
Thursday 20 February 2020

Another Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all well and enjoying a break in the weather, it was chilly today but no rain. 
Sophie and I were huddled in the craft room with the radiator on full blast, its lovely having someone to chat to while crafting, or in Sophie's case 'animating'! 

Oh I must get the 'Soap Box' out for a mini rant, I went online to order tickets for the Craft show at Farnborough on Saturday,  I looked for information on Concessionary tickets for disabled guests/carers but there was nothing  anywhere, so I emailed the organisers and got a reply to say that they don't do any 'Concessionary tickets but the 'Person pushing the wheelchair goes free'!   Why they don't publish that information I don't understand,  I wonder how many people have paid not realising.
Also went we first attended this show about 3 years ago, it was £4  and indoor parking beside the entrance was free. 
The tickets were advertised at £7.50 each, so I added 3 to my basket, got to checkout and the cost was £27, I rechecked my basket and scratched my head,  (no, I don't have nits)! By my reckoning 3 × £7.50 = £ 22.50 right??!!
The cheeky beggars show the price EXCLUDING VAT, have you ever bought tickets anywhere that didn't include VAT?? 
I guess it's to make the tickets appear cheaper, the tickets were in fact £9 each.  I hope the show is worth the price hike!!! 
I will say that I answered a ladies question on their Facebook group, she enquired about wheelchair hire, I knew they did loan them as Margaret used one last year, so I explained that to her and made sure that i made it clear that anyone pushing a wheelchair goes free! Information that should have been available to anyone!! rant over!  Soap box stowed! 

Today's card was made using Categories:  


I used stamps and die cuts from the SU 'Cake Soiree' suite to create the cake image, the 'texture' comes from the embossed background and the Ribbon is silver edged satin ribbon  which I used to tie in with the silver on the Cake stand and the silver mat/layer.  
A simple card, but I think it works, the touches of silver give the card a touch of luxury.  

I hope you enjoy your dsy ladies, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra, it’s great.

    We have gales again today & heavy rain. Forecast is for 3 days if this so I’m not sure my brother will be coming this weekend either.

    I’m meant to be going to the Dentist at 9am but they left me a voicemail yesterday asking me to phone them. I didn’t get chance to check my phone until 6pm by which time they were closed. I hope they’re not cancelling my appointment-can’t see why else they’d phone though.


    PS not sure if any of you have ordered from Icon UK but they’ve gone out of business stating it’s because Creative Expressions have complained about the price they’re selling CE products for.

  2. Lovely card SANDRA The Farnborough show sounds a bit like Ryanair in that they keep adding charges!
    I am absolutely gutted that icon have gone out of business I nearly always used them to buy dies and not just CE ones I think it’s a disgrace that CE are dictating
    Tried to do a bit of stamping last night but both attempts ended in the bin
    Craft club this afternoon It’ll be nice to see the girls as I missed the last one
    Take care all xxx

  3. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful card SANDRA.I love the look of that stamp.

    We had rain and high gusts of wind again yesterday and the forecast doesn't look any better for the rest of the week and the week-end too.

    Not sure what I'm supposed to be doing today but as always something willturn up.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you allto pop in.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends in need.
    Take care and stay safe xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at all of the beautiful cards you have shared over the last few days which have flown by with the house full of grandchildren, then recovering from that! I’m glad to hear you are escaped any serious damage from the storm.
    I hope you are all ok. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all In need. Take care xx

  5. Forgot to say that I think it is disgusting of the Create it craft show organisers to add VAT ontop of the advertised ticket prices at the checkout. And to not advertise that the person pushing a wheelchair gets in free!!! What used to be a fantastic craft show, which was not too big, well spaced stalls, plenty of tables and chairs, sensible ticket price and free undercover disabled parking right beside the show is now outside disabled parking with entrance along a very very long steep ramp over a big gap/bump into the new building which has far less room and tables and chairs plus being twice the price. I think it may well be our last visit unless something has changed an awful lot since last year. Let’s see what Saturday brings. Rant over and soap box stowed under the counter x

  6. Evening all.
    Nice card Sandra and yesterdays was also very nice.
    Hope you all are safe ? the wind came back yesterday, so glad we didn't have to go anywhere and on top I had an awful day with tummy problems so feeling very drenched with cramps and nausea.
    I hope you ladies have had a good day and hugs are flying to one and all plus some extras for you who need some. Maria xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Beautiful card Sandra, you really give us inspiration by the bucketloads.
    Thank you xx

    How disappointing Icon have gone out of business, I have used them on quite a few occasions. I looked on Joanna Sheen’s web site recently, she always has Creative Expression Foundations Card in her web shop, she only had about four colours on offer. I wonder if CE have stopped supplying her. I don’t know what’s going on at CE because they haven’t been hosting Ally Pally for a while.

    Maria sounds like you have some kind of bug, hope you soon start to feel better xx

    Sleep well everyone, love Brenda xxx
