
Tuesday 3 March 2020

Karen's New/Old Challenge Card and a RAnt

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, we have a busy day today, I am going with Soph to a Rheumatology Appointment in Cheltenham, she has been suffering with very painful wrists, with Matt and Becca suffering with Psoriatic Arthritis they are going to do some tests to rule that out.  Hopefully we won't be there too long.

Today's card is Karen's inspiration card for this weeks challenge, the 'Old' is the Sue Wilson Striplet Die, I love how Karen has paper pieced different shades of brown card back into the Striplet.
The 'New' is the Sue Wilson 'Happy Birthday' Sentiment Die.
I love the composition of your card Karen, it would work well for men or women.
Thank you so much for Inspiring us xxxx

I had some lovely 'inky fun' in my craft room yesterday after a trip out to the shops with Lucy, I do enjoy having 1 on 1 time with the girls, even if it is just shopping. Although we always end up with extra 'naughty' things in the trolley!

I want to have a RANT now, about being encourage to go 'green' and recycle!

I was talking about it to Lucy yesterday after we forgot the 'Bag for Life' when we went into Asda.
I started to tell her about how we used to shop etc years ago......

We had our Milk Delivered in Bottles that were collected and re-cycled, the vehicle that delivered the milk was electric/battery operated.
We went to the shops locally with a bag, the greengrocer put your potatoes straight into your bag and fruit was put in brown paper bags.
The Butcher wrapped your meat in paper.
We had the 'Alpine Man' Deliver 'pop' each week, collect the bottles the following and recycled them.
Corona Bottles had a monetary value if you collected bottles and returned them, we used to go round our village collecting them to get some pennies for sweets, in fact we used to go into the local pub which took the bottles in and we would spend our money on liquorice, they used to have a big box that they pulled from under the bar they opened the box and I distinctively remember waiting in anticipation as the peeled bag the waxed paper for you to choose which ever piece of liquorice you liked.  It's funny how those memories stick with you.
Anyway my point is that what they are suggesting as 'New Ideas' to save the planet, is in fact exactly what we were doing 40 + years ago !
Rant over, Soapbox stowed ready for the next rant!

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-great Card, perfect for any age & looks so classy.

    Sandra-good luck to Sophie at her appointment. Hope your not there too long.

    I can’t believe how people act as if they invented recycling-as you’ve’s nothing new! I loathe plastic bags but have a large collection of them which I am slowly using/recycling. We are extremely wasteful at work & it’s hard as there’s very little recycling facilities for us to use.
    I now have access to the Patient Library so I’m working my way through all their paperbacks-it’s heaven as I’ve been allowed to take whatever I want home to read.


  2. Thank you for showing my card SANDRA It’s a very simple layout and a a change of colour is all it needs to make it for all ages and genders
    I hope the appointment goes well today
    I totally agree with you about the recycling rant I remember it all AND do any of you remember the ice cream man coming around on a bicycle too
    Yesterday turned out to be awful Had a text in the morning to say a friend had passed away which was a little unexpected and in the afternoon my sister in law was sent to A&E and after thorough tests has been diagnosed with AF She’s really going through the wringer just lately
    Hopefully I will have a play in my craft room this afternoon I also need to make cakes for our Alzheimer’s event tomorrow at work
    Take care all xxx

  3. Evening ladies
    Gorgeous card Karen, love how the brown works so well and you got a very nice shadow.
    Sorry to hear tho that a friend have passed, sending you an extra hug and also for your sister-in-law, hope she be ok with medications.
    Brenda, have a nice time with your sister. Hope the funeral went as well as it could.
    Hopefully Sophie's appointment went all right and she can get some help. Like your Rant Sandra. Even we had paper bags for many years and our milk and cream came out of cartons. Meat etc was wrapped in wax paper so we might have had some plastic but never anything like it today.
    Went to the doctors this morning and had to start taking one more pill for high blood pressure, so much fun :/
    Cold but dry today. WW was fine and we had a little walk window shopping in the centre. Warning and reminder! If you crafting in the kitchen at any time make sure your Stamping tool is NOT attached to the bottom of the baking try before you put it in the oven ๐Ÿ™ˆ!! Luckily I noticed it wasn't sitting flat right away and pulled it out very quickly ๐Ÿ˜
    Sending hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  4. Hello All, hurrah dry most of today.

    Karen great idea for card today, luckily I managed to finished mine today and sent pic to Sandra, she will be suffering my sock as I am usually late.

    Having a sit down between ironing, only is it’s a warm job.

    Sandra hope all went well this morning, and Sophie has some help.

    Well back to the ironing, hugs to all Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Can’t believe it I have internet coverage. Tried to get coverage when I first arrived - not even one bar. Also tried to get coverage in different areas of the house, no luck. Have spent the days talking, eating and generally socialising ..... think I have exhausted my sister! I am now in my room still on signal - but then tried in the bathroom, can’t believe it the signal is brilliant. Hope it lasts๐Ÿคž

    KAREN love your card, love the whole composition xx

    Sandra hope the hospital went well for Sophie and the doctors have some answers for her.

    Think I will have an early night, it’s been a lovely but long day.

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx
