
Wednesday 12 February 2020

My Sentiment Focal Point Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you have all got through the worst of Storm Ciara without too much trouble, I won't complain as it meant that Paul was home by 11am as his building wasn't safe enough to enter, later on in the day the council have closed roads around where the Hangar is as the wind picked up again, so we will see what tomorrow brings.

Well we had a right day of discoveries in our house on Monday evening and yesterday, both Lucy and Paul got their car tax reminder letters and Lucy asked Paul what a 'MOT' certificate was (as it was listed on the form).  Paul explained and told Lucy to check online when hers expired, we both said ''you should be fine as you bought the car at the beginning of April and the garage said that they MOT'd it for you when you bought it''!!!  She decided to look anyway only to discover that it ran out on Tuesday (yesterday) so he hadn't MOT'd it after she paid at all, Paul took her to the local garage yesterday afternoon, hopefully he will get it done this morning (fingers and toes crossed)! As she has work today and tomorrow.
So then yesterday Paul decided that he ought to check his …….His RAN OUT LAST AUGUST , the garage that he bought it from back on 30th March last year MOT'd it as we wanted to make sure it was definitely ok for girls to drive!  Paul has the original Sale document that has written on it New MOT and Warranty, (luckily) , it made me feel sick to think that he had been driving uninsured and illegal since August last year!  He is going to read them the riot act today!
Luckily we have two cars!

Pat came over yesterday and after a quick lunch we got down to some Groovi'ing!! Pat was finishing some of the projects that she started at a Groovi Class in Redditch, some stunning projects!

I started today's Challenge card while we were chatting and singing along to a selection of songs, Pat was groovin! the music while she 'Groovi'd!  It certainly had Sophie giggling!
I took a piece of light purple coloured parchment, embossed the frame and inner detail into the frame, I then used an eraser to remove some of the purple from the back of the parchment so that I could add some colour to the flowers, I then decided to give it a scalloped edge and then picot cut it, the poor light had me struggling with the piercing and cutting though so don't look too close at the edges.
I mounted my Groovi piece onto some dark purple card and attached with Brads, I then mounted it onto a white base card.
I like how it turned out and it certainly has a stand out sentiment!

I phone Lynda yesterday afternoon, we had a lovely chat, it does sound like she suffered a stroke a week or so ago and spent a few days in hospital, she seemed so much brighter yesterday though, I offered to do some stamping to send to her to colour and she loved that idea, so if any of you want to send some I know she would very much appreciate it.  I am so pleased I rang, it was so lovely to hear her voice and have a giggle together. xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Card is absolutely gorgeous. Hope you get both cars sorted out today. Glad you had some crafty company yesterday.
    I’m glad that Lynda was able to chat & laugh on the phone with you.

    Yesterday was busy, got back to my own place of work around 12:30 then realised I had another meeting at 3:30 so didn’t get much work done but both meetings were interesting & useful.

    Storm Ciara is still with us & it’s still extremely windy-I truly cannot waits for the weather to improve.


    1. Hate to tell you Michele but we have another storm coming in at the weekend. Good to hear the meetings were useful.

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA a beautiful beautiful card.I love the colours.You certainly have 'mastered' the Groovi.

    Well I think we had everything the Weather God could throw at us yesterday. We were still in the storm and added to that we had snow.Some of the snow showers covered the footpaths and gardens and we still have bits left this morning. The winds seem to have calmed down at the moment but it's very icey everywhere.
    It was 'interesting' getting to K&N but well worth the effort catching up on gossop etc etc.

    Today I really must look at my CC for this week.

    The cAFE is OPEN ready for you all.The biscuit tin is full so help yourselves.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with extras for LYNDA today.
    Please take care and stay safexxxx

  3. Very pretty SANDRA You really are mastering/enjoying Groovi I really enjoyed having a go last Friday
    The weather is a lot calmer here and hope today is better for all of you (that it’s safe for Paul etc and MOT’s get sorted)
    I made a card for a friend and two for work yesterday afternoon and crocheted in the evening
    My friend Kat is coming this afternoon I think she is bringing her melt pot and UTEE to play with Never used one so this will be interesting
    Take care all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Gorgeous card Sandra. I think I might do something with the Groovi we did Friday but what medium can I colour it in with best ?
    Hope the MOT gets sorted and Paul is safe going to work.
    Janet- glad you had a nice time at K&N and got there alright.
    Karen, I tried UTEE at one of the craft shows and it was fun but never bought any to make at home. Have fun. Hope the heating is sorted at work, horrible to feel cold anytime.
    SIL is here in a bit, we are going to town for a snack and then we are going to the theatre to see "on your feet" about Gloria Estafan's life.
    Lovely to hear Lynda contacted you and she was good. She is very much missed.
    Many hugs to you all are being sent and some extras for our poorly friends. Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria. I must remember that title as I love Gloria Estefan’s music. Such a shame we don’t hear much of it on the radio.
      You can use most colouring pencils on groovi parchment. Just remember to colour on the back of the work.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A absolutely fantastic Groovi card today. I love everything about it from the purple to the pretty lay out. I’m glad Paul and the girls have all had safe journeys to and from work etc. You wouldn’t expect a building that is only five years old to lose its roof etc. but that shows just how strong the winds were. I hope that both Paul and Lucy’s MOTs get passed with no problems and that Paul gets some some form of compensation from the company that sold him his car!!! He should also talk to VOSP too giving them details of the firm as they will close it down. How many people have been put in the same position I wonder?
    Thank goodness Lucy asked her innocent question the other day. I hope you have another productive day my lovely xx
    Lynda, it’s so good to hear that you had a good catch up with Sandra and that you are starting to feel a bit better now. Big hugs are on their way to you and Terry xx
    I’ve had a couple of very unproductive days so must finish a card and start my cc.
    I’m glad to hear that you are all safe and sound with only some greenhouse breakages. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Your card today is a stunner. It was lovely to see your work in progress. It’s your fault I was singing as you were playing some of my favourites. Mainly Dire Straits and Queen. But you must admit I have a lovely singing voice ( not ). I’m not to sure if I have this plate so might have a use of it when I come over. Lovely designs in your little book you had with the plates.
    A shock for you re Paul’s MOT. I’ve not long had mine done, but it does make you wonder how many don’t have MOT’s as they don’t look at the paperwork you get. I know that Pete & myself have only looked on the day it’s due. I still haven’t looked to see if my greenhouse glass is intact. But anyhow I wouldn’t be able to fit it myself. I’d need to wait for the better weather for Craig to do it.
    Great to hear that you had a lovely chat with Lynda yesterday. We have another storm coming in over the weekend so take care when your out & about. I’m driving tonColchester on Sunday on the M25 so I hope it’s not to bad.

  7. Meant to say that I zoomed in on your picot cutting Sandra. It looked fine to me though.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, we decided to go to Wimbledon, nice shopping over there. All was well did some shopping and ready for the return journey home. We have a choice train to Streatham and bus, or tram to Croydon and bus, decided that train might be quicker - it turned out to be the wrong choice. At the second stop the driver announces we are going nowhere as a train has broken down at Streatham station, we then decided to get off the train and find another way home. We were in Tooting. Ended up getting a bus from there to Croydon and another bus home. By the time we got home I was shattered.

    Sandra I really love your Groovi card and the colour is beautiful. My goodness you have progressed so quickly, I’m really impressed. xx
    Lovely inspiration yesterday, thank you.
    Great to see LYNDA pop in too. Sounds as though you are making good progress Just remember not to push yourself to hard. Thinking of you xx
    VAL if you are able to look in - hope life is improving xx

    Time to get the dinner on, have a lovely evening everyone. Love Brenda XXX
