's Amber and Olivia's dogs posing for a photograph while out on a walk.  They must be well trained to get them both stood still and looking at the camera at the same time.  
Thanks so much for sharing your photo Pat xxx

Hi Ladies 

Papercraft Essentials has an great free gift this month-Alice in Wonderland Impossible card kit.

Here’s some ideas of what’s inside the magazine.

Inspiration using the free gift.

More ideas using the free gift.

Even more ideas

Interesting article using washi tape.

Great ideas using felt.

Fancy fold cards which would really stand out.

I’m sure we’ve all got some Washi  tape or felt stashed away so the two articles featured here might be a good way of using up some old stash.

Maybe the craft shops being closed will make us look at what we already have in our stash. Sounds like a good idea for a challenge!

Happy Crafting
Love Michele

Thank you so much Michele for another great review, I am intrigued to find out more about the 'Impossible' card!!
I hope you can relax and enjoy your weekend after a busy and frustrating week at work xxx

Ladies thank you so much for stopping by, thank you also to everyone that had contributed to today's blog post, it is so lovely to see things that make us smile in these very worrying times.

Enjoy your weekend ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet -what a stunning card, so much detail in it.

    Karen -what a lovely gesture & it’s lovely to receive a Thank You Card.

    Pat-great Photo of the two dogs posing.

    Not much activity planned here. Just a short walk I think today as I’m exhausted. We were asked yesterday to operate a full service over Easter. Not sure how they expect that to happen but I’m sure we’ll hear more on Monday.


  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA-thank youfor showing my latest creation.
    The boxes are just the right size in that they aren't too daunting a challenge and the LaBlanche products to use inside are such good quality and a joy to use.
    Both of the boxes -the Garden one I made the other week-and this one will be travelling to Marigny when we can get there.

    KAREN-Children are so inspirational aren't they and you're a really good neighbour to think of them.

    PAT-I love love these two little ones.They look so innocent but I bet they can raise a riot when they want to.

    I'm not sure what's on the cards today but I'm sure something will turn up.

    The CAFE is of course OPEN for you all to pop in for a cuppa. The tables outside are placed as instructions so everything is safe.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with load of extras for today.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. Good morning ladies.
    Gorgeous sun set Michele, must be nice living close to the beach. Thank you for the mag. review.
    Love your card Janet !
    Sweet of the children to send a thank you card Karen and
    Pat, a lovely photo of the dogs.
    Going up to the chemist later to pick up some meds. It looks like a nice day so with two creaking knees we are walking. Other than that I'd like to start thinking of a card for my OH. His is on the 13th so you would think I have time but with so many changes in my mind I find it hard to decide which on to go for. Pinterest don't really help, so many choices Lol
    Have a good day everyone and hugs are sent to you all, extras for Lynda,Lilian and mum(Margaret) :>)
    Stay safe,xxx

    1. I must ring the chemist in Sainsbury’s to see when they’re open. The last time I went they were closed.

  4. What stunning views MICHELE Hopefully beautiful scenes like these make you calm the mind a little with so much stress you’re under and thank you for the magazine review
    I love your diarama JANET Something else I have never attempted
    Those dogs look so cheeky PAT
    I was thrilled to receive my card It was so sweet of them to do it for me I have guessed their ages (Sorry girls if you look in) They are growing up so fast I’ve lost track
    I honestly don’t know how to occupy my time today I’ve got to the stage where I am just looking at things and think I really should do that and then turn around and walk away I will probably craft at some point I might sew up my latest crochet project I do need to make an anniversary card for the 10th (ours!)
    This was announced on one of the programmes explaining to the elderly that (like my dad) have a newspaper delivered to read it and then wash hands
    Stay safe everyone Thinking of you CHERYL LYNDA MARGARET xx

    1. Good to be reminded of that Karen. Thank you.

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Love the photos of the beach Michele. It must be so nice to be able to walk to a beach. We have the countryside I know. But I do like to hear the sound of the sea. Especially the sea crashing over ticks. A friend of mine & her husband moved down to Dawlish Warren and she puts loads of pictures online.
    Thanks also for the mag reviews Michele. Love the teapot one especially.
    I would think Sandra that someone is stood to the side calling the dogs. Mind you Karen has taken photos where all 5 dogs look like there posing for a photo. Poor Olivia has her 18th birthday tomorrow. No celebration until this Covid 19 business has finished.
    Thinking of everyone whose not well today, special thought for Cheryl.

  6. Meant to say that Any has taken loads of spring photos. She’s sent them off to be printed and sent to the care home that Doreen is in. How lovely is that.

  7. Good morning Sandra and ladies
    MICHELE thank you for your your mag
    Review and your pictures of the beach and the lovely sunset beautiful
    Enjoy your walk.
    Not sure what's happening today it's looks so gorgeous out but are on the lockdown loch down?
    So im going to try and get
    Some colouring to do hopfully
    So today at something out to
    So im going to give Terry a call
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Michele, that beach looks lovely. You’re so lucky to live so close. Another wonderful magazine review - thanks for sharing.
    Janet, your diorama is fantastic. I’ve not seen these before until quite recently. Such a wonderful idea.
    Karen, so thoughtful of you to give your neighbours the craft goodies and what a lovely thank you card they’ve made. Future crafters in the making!
    Pat, those little doggies look so cute.
    Just home from work after a pretty quiet shift. Nice to see some of the residents out and about enjoying the sunshine - sticking to social distancing of course.
    Looks set to be another nice day tomorrow although I’ve heard it’ll be a bit more windy. Hope everyone having a good day, I’m off to sit in the garden with a cuppa and make the most of the last of the sunshine for today.
    Hugs to all xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Oh my goodness how jealous I am of you living close to the sea Michele. These pictures are fantastic aren’t they. I honestly always feel so much more relaxed after time at the beach just sitting and “being”. Thank you for sharing these fabulous sunsets, and also thanks for the mag review x
    Sandra, maybe we could have a go at making one whenever we are eventually allowed to get together again.
    Karen, what a lovely card from your neighbours girls. How kind of you to give them crafty bits to help fill their time. I made up a big bag of old toppers etc (and some baking powder so they could all have a scone and cake making session)that I will never use mainly for Penny to cut and stick with as Phoebe and Paige have lots of craft things already. Tim held Penny up to see us out of the door when I dropped the bag off. She was so happy to see us and blew lots of kisses then went back in when we drove away and said to Tim “Thank you Daddy for letting me see Granny and Grandad. I love them and I miss them”. It is extra hard for the little ones who don’t really understand why they can’t see and do things as normal isn’t it. I know you will be missing having hugs from your little Oscar as much as I am from all of our grands. Have you managed to get your meds sorted out properly yet? X
    Janet, you do have a knack with making Dioramas. It’s great to see how you use the lovely La Blanche papers etc x
    Pat, what a good picture of the girls dogs x
    Sonia, how nice to hear that some of your residents were enjoying the sun today and I hope you were able to sit back and soak up the last of the rays when you got home x
    Lynda, I hope Terry managed to get your craft bits out for you x
    Mum, bet you have been sat out in the sun again today. Love you xx
    I have had a lazy day so now I must get on and make a couple of cards that are needed for next week. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hello All, sunny but very windy, umbrella and table almost took off while we’re having lunch outside. Not allowed to sit in the sun, because of the tablets, but hate to be indoors on these lovely sunny days.

    What a lovely lot of pictures today, and Michelle very informative reviews.
    Hoping to feel a bit more like crafting tomorrow. Hugs to all Lilian.
