
Monday 2 March 2020

Gorgeous Groovi Birthday card

Good Morning Ladies, 

Here we are at the start of another week, fingers crossed we are on the countdown to Spring, I like March for that very reason, the garden starts bursting into life, this past week I have noticed the birds singing more (well in between rain showers )!  There is no better way to start the day than looking out and seeing all the spring flowers and watching and listening to the birds go about their day. 
We had a beautifully sunny day yesterday which makes such a difference,  it makes you want to go outside,  it was a little too cold to dry the washing but still a lovely change to see the sun.

Today's card is one that I made  for a very special friend.  It was one of those cards that just evolved and worked, I knew it looked ok when I saw Pat's reaction!  
The flower image is a brand new Groovi plate, designed by the lovely Tina Cox.
I embossed my image (using Groovi plate) onto pink Parchment,  i then turned the parchment over and used an eraser to take some of the colour out of the parchment before adding in a darker pink to the flowers and green on the leaves.
I looked at the shape of the spray of flowers and decided that it would look great with an Oval frame, so I die cut the parchment with my Oval Picot Dies and used the same dies to cut the card base.  I mounted the parchment onto pink card to enhance the white embossing  and then adhered it to the oval card base.

I am planning on making a couple of cards today, so I will be in my craft room for most of the day.

I hope you have a lovely day, however you are spending it.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    WOW-Sandra, your card is absolutely gorgeous!! Someone will treasure that I’m sure.

    We had sunshine most of yesterday & by late afternoon the winds had stopped. We have a lovely sunny start to be day-pity I’ll not see any of it as I’ll be stuck inside all day.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Oh Sandra your card is so beautiful and it looks gorgeous sat on my coffee table. Yes it's my birthday card and it will be treasured as all your cards are.I also received one or two other cards which had been featured and they are so beautiful.Once again a big Thank You to you all.

    I'm all alone this morning as Jim is on duty and won't be back until this afternoon so I have a birthday card which needs finishing as it has to go into the post tomorrow.

    The CAFE is OPEN to all who wish to pop in for a chat and a cuppa.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Take care and stay safe.

  3. Your card is gorgeous SANDRA You’re one very lucky lady JANET
    The sun lasted all day yesterday and looks relatively calm today
    Must finish getting ready for work I’ll pop back later to see what you’re all up to xx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A beautiful card Sandra. Mind you I thought that when I first saw it. Thank you for cutting me some oval parchment and card. I’m still finishing mine from Ronk’s class. Doing the picot cutting in easy stages. Then to colour the outside border, before I tackle the cutting for the border behind it. Not my thing cutting with a knife.
    We also had sunshine yesterday. We had a sprinkling of rain which after I’d rushed out and bought my washing in, it stopped. Good job it was dry enough not to go out again. It’s still quite windy though. The man from Vodofone is supposed to be ringing me at 5.20 today. To tell me my phone is working. That’s 72hrs excluding the weekend when it’s supposed to be reconnected to the network. Not much on the cards today so I might tackle the bathroom floor.

  5. Hello everyone in the cafe' today.
    Hopefully you all got a chance to see the sunshine this morning as now it's gone here but no rain yet.
    Sandra- the card for Janet is Stunning, lucky lady to have it on your coffee table.
    Pat- be careful if when "tackle" the bathroom floor, don't want you to break anything :)
    Michele and Karen- hope your day at work goes adventure free. Hope you can get out and see the nice day at some point.
    Lilian- the pencils you used, they are quite pricey but look nice. I only got some cheep ones from the works but don't use them much.
    Cheryl- have you had a go with your pens ? if so, are they any good.
    I've got some x-mas cards to make so I will send my many warm hugs to you as always, take care. xxx

  6. Hello, dry today, but looking very dark outside.

    Sandra your card today is exquisite, such beautiful work, no wonder Janet loved it.

    Had my chest X-ray yesterday, as soon as we got to the hospital the heavens opened. No one waiting so I went straight in, first time I have had a Sunday appointment. Have to wait 10 days before getting the results.

    Trying to do my card for this week, not turning out as it’s supposed to, so I’m having a cup of tea. Made a huge pot of cabbage soup this morning, need to loose some weight, put on loads since I have been taking the amiodarone tablets.

    Well I’d better go and try and finish my card, before dinner( more soup ). Hugs to all Lilian.

    1. Hi Lillian, Thats interesting about the Amiodarone tables. When I was taking them they completely took my appetite away. A couple of mouthfuls and I couldn’t eat any more, need less to say - I lost weight!
      Wishing you all the best. xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I have lost several days but love all of the gorgeous cards that have been shared. It is so nice to see all of the bright and cheerful creations.
    Lynda, have you got Terry to bring you some colouring pens or pencils from your craft room yet? I do hope so. Sending big hugs to you both xx
    Mum, missing seeing you and Pop. I hope the new meds start to help soon. Love you xxxx
    Lilian, I bet you enjoyed your time last week with your crafty friend once you were there. I hope you do it again very soon. And I hope you get a good X-ray result x
    Maria, I hope the hedgehogs and drummer boys have left you now x
    Karen, it turned out that Chris jnr didn’t have chicken pox after all. They don’t know what the few spots were but he ended up going back to school on Thursday as they had gone without crusting as they would have done if it was cp so we will just have to put them down as a mystery. He was happy to be allowed back to school though as he enjoys it so much. I bet he won’t be like that in another ten years though 😀 x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a beautiful card, love the oval shape, it’s all really elegant and classy. Lovely to know Janet will you treasure it.xx
    Sorry I haven’t been in for a few days, life keeps getting in the way!!!
    I going to Loughborough tomorrow to spend a few day with my sister, also will be going to a funeral while I’m there. Will try and look in wi-fi not very good in the convent.
    Must go and finish packing my bag. Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx
