
Wednesday 19 February 2020

The last of the cards for 'Inlovearts'

Good Morning Ladies,

We had a bit of a break from the rain today thankfully, although there is a lot more forecast for later in the week.  It was just nice to hear the birds singing again.  I can't wait to be able to get the washing out on the line.

I had one of those 'achieve nothing' days yesterday, I set myself a goal of making three cards, well that was a joke, I started having a play with some of the new things that I bought at the weekend, only to discover that a lot of the things we buy because we have seen someone else use them and make it look so easy to achieve great results, are a bit of a let down (well for the novice anyway)!!
I will get the hang of this Gelli plate if it kills me, I think I know what the problem might be and it's something that I was chatting to the 'Card -I-o' lady with on Saturday, I am a bit of a perfectionist and things like the Gelli Plate are not an 'exact' product, what I mean is that the results are meant to be a bit messy and irregular, with bits missing etc, so I guess I have to learn to look at things differently, which is hard if your mind is set in a certain way.  A lot of the people we watch have spent a lot of time 'perfecting' their art before we get to see it too, which is something we can easily forget, I expect their first few tries ended up in the bin too!
Watch this space for some 'irregular' non-symmetrical, non-cotswold crafter style cards!!

Today's card is the last of the cards that I made for ' Inlovearts' using their 'Hollow Frame Die' I used it to make a shaped Easel card, I die cut it out of 300gsm card first and then cut two more pieces out of a Chloe's Design pad that I bought a while back, the pattern is made up of tiny gold foiled 🦋 Butterflies.  I attached one piece to the bottom and one to my card front.  I then die cut a Gold Mirror card square and then coloured another square with Victorian Velvet Distress Oxide as it matched the background colour really well.  I stamped my sentiment onto the coloured square with Versamark ink (making sure the ink was dry and I used an anti static bag too) before I added the gold embossing powder.
To finish the card I used the dies that came with the Chloe's Butterfly collection to die cut a Gold Mirror butterfly and a tiny butterfly die that matches the design on the paper perfectly to die cut some of the butterflies from the background paper, I added the larger one to act as the stopper for the easel and the others I dotted around the card for decoration.
A simple card but it looks quite sweet up close.

I hope that you all have a lovely day however you are spending it,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous Card, it’s so lovely, the tiny butterflies are so cute.

    Went out for a meal last night-great time & only hot home about 11pm. Didn’t sleep much so I’m feeling tired. No plans for tonight luckily so I can have a relaxing evening.


  2. Morning Everyone
    A lovely card SANDRA.
    I have to finish off my CC today and Jim is on duty this afternoon so that should happen

    The CAFE is OPEN nice and warm and inviting so pop in.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card today Sandra. Not to sure if I’m keen of this die. But then ion longer do dies anyway.
    Lovely photos yesterday Michele.
    Bet had a lovely 90th birthday yesterday. But my was she miserable. Mornings she said aren’t her best time Jill said. She was great apparently when Luke & Helen went in in the evening.
    We also had a meal out yesterday evening, so I didn’t leave Colchester until just after 8.00. Heavy rain in places on the A12. A very wet M25 so lots of spray, but no rain. They had the salt spraying signs on the overhead gantry which I thought was very odd. But the M40 was fine. Queues on the A40 because of road works near Witney.
    The flooding at your end looks worse than it has before. But as you say we’re thankful we aren’t flooded like the poor people they’re showing on the news. Must be awful for the people concerned. Some of them haven’t yet got over the first lot of flooding they had after last weekend.

  4. Good morning Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra what a pretty card, I love the shades of pink you have created and those little butterflies are so cute, again I will say I’m sure in love arts will be delighted with another gorgeous card.

    Pat pleased you got home safe and sound, sounds like you’ve had a very busy weekend. XX

    Linda hope both you and Terry are okay today.XX

    Indoors today waiting for a parcel being sent from Scotland, it’s for our next door neighbour, but he’s at work. I’m not just sitting around waiting - I can always find plenty of jobs/things to do, I’m not saying I’ll do them!! Ha ha

    Have a good day everyone, love Brenda xx

  5. Pretty card SANDRA That paper with the little butterflies really set this die off and to make an easel card - genious
    I was sorry to read about your friend BRENDA Take care xx
    It is really dismal weather wise but no flooding- thank goodness I do feel so sorry for the people who has lost so much
    I need to make a birthday card So I’m hoping to be inspired by the challenge
    Persevere with the gel plate I know you’ll crack it SANDRA
    Take care all xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies
    Had physio earlier getting on with exercise today after i had a snooze
    The man came to fix the car today.
    So Terry is pleased as he's notkeen on bus's. Im getting really frustrating I wantto get get my craft room
    Soon i hope xxx

  7. Good evening ladies,

    A relaxing morning before going off to the U3A meeting where we had a lovely talk from a representative from the group Dogs for Good. It was all about how the charity was founded and who the dogs go to when they are finally trained. Autism, dementia, disabled children and adults are the main recipients. A good dog can help with dressing, walking, shopping and other normal activities we take for granted. Very good talk all round.

    Monday and Tuesday were spent with Milly-May producing an Easter bonnet (I forgot to take a photo so will have to ask Nanny Fox if she can send me one via Messenger) and a village in a box which will be finished in instalments. I was very pleased with Milly-May listening intently then using the cool glue gun to attach flowers ribbon bows, glittery eggs and wonky looking chickens to her hat. Shae was so chuffed and only put her finger tip in the glue twice, but quickly grabbed a wet wipe to wrap round her finger before pulling off the tiny amount of glue when it became cold.
    Lovely to see you back in the café Lynda. I'll have to play catch up now with comments I have missed.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  8. Hello All, second try today!!!
    Lovely card Sandra, not my sort of die, you so skilled that you lovely cards whatever you are using.
    Michele lovely cards yesterday.
    It late so I’ll say goodnight, hugs Lilian
